Friday, July 7, 2023

I Shall Return...

All right. I am going to keep writing. I think someone has to. Someone has to talk sense. You certainly aren't hearing it on talk radio. Who knows... maybe we can bring conservatism back from the dead? And yes, it is dead.

Before we start again, here are some quick thoughts on recent events:

• The founder of Qanon died. Yup. Got a dirt bike shoved up his ass. Naturally, his followers think he's not really dead. That made me chuckle. So true to form.

• Issues affecting America:
Inflation, destruction of middle class jobs, crime, drug addicts, violent-narcissistic public mentality, out-of-control corporations, AI risks, supply chain fragility, risk of nuclear war, the destruction of American medical system
• Issues Republicans are Outraging On:
Map in Barbie movie, who ain't loyal enough to Our Lord Trump, gas stoves, who's sellin' queer stuff, commie ice cream maker said stupid shit, and some dopehead left coke at the White House
• Issues Democrats are Outraging On:
that's racist!, you used the wrong pronoun, erasure of women (particularly in sports), protecting criminals from people trying to defend themselves
Anybody see a problem there? Or is it just me?

• Affirmative action won't be as easy to kill as people hope, but its death will be the first step in ending the cult of black victimhood in this country

• Biden is looking to kill free trade. That's fine, no one wants to stop him. But just to be clear, free trade is what brought the world its incredible prosperity over the past thirty years.

• The public is rejecting woke. I'll prove it in an upcoming article. Too bad no one's offering an alternative.

• Anyone notice that the left has become a religion? I'll prove that too.

• Finally, do you know what's triggered the anti-trans backlash? Pedophiles.


  1. Pretty much on point Andrew, everyone Left, Right & Center are being distracted on all sides while the elites squeeze us all.

    The media on both sides is currently a huge problem... for the most part, we have no good journalists reporting on the powers that be. Instead its all just "outrage porn". Our Politicians and our beloved corporate gods must love it I'm sure... the lack of reporting and attention keeps the elites from having to face responsibility for their horrible actions. They have caused so much damage, its hard to smile through it all.

    Looking forward to your future articles.


  2. Hi Kyle! Bingo. We are awash in serious, serious problems and all the media and politicians talk about it pointless crazy stuff, which keeps people distracted and, frankly, stupid. The public is getting poorer by the day but they don't even notice because they've been whipped into a fervor of the most irrelevant garbage... and most of it isn't even real!

    What's really discouraged me lately is talking to people who were once rational human beings and hearing them parrot back obvious lies and idiocy. The right (I won't call them conservatives because nothing about them is conservative anymore) have gone full retard, the left has become a genuine cult, and the elites are laughing all the way to the bank as they rape this country and destroy it. And the media, corporations, talk radio, politicians are all complicit.

    I've decided it's time to fight back against all of this. I don't know who will listen, but it has to be said. Maybe we can build a little island of sanity here again!

  3. Good luck Andrew, I hope you do reach some people.

    On the public: I think some people have gotten so decadent and bored that they are seeking to tear down norms just to ease that boredom.
    Many people on the Left have gotten so decadent that they are just trying to find problems to solve that don't even exist. Instead of critically thinking about complex issues that society is facing; the Right has been focusing on over-all middling topical issues that wont be relevant after a few years.
    New flash to both the Left and Right: We do have big problems... it's just easier to complain about nonsense.


  4. Jed here. It is boggling my mind the crap the nedia highlights. There are a few guys I listen to such as Victor David Hansen, and SteveKrakauer, but at 75, mostly I just get on with living however much life I have left. I think a real issue is how China seems to be building up its Military and our leaders do nothing since they have been bought off. Anyway, liok forward to your continue essays/articles

  5. Nailed it as usual. I, for one, am glad you have decided to stick with writing. I find your thoughts well thought out and you have a way of expressing things that is plain and clear. I have often pointed others to your posts in the past. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on all these topics in the future. A voice of reason is such a rare thing these days.

  6. Hi everybody! Thanks for sticking around. :)

    Kyle, I think it's a lot of things combined. I think it is the lack of perspective caused by decadence, as you say. I think it comes from the lack of any unifying economic beliefs. I think it comes from a focus on spite and grievance rather than promoting a better world. And in a big way, it comes from too many people who don't really know anything working their way up to things like media and talk radio. I'll talk about this actually. There's a beautiful analogy in sports where sportswriters don't really understand their sports, so they sell outrage. Same in politics. Don't understand economics? Foreign policy? Cause and effect? Sell anger.

  7. Jed, China fascinates me. I've got a lot of thoughts on China. Believe it or not, I believe that the Russians had done better in Ukraine, we would be at war with China right now. I'll talk about that too.

    This is Andrew, by the way. Google doesn't like my account today.

  8. Thanks, Stacy! I've always tried to be rational. :)

    What's really been bothering me for the past year or two (or maybe even longer) is how irrational the world has become. So many people I know personally who are very smart, very rational people have disappeared down the path of insanity and conspiracy to the point they've become hateful and, frankly, nuts. They say things that are simply not true, believe in vast conspiracies, and have become withdrawn and suspicious.

    I let that get to me. But now I'm thinking, the only way to deal with it is to just say enough and talk about reality. Maybe we can help some people back from the brink?
