Saturday, June 10, 2023


So I'm still debating if I want to start writing again. The state of "conservatism" has honestly gotten so depressing that I don't even like to think about it.
I will say this though. Having looked over the Trump indictment, I now know why he kept the documents. I've wondered about this for some time.  Why would this idiot keep these things?  Having seen the documents now (nuclear secrets and how we would attack Iran if it came to that), there is really only one explanation:  he wanted to sell them to the Saudis.

Somehow, I'm not surprised.


  1. Hey Andrew, don't stress yourself. If your not wanting to write about politics, then I personally suggest to just focus on the things that you have control over. I personally have been focusing on general self improvement and self sufficiency.

    For anyone reading: Greed, Corruption, all the Power-hungry crap that's going on in the world right now… people have convinced themselves that those attributes are a Republican thing, or a Democrat thing. In truth those are just human attributes… it doesn’t matter who is in charge or what system we have in place. Those human attributes will *always* be present. It just so happens that Democrats in this decade come off as more blatantly corrupt. The R’s are just as bad and self serving.

    My point is that nothing will be perfect, and each of us will individually have to make the best of our situations. So the best thing in my mind to do is to focus on improving yourself and helping people around you when you are able to. Sounds corny I know. Goodness knows I personally need to learn some new skills and improve my own situation.

    I'm not going to speculate on Trump and his indictment. We will see what happens in time.

    Take care Andrew, ill keep an eye on your blogspot if you do decide to start writing regularly again.


  2. Hi Kyle, Thanks! There are a lot of things to talk about right now, but our world has gone so far off the rails that it's too depressing to sound rational.

    The left has become a twisted religion, in the cult sense. They live on (false) dogma and demonization and maintain control through screaming heresy and an inquisition which makes the Nazis look tame and fair. They are literally out to destroy people for ideas they know are lies.

    That should be an easy one for conservatives to defeat. But the people calling themselves "conservative" are bat shit crazy. They have no conservative beliefs and instead spend their time trying to destroy other conservatives. Have you noticed that the primary target of all these people is "Republican traitors" with nary a shot taken at the left?

    But as you say, the true problem lies above. Politics is just a circus. The true problem lies with a self-declared elite class who are busy trying to remake the world to suit their lifestyle fetishes and are engaged in an orgy of greed that is destroying average people.

    At the same time, all these misbehaviors are filtering down to the public at the street level with a huge chunk of the public no longer having a sense of right from wrong or any sense of proportion. It's become a world of losers who think they are predators.

    I have never seen the world this sick in my life.

    That said, I'm not sure if I will stop. There is so much to talk about, and it probably will help to have someone trying to be sane, and you guys have been the sanest out there. But it's depressing to turn on the news and get false sermons on racial lies and see who shot some kid because he dared stepped on his driveway the night before.

  3. I know how you feel Andrew, that's why I haven’t commented much. Its just been an oppressive online/social media atmosphere that has started to effect real life interactions. Combine that with our failing economy & our failing Biden admin lead government; it feels like being squeezed to say the least.

    I do think that people will course correct, but its not going to start with our government/corporations… or the online circular firing squad of media “influencer's” (Mind you some good influencer's do exist out there).

    Society will have to re-build from each individual person on up. In my mind, each person will have to fix their own problems and health will grow out from there… It will take decades for honest/decent people to reach the top and get our institutions back in order.

    One thing I will say is this: Never be “black pilled” aka convinced things are never going to get better. If you look through history, I believe humanity has dealt with much darker times. With that said I do believe the time we live in now is pretty damn bleak unfortunately.

    I have more of an independent view of things, so honestly both sides of the political spectrum are frustrating. My prediction for future politics are this: Based off of what I’ve seen, I really believe the recent Leftoid trend to support sex changes for children (aka gender affirming care) will send a huge portion of the population into a more right leaning direction. Whether that's a good thing or not depends on if a right leaning society gets turned into another moral panic.

    On the circular firing squad that is social media:
    My suggestion to conservatives is to not react like the left has… you wont get the same protection/shielding from the media that the leftoids have received. Ive noticed a lot of hyperbolic crap coming from the right leaning media… its not going to win any elections or fix anything. Best thing to do is to point out the problems the left has caused and offer rational solutions to them. With that said, if you do want to troll, go after the left. The leftoids *deserve* to be mocked and ridiculed for their trash beliefs. Why the Right is turning on each other at such a dire time is beyond me… and its why I will remain an independent.

    To anyone reading: Another point is to start ballot harvesting and knocking on doors if your willing. The Dems have corrupted the system with ballot harvesting practices, so you will have to be dubious to get votes cast in your direction. Get with your local organizations and be as honest as you can be, but unfortunately ballot harvesting is going to become the new normal. I hate it, however its what has become the standard.

    Anyway, I could go on and on. I haven't even touched on several major developments: The Biden bribery scandal, severe escalation on the world stage, the recession that has hit the EU, the likely massive recession that's about to hit the US, lots of boycotts and much more. It all makes me lose perspective. The important thing is to make the best of it, stay safe and don't lose your head... At least that's what I’m trying to do with my life. These last few months I’ve just been working on projects in my shop, passively paying attention to the issues in the world. Since I cant change any of it, I’m just going to continue working on my skills and getting out from under the corporate/government system as much as possible… Also dropping as many vices as I can.

