Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cubs Win, the Apocalypes Begins...Or Not!

Okay, so as of 9:30pm (EDT) the Cubs are leading 6-3 at the top of the 7th inning. So, it's the end of the world as we know it, right? But other than that, I've got nothing. So if this game ends the way I think it will, it's been nice knowin' ya'. The Apocalypse is nigh...

Now, just in case the world doesn't end (except in Chicago) and Earth doesn't stop spinning, we can go from there. But the 2016 election is 7 days away, so all bets are off. Just a few issues, the NY Marathon is Sunday which means that I am held captive for at least until 2pm (EST) as I live at the 17 mile mark. Oh, and Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday morning, so don't forget to turn your clocks back. The good news is that we get an extra hour to agonize over the endless election polling...yey?

Please feel free to comment on anything....

Of course at this writing, this may end in a "Dewey Defeats Truman" moment, as the Cleveland Indians could pull it out at the last minute and the Earth can be saved...


  1. Bev, Since you wrote this... the Indians came back to tie it. We went to extra innings. It started pouring and the game was stopped.

    Clearly, God does not want the Cubs to win.

  2. This is really an excellent game. Cubs are ahead 8-6 in the top of the tenth off of some great hitting and smart base running.

  3. It was a great game. Also, it seems like a lot of bad news for the Clinton team tonight

  4. Are we still here? 😎
    Andrew I actually thought you were kidding about the rain delay! Went to the paper and it was no joke! Wow that must have been an amazing finish! However, I didn't see anything about the locusts or other plagues...maybe those start today...

  5. I'm a die-hard Cardinals fan, but I'm so happy for the Cubs..our favorite team we love to hate...they really deserved this....BTW, in the 1908 Presidential Election, the Republican won.

  6. While I'm at it....Every time I turn around some newsbabe or some professional politician is going on that Trump can't possibly be a good POTUS because he has no experience...well let me interject this....we have years of examples of professional politicians making all sorts of wrong, dumb-ass decisions, repeatedly....I for one am convinced that a reasonably intelligent, educated person, bachelor's degree maybe, with the right counsel, can be just as good a president at anyone else, if not better..Ronaldus Magnus comes to mind.

  7. Wow, what are the odds that some guy would predict in 1993 that the Cubs would win the Series in 2016!

  8. Just wonder if it my be a photo shop. Probably not. Now if he predicted a Trump win on Tuesday ....

  9. TennJ - It is supposed to be a real prediction he made in his 1993 HS yearbook. But Trump prediction would have been just otherworldly.

  10. Bev, I think the plagues happen every week or so. We should be kneed deep in frogs or cockroaches... or Clintons soon.

  11. Jed, I thought it was a fantastic game. I'm really glad I watched. :)

  12. Baseball isn't my sport but I'm happy for the Cubs.
