Monday, January 2, 2017

So Delusional

Team Obama is truly delusional. This weekend, Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett proved that once again. She said this:

'The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn't had a scandal and he hasn't done something to embarrass himself.'


Obama has said this too. At the APEC forum he told Asian leaders that he was "extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations."


Oh boy.
Benghazi Deceptions
IRS Targeting of Conservatives
Operation Fast and Furious... guns to Mexican gangs
DOJ Seizing Journalists' Phone Records in 2012
NSA Mass Surveillance of public and foreign leaders
Ransom Payments for Iranian Hostages
Bowe Bergdahl Swap for high-risk Taliban suspect
Secret Service Scandal
Clinton e-mail scandal
"If you like your healthcare, you can keep it."
The beer summit
Massive cash to Iran for the Iran deal
Solyndra and other green loans
Did I miss anything?


  1. Sheriff Joe Biden and the Case of the Taxpayers' Missing Loot (now available in paperback at dollar stores everywhere)

  2. The oranging of the Colorado River
    The VA phony status reports
    Lavish parties for the GSA

  3. They're only real scandals if the MSM deems them real scandals. All on your list were immediately and thoroughly investigated and deemed by our esteemed 4th Estate as obvious "faux scandals" blown out of proportion by mean-spirited Republicans who vowed to block Obama w/the help of Faux News because RACISTS!!!!!

  4. The great employment number...all those jobs created by Obama. More than any other Administration EVER!!! (and to be lost in NY now that the minimum wage has been raised to $11 as of today & $15 by 2019)

    Correction: The massive secret cash bribe paid to Iran to free a few hostages, in exchange for a 10 yr development slowdown of nuclear weapons.

  5. Bev, That's absolutely right... it's not a scandal if the liberal media declares it not a real scandal.

    The reality is quite different though, and I find it fascinating that Obama is even trying to sell this crap. I suppose he's just trying to get all his drones to repeat it mindlessly and he's probably trying to put a stake into Clinton Inc., but all he's going to do is highlight all of his mistakes.

  6. BTW, Bev, He's pushing the idea of the longest period of job growth in US history blah blah, but he ignores the fact that his growth rate was half of that of Reagan and he barely "created" enough jobs to cover those that vanished in his first few years.

  7. tryanmax, Those are there too. So is the Secret Service prostitute scandal.

    Now, I will give him this. There is no personal scandal like Watergate or Monika Lewinski, but if that's what he's talking about then he shouldn't be talking as if scandals were common for other administrations.

    Bush II had none. Bush I had none. Reagan had Iran Contra, but that's no different than his Iranian deal. Carter had none. Ford had none. LBJ had none. JFK's were ignored. Ike had none. Truman had none. So how can he claim "the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations." Yeah, Clinton and Nixon.

  8. Personal scandals a la Lewinsky-types were all ignored pre-Carter anyway because of the "Guys protect Guys" network. Roosevelt died during a tryst, Eisenhower may or may not have had a mistress, JFK...nuff said, Johnson may have. But in the post-Nixonian era it has been deemed relevent by the press corps when a Republican does it. Most probably it became fair game because more women were reporters too.

    BTW, the MSM/Dems actually tried to level the mistress accusation at Bush I, but it was quickly dispelled. It was obvious that it was a lie mainly because FLOTUS Barbara Bush allowed him live...;-)

  9. Cognitive dissonance: if you're a Democrat with a doctor who can prescribe a pill for it, you can keep that doctor.

  10. The Gibson guitar seizure and throwing that poor mohammad video youtube guy in jail after Benghazi.

  11. Bev,

    By some accounts LBJ had a freaking harem.

  12. So 2017 looks to be starting well. Charles Manson may die. The President of France said what liberals refuse to say -- killing Islamists in Iraq keeps them from attacking in the West. The left is running out of energy in their Trump Derangement Syndrome already. Not that they will stop, but their efforts just seem rather like they are just going through the motions now. Really fun Rose Bowl (Sorry, EP). It's official Obama won't get another Supreme Court pick. Italy is going to deport illegals. The number in Germany is dropping. China's aggressive tantrums seem to have gone soft. Several American companies are bringing jobs back here. Trump appointed a Reagan trade guy who has worked on anti-dumping cases for a huge law firm... should be pretty smart rather than ideological. Many liberals are now saying, "Gee, liberals are so nasty that they turned people away." Not enough, but it's an interesting confirmation that liberals are in no rush to fix their problems.

    And the more I think about the article above, the more I see this as a beeatch slap aimed right at Hillary/Bill.

  13. Bev, That's always been the way of the media throughout my life. Dismiss Democratic scandals by focusing at the lowest level and dismissing them as lone wolfs while trying to aggrandize anything that happens when a Republican is in office.

    It's the same way that one nutjub speaks for all of Christianity and conservatism and "white people", but thousands of terrorists acting in the name of Islam are just random people with unclear motives.

    The media protects its ideological fellow travelers and smears its opponents, all the while pretending to be unbiased.

  14. EP, On a similar vein, I saw a rather interesting comment in an article the other day. It was a leftist who was attacking the Democrats for not going left enough, and one point he made was that if you look at Democratic policies, they claim to speak for the poor and minorities, but the one group they never harmed with taxes or mandates or anything was upper-middle class white professionals, because that it who runs the Democratic party. Interesting.

    Great game for PSU in the Rose Bowl, even though they lost. Both deserved to win that one. Great season. Congrats. Even better to see Ohio State Mariah Carey themselves!

  15. Anthony, It is. But I think his followers will believe it uncritically and will repeat it for decades. I also think it's meant as a slap at Hillary/Bill and will become a whisper used to oust Clinton people with Obama people in the party.