    Take care,


  4. Jed here- I understand your frustration. I see see things a little differently, but not much. I think there are a lot of educated conservatives, and pragmatists, and a lot of educated moderate Democrats. There are total loners on both sides of the spectrum. I have a feeling Barrack Obama had a hatred of this country and white people. He kind of had to restrain that during his two terms. Most of Congress is obsessed with maintaining their own wealth and power. Joe Biden is a corrupt inept career mediocre president that perfectly illustrates that mentality. Trump made it possible for him to become president. That said, I do think if we cannot stop this open borders, and sucking up to China, we are pretty much doomed. I am 75, not sure how much longer I will be around, but today’s situation makes me often think I glad I don’t have so much time left. On the other hand, I fear for my kids, grandkids and one great grandkid

  5. Apparently, the end of the blog, which seems sad to me, but I understand it. I was thinking back to the days when it all started. Andrew Breitbart had started a website looking at Hollywood, Andrew, Lawhawk, and Bev had all met while commenting. This site became a staple of my reading. We shared conservative political views, and a love of film (the birth of Commentarama Films). All good thing come to an end, of course. I feel like the country is headed towards destruction by the Chinese, and voters are too stupid to see it.

    The left has worked a long term steady plan to move towards a one party socialist system of governance. Capitalism seems to have done what it does….. concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands, forming an elite class whose desire to maintain power has caused them to drift towards a system that maintains their power, and leaves everyone else dependent on their largesse.

    I am kind of amazed at how quickly this has happened in my lifetime. But, I marvel at how the left did it. Take over education, entertainment (culture) and finance (corporate America). The country I grew up in thrived on small business. Today, small business is smothered.

    Anyway, I appreciate the efforts by Andrew to create a good forum.

    All the best,

    JW (aka Tenn. Jed)

  6. Hi Jed. I don't think I'm done yet. There are still too many things I want to talk about. The world is just really depressing right now. Everyone seems intent on living up to the worst stereotypes of themselves. Our politicians, left and right, are retards who repeat nonsense and thrive on fear and sanctimony. Our "news" make Orwell look like a prophet. Our corporations have truly become evil creatures. Even at the street level, the world has become awash in wannabes, Karens and douchebags. I have never seen anything like this in my life. It's nuts. And I don't think it's going to get better.

    I find that very frustrating.

    That said, there are lots of things to talk about. It's just hard to see how they matter. But I think I will most likely talk about them. Just need to think about how to shut out the bullshit.

    I'll probably start writing again soon.

  7. Kyle,

    I agree 100% with you! That is exactly what we need! This in particular: "Society will have to re-build from each individual person on up." Our corporations, media and politicians are the problem.

    I think we also need to be smarter about ways to rein in bad people.

    I live in Colorado and it's become unbearable here. The roads in particular are out of control (influx of narcissistic Californians). These people play games, trying to hurt each other. It's become incredibly dangerous and chaotic. I actually know people who've started to carry weapons. Not kidding.

    This is something that is getting people killed and hurt in surging numbers and it's reached critical mass where you literally cannot drive to the store without seeing people going the wrong way against traffic as a short cut, running lights 4-5 seconds into the red, dope heads doing bizarre shit, illegal u-turns as people approach at high speeds, reckless lane changes in intersections, 90+ miles an hour in a 40 zone, blowing through school zones at 50, etc. The city has no answer except to hand out tickets. They need new thinking... seize the vehicle for reckless. Pure and simple. That will stop it.

    We need to start enforcing laws against anti-competitive behavior, false advertising and fraud. Corporations have become the stereotype of the evil corporation and it needs to be stopped.

    We need to take away the anonymity of the internet.

    It's time to add the responsibility part back to "freedom and responsibility."

    Most importantly, we need to get more normal people into politics so the freaks lose their power. Right now, politics is the domain of very bad people who play on people's fears, left and right.


  8. Andrew,

    Your right, we do need more down to earth people in politics... our current lot are completely out of touch.

    Affirmative Action (aka Racist Identity Politics) in college admissions finally has died. Its about time, meritocracy should be the normal... not Identity politics.


  9. Kyle, That is a phenomenal ruling which will slow start to draw the poison out of the race issue in this country. So long as the law treats people differently, it is unjust and it creates anger. This will slowly eliminate that, plus it eliminates the idea whites have that blacks cheat to get their jobs, it eliminates the idea that blacks have that blacks need help, and it erodes the market for race husslers, particularly on campus. I think it will actually reduce the number of blacks who go to college wanting to learn to be victims.

    We'll see.

    The left is pretty desperate about this because the less blacks feel dependent, the more likely they are to escape the left's grasp.

    And let's be clear here too: affirmative action only helped rich blacks. It was a gift to the very people who didn't need it and who use it as support for their fake victimhood.
