Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Story Time...

In honor of Hillary Clinton officially declaring that she is officially declaring that she is officially throwing her hat in the ring to run as the President of these United States on the official Democratic line of the ballot, I thought we could...wait...I thought that she already declared on April 12?

Apparently not, you low-information voters. It will be officially official on June 13! LINK! I am guessing this is one of her famous "re-set button" thingies. She will be making her offical debut with her offically official announcement at a rally on Roosevelt Island at the southernmost tip at the Roosevelt "Four Freedom Park" in NYC. For those of you who may not know, Roosevelt Island is very small island that sits in the middle of the East River on the east side of Manhattan and is probably the hardest place in NYC to get to. [Yes, I know I ended my sentence with a preposition...so, sue me.]
The theme has something to do with comparing herself to Franklin Roosevelt or Eleanor Roosevelt or something like that...I don't care.

But anyway as a complete non-sequitor and as a Clinton-esque misdirection, let's play a game because frankly with all the Republicans throwing their "hats in the ring" I just can't cope and...seriously, Donald Trump??? And there have been no elected officials in NY who have been arrested this week, so it's a slow news week. So this is a story-making game. I mean, if the Clintons can make up stories, then why can't we, right? Anyway, just for fun, let's write a story...two words at a time.

Here are the rules. Well, actually there is only one rule - you can only add two words at a time. No cheating (unless your last name is Clinton, then you can do whatever you want). I know, I know, Commentarama-ians, we don't like rules! But sometimes you just have to follow rules...one rule...is that so bad? Okay, it's a writing exercise, so shoot me. We have...dear God...18 more months of this mishigas [Yiddish: "craziness"], so please let's have some fun!

Otherwise feel free to interject with something relevent, but please, PLEASE do not let it be a photo of Caitlyn Jenner...


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  3. The only thing I can say about Caitlyn Jenner. A bit NSFW.

  4. Jonah Goldberg had this to say on Clinton:
    "I think the Clinton campaign should sign up JJ Abrams for the reboot. The lens flares are annoying, but he has good pacing."

  5. If Hillary's campaign was a movie it would be called Silence Of The Sham.

  6. A bit more trivia: the insane asylum that used to be where Hillary is making her anouncement announcement that she is running for Herer of the America was burned down.
    That's some foreboding symbology.


  7. "Hillary screeched..."My pretties..."""Now...go!" i

    Yep, that about says it all...The End.

    USS Ben - Other fun fact - Roosevelt Island was used as a quarantine island for generations. Right next to the old burned down insane asylum is the shell of a late 19thC. small pox hospital. The new "mental health" facillity/complex is located at the northern end of the Island now.

  8. I know I said not to mention Caitlyn Jenner, but I must just this once. At least Jenner has actually accomplished something as a world class world record breaking Olympic athlete to deserve the fame. If just one other Kardashian or Jenner had one shred of talent that was worthy of their fame...okay...enough! Can they all go away now??

  9. Bev, Let's hope the comparison between Hillary and E. Roosevelt ends up being that neither was ever president!!

  10. Btw, I would like recognition for writing a completely gender-free comment relating to Caitlyn Jenner...

  11. Bev, It might also be acceptable to use the neutral term "it." Not sure though. ;-)

  12. But Andrew - Hillaary always compared herself during her tenure as First Assistant President Lady to Eleanor Roosevelt She would compare how Eleanor was treated so badly in the press for being more than just a wife and how she too was treated badly for the same reason. She was going to be different kind of First Lady! She demanded to be referred to as Hillary Rodham Clinton a person in her own right and declared that she didn't stay home a bake cookies!

    However when Hillary-care tanked, she went into hiding for almost a year and the WH press releases began to refer to her as First Lady Mrs. Clinton, the little woman and publishing her cookie recipes...

  13. Thanks Bev, I lost my cookies when you said lady and Hillary in the same sentence.

    Yeah, I concur about Bruce Caitlin (why didn't he pick Jenny? Jenny Jenner sounds better, but I digress).
    He did accomplish a lot, although I wouldn't call him a hero.
    Now, if he is at fault in that car accident that killed that lady, I wonder whether he'll go to a women's prison or a man's prison if he's found guilty?

  14. Sorry Ben, when I referred to Hillary as "Lady" it was her official title, not her personality.

  15. I remember being worried about Hillary Clinton, but she is so corrupt, such an awful campaigner and so bad at connecting with people that I am now optimistic that 2016 will be a good year for Republicans.

    The fact the Obama administration continues to generate nothing but negative news helps a lot too :).

    As for Jenner, I honestly couldn't care less.

  16. Bev,

    A tweet from you mayor that has to be seen to be believed.

    Iowahawk nailed it on twitter:
    "Visit NY - home of The Famous Abandoned Warehouse Window®"
    "Wow Gritty
    So Squalor
    Much Urban
    Very Graffiti"
    "If Rembrandt was alive today he'd be posting Instagram pics of graffiti walls with the iPhone Noir filter cuz that shit is totes artistic"

  17. Another great Iowahawk post:
    "If I understand the chatter correctly, Bruce Jenner destroyed American culture and Vince Vaughn shot a bunch of toddlers in the head."

    If on twitter, favorite and retweet: LINK

  18. Kit- the entire city of New York is trying to hard to forget that he is our mayor...it's pretty easy since he's been traveling the country touting his leftist agenda. Btw, gun murders are up 17%! The good news is that it has a long way to go to reach Dinkins-era levels. Blas is okay with that 'cause it's bad guys shoot in' other bad guys...except for the occasion 4 yr old.

  19. Bev,

    You guys (or about 15-25% of you) elected him!

  20. Kit - yes, he got 70% of the vote, but only 25% of the registered voters voted...that translate to 17% or so. He thinks he is going to get a 2nd term too...

  21. I went to a water park with my kids today where I saw a transgender; he going to a she; with his/her/its girlfriend; who looked a little dykish. I'm so confused.