  16. GypsyTyger, I'd almost forgotten about that one!

  17. Kit, 72 Virgins? Sounds like a headache. No wonder he quit.

  18. Andrew said:

    Several American companies are bringing jobs back here.

    That has been the case for years due to falling costs in the US and rising costs in China. It doesn't seem to impress the poorly educated that Trump loves because many of those jobs aren't coming their way.

    As I've stated for years (in the context of the black community, but its a truth throughout the US) the minimum bar for education in the US workforce has risen by quite a bit.

    Economically struggling people who voted for Trump hoping for a radical change in their personal fortunes are going to be disappointed.

  19. ...he ignores the fact that his growth rate was half of that of Reagan and he barely "created" enough jobs to cover those that vanished...

    Not to mention that it is now widely acknowledged that the unemployment numbers were seriously finagled during his time.

  20. 72 virgins, but they're all goats.

  21. AP, if you could spend even one day in my office, extra special since my international dubbing and subtitling department has me quite literally surrounded by several Euros, you'd get some good laughs with the mixed simpering and fear-mongering. Not all ha-ha funny laughs, but laughs nonetheless. Hey, though, I did see one of them share a Rolling Stone column yesterday about Jello Biafra rearing his oh-so-punk head to share primers with the young-un's on how to stand up to Trump. Meet the old irrelevant boss, trying his damnedest to be the new boss. In my best David Lee Roth, selective amnesia is only a heartbeat away.

    Re. the Rose Bowl, indeed a helluva game! Sure, not the result I wanted, but as a long-time Indians fan, I'm 100% immune to disappointment. PSU a young team already ahead of schedule, and all in the face of recovering from the NCAA/Emmert's draconian overreach actions. Best of all, at the 20,000-strong pep rally outside Staples Center the day before the game, Coach Franklin ended a list of what he's proud of in his team with their excellent academic grades. Yup, I'm sure JoePa was smiling widely from above.

  22. No, the 72 virgins are the Houri in Islam (supposedly. It might be a mistranslation.)

    His harem was made up of secretaries.

  23. Anyway, on Obama: As Josh Jordan pointed out, Obama's response to...
    OPM hack? "Eh, whatevs."
    Invasion of Crimea? "Uh, we'll do something. I guess."
    The Shutdown of a Malaysian plane (killing one American)? "Uh, that's bad, I suppose."

    Of course, Hannity and Palin and even Trump have hardly bettered themselves. Assange slandered US soldiers with "Collateral murder," released the names of Afghans helping the US military, and has never once leaked anything to hurt Russia or other authoritarian regimes.

    But now he's a hero! Kellyanne Conway tells us to pay close attention to him, Hannity gives him an interview, and Palin apologizes to him.

  24. Yeah, the past few days have irritated me.

  25. Oh, did you read that Obama has sent "special forces" to the Russian border 'cause let's start a little war before he leaves office! That'll show Trunp!

    Btw, I just had my eyes dilated and can't look at my computer screen otherwise my retinas will burn to a crisp. So, ummm, I promise to post something tomorrow. Lots happening in NY with Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo under federal investigation by my man US Attorney Preet Bharara. And finally the 2nd Ave. subway extension is open...

  26. Anthony, That's been the case for several years now. I wrote a thing about China in 2008 or 2009 explaining how the Chinese miracle had ended because their demographics suck and their costs have gone up too high. They need to become a modern economy fast, but they aren't really set up to be.

  27. tryanmax, Virgin goats. In the Middle East? I don't think so. ;-)

    Yeah, his economic numbers are all fantasy and even then they are horrible. Teenage black unemployment of 42% in the summer? Good grief!

  28. EP, Fortunately, the world doesn't depend on those people for progress!

    I was an excellent game and a fantastic season. Very impressive. Colorado had an amazingly unexpected season too, though their bowl game was kind of a mess.

  29. Kit, In any event, trust me on this... 72 is too many.

    Cheer up, Kit. Good times are a comin'.

  30. Bev, I am troubled by this move. You don't use special forces as diplomatic pawns to send signals because they are "too light to fight" and they tend to be viewed as expendable. If you want to send a signal, you send something high profile that will act as a tripwire if it's attacked.

    It makes me wonder what Obama is doing. What is he trying to achieve? Not sure.

  31. Oh, quit you're gloating. My wolverines waited until the fourth quarter to start playing and blew it. (Way to waste a veteran team.) Honeymoon's over. Harbaugh had better start winning the big games and fast.

    "Even better to see Ohio State Mariah Carey themselves!"

    At least my weekend wasn't a total waste.

  32. Obama's trying to show off with the special forces. If you want to be really serious about Moscow you send an armored division to our base in Germany and maybe an Carrier Group to the North Sea.

    If you had more than 2 weeks left you would probably start raising the possibility of a military base and Poland and start beefing up your nuclear arsenal. Maybe plant a few in Europe. Let the Russians know we're serious. If they want to try and start a war and then "de-escelate it" with nuclear weapons (Actual Russian War Plan) they need to know it won't work and will only result in Moscow and at least a dozen other Russian cities getting the Hiroshima treatment.

    Obama's only now, in the last weeks of his presidency, getting serious about Russia and he's still being a feckless idiot.

  33. Ghostwriter, I don't know what happened to Michigan. Things just went wrong near the end of the season.

  34. Kit, Obama's Russia plan makes no sense to me. Wrong tools. Wrong messages. Aimed at the wrong targets. No possibility of carrying it through. It's utter nonsense.

  35. AP and Kit, what do you expect from a guy rumored to be skilled at a different type of saber rattling?
