Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Even Sports Are Political Now!

When did we get to the point where every single sporting events are now fraught with politics? Sports has always been the one area where we could sing the National Anthem, spread giant American flags across the field or court, and cheer on your local team against our neighboring rivals. We could get a much-needed respite from the everyday grind and watch our favorite players swat/kick/throw some kind of ball while we're drinking beer, eating hotdogs, and high-fiving our seat-mates. Why it has always been as "American as apple pie" and displaying the flag has always been a part of that and no one seemed to mind.

Well, not anymore. Ever since Colin Kaepernik took that knee during the National Anthem in protest, it's just gone down hill from there. Now every time you turn on any of the major sports channels just to watch a game, there's a bunch of sports analysts spouting statistics and play-by-play political analysis instead.

NBC Sports analyst Craig Calcaterra posted the above tweet requesting that we "keep politics out of sports" by ironically declaring that we should ban the overt displays of patriotism from the field 'cause it's xenophobic and downright Orwellian. Mr. Calcaterra set off a tweet-storm and he just can't understand why many are upset. I suggested that we just ban sports and sportswriter/analysts, then the problem would go away.

By the way, sporting events are really one of the few places where we actually play our National Anthem and openly display our flag. Next up I am sure someone will probably declare Independence Day an embarrassing national disgrace, but they'll still want the day off...


  1. Amen, Bev, and brilliant, however ominous, parting shot! I always asked my former coworkers who got their panties in a bunch hearing "Merry Christmas" around the office if they'd be coming in to the office on 12/25. Predictably, never one taker. Lotta pissy grumbling, but never any takers.

  2. When I was stationed in England in 2001 one of the Brits that we worked with told he caught Hell for flying the Union Jack in his front yard...he was branded a racist...that is what the Left here would like to do...

  3. EricP - I find the whole "separation of church & state' issue doesn't not include separating paid days off for religious holidays and weekend overtime. Yes, we have a 5 day "workweek" not just because unions demanded it. It's because both Sat/Sun are/were considered biblical Sabbaths. So our wise govt separated the Sabbath days from federal workdays...no one complains...ever.

  4. Critch - The irony is that there are so photos of Mexican flags flying at US High Schools mostly in California and that's okay. It doesn't matter whose "triggered". If they are "triggered" then they're branded xenophobic racists.

  5. Yeah, then there's this - LINK

    I think taxpayer-provided operating expenses, scholarships, loans, and grants should be "optional" too. That's just the price of doing business with the government. Don't wanna fly the flag 'cause it triggers the poor snowflakes, the taxpayers shouldn't have to fund your school at all for the same reason.

  6. The left has been very successful in equating nationalism with racism, so much so that many centrists and moderates will now cringe at the flag. And they will readily sing the virtues of globalism, even (especially) if they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

    I'm not saying nations should turtle-up and not cooperate, but as the old saying goes, good fences make good neighbors. It's not as simple as "globalism good, nationalism baaaad, ungh..." (picture zombies)

    Let us not forget that the anthem of leftists, socialists, communists and anarchists has long been "The Internationale." That is to say, they don't give a whit about racism, but they'll use it toward their goal.

    Personally, I am fond of saying, when there are no borders, all the wars will be civil wars war; when there are no nations, all the wars will be world wars.

  7. Bev, That sad truth is that leftists politicize everything because they think everyone should hear their wisdom and no one could possibly disagree with them. This happens all the time. TV "journalists" like Bob Costas are constantly spouting off about whatever issue the left is groupthinking on that particular day, and the writers flood their columns with leftist idiocy.
