Sunday, October 8, 2023

Terrorists Are Not Victims

I'm not entirely sure (nor do I care) what the Palestinians hope to win by murdering innocent people and kidnapping more (interesting that so many seem to be women... kind of backs the idea that political extremism and sexual inadequacy are linked). Killing people is a non-starter. You've already lost me at that point. I am deaf to your cause. I'm not sure what the "Palestinian people" are thinking by cheering this on either. That makes you an accessory, in my book, and I have zero sympathy if the person you harmed now slaps you around as hard as they want. You gave up your right to complain or scream innocence. I'm not sure what the progressive left is thinking either, basically trying to defend this. You whined about the drunken inbreds on January 6, but you're trying to defend pure, unadulterated terrorism. The best I can say is this proves your hypocrisy, but I am thinking harsher words than that. It seems you are sick f*cks. I guess all I can say is that chunks of the human race are pretty sick and maybe we need to be a little more careful about encouraging or accepting extremists.


  1. HAMAS will pay for this and I suspect that so will Iran. Notice that the PLO on the West Bank have refused to help HAMAS, we are also not seeing anything from other Muslim nations, except Iran, backing them. They know that HAMAS is dangerous. That six billion dollars that Biden gave the Iranians sure helped start this mess. If Egypt and Israel could get together and put Gaza in a pincer they could clean these idiots out once and for all. I am surprised at the reaction of so many NYC Dims being so forcefully pro-Israel, normally they tone it down.

  2. Yea Andrew, nasty mofos.

    Ive seen some crazy shit on Twitter/X over the weekend… Hamas literally para-glided into a dance rave and started shooting civilian men & tourists on sight! It was like the beginning of Red Dawn.
    These same shooters then captured and raped several female tourists and paraded their naked bodies around in the back of pick ups… it was genuinely horrific.

    Israel just scrapped its gun control policies after all these unarmed civilians were killed over the weekend... Good for them. If those policies were not in place over the weekend, there would have been far less deaths.
    Hamas was going into neighborhoods, door to door and shooting every Israeli they found… just nuts. If those Israelis had personal firearms, many of them would have shot back and more then likely survived.

    X/Twitter has had some excellent citizen journalism as of the last 6 months… I recommend visiting the site on occasion Andrew. Its graphic stuff you wont see shown on legacy media; but I think its for the better. This transparent media source will wake up a lot of people IMO.


  3. Critch, The response in the Middle East has been remarkable to me for its silence. I think this was really stupid and done at the dumbest possible time.

    First, the Middle East has actually been simmering down for years now, and most of those countries don't want to poke any hornets nests, especially as they struggle to control their own people. This was unwanted.

    Second, Netanyahu has been in deep trouble and this gives him a chance to save all of that by being extremely vengeful. Again, not something the Arabs want.

    Third, Biden looks so terrible he needs something to make him look strong. What better way than to back the Israeli army? So much for hoping this somehow drew sympathy. Not to mention, the people supporting this (like the "Sqaud") are being ostracized for supporting it.

    Fourth, killing kids at a rock concert and kidnapping women is the surest way to outrage the world.

    Fifth, backers like Russia and Syria are all tied up. China is becoming a basket case. So their only help will come from Iran, which seems to have its own internal problems.

    None of this makes this a good idea.


  4. As an aside, the Daily Mail has a headline today where it criticizes New York's mayor criticizing the pro-Palestinian rally in New York but not shutting it down.

    Let's be clear, there is a thing called Freedom of Speech and this is clearly it. These people may be terrible human beings, but they have the right to speak as long as it's peaceful. Just as we have the right to ignore them, criticize them or refuse to associate with them.

    Not only is that a basic American right - and we don't want the government deciding who gets to have that right and who doesn't, but it helps everyone else know what kind of depraved creatures make up some of these fringe movements.


  5. Hi Kyle,

    I saw some of those videos. Sickening. I thought "Red Dawn" as well actually. I'm a big fan of people posting "news" when they see it. I think the media is simply too biased to be trusted anymore. They only show what fits the narrative and then they spin and sometimes flat out lie to keep that narrative alive. To keep the world free, we need average people now to post things for people to see for themselves because the "filters" are all corrupted.


  6. “To keep the world free, we need average people now to post things for people to see for themselves because the "filters" are all corrupted.

    Nailed it Andrew,

    IMO citizen journalism is the future; it is going to take a ground up, individualist approach to fix the alternate reality that Western people have been believing and living in.

    There is a ton of news out: RFK Junior is now running as an independent, Hamas is clearly using weapons that were left behind in Afghanistan, there is evidence that terrorists have crossed through our southern border over the last several months, there are claims by Hamas that the Ukrainians have sold Hamas weapons that the U.S. supplied for the Ukraine war, our oil reserves are depleted at a critical time… combine that with this middle eastern war flaring up:

    It will likely get a lot worse than its been… and its been bad already. A majority of this could have been avoided by the current Biden Admin, but the current Admin is trash. So here we are.


  7. One of the problems I have with talk radio is how they build a strawman world to keep people afraid... kind of like the Snopes stuff the other day. These guys paint themselves as heroes who know the TRUTH no one else will tell, even as they just spew either paranoid lies and distortions or paint conventional wisdom as their own invention.

    This morning, I heard a talk radio guy (I was at a shop getting tires) pounding away verbally, in the grimmest of tones, how he would stand for Israel (from a very safe distance, mind you) "when no one else will." And I quote, "I am not afraid to say what happened is wrong." So very brave... //rolls eyes.

    First, no one but a tiny fraction of the extreme left is not "standing" in favor of Israel. Indeed, when you say the same thing as the media and the government, you are by no means being brave or a pathfinder.

    Secondly, while meant to sound courageous, those are words, not deeds. You are not fighting. You have no put yourself in any danger, stop acting like you're a f*king hero. You haven't even said anything risky.

    Third, why are you mixing this supposedly heroic statement of principle with a crass attempt at making money? He mentioned his latest book and suggested this is why you should buy it.

    That is a charlatan. A fraud. And that sums up the chatting class. It really does. Be it politics, sports, left, right, these people are frauds... salesmen.


  8. I spoke too soon, it seems like the Muslim countries are trying to blame Israel...what morons...HAMAS did itself no favors by slaughtering civilians...maybe the Isrealis will just bulldoze Gaza into the ocean..problem solved.

  9. Kyle, I have tried to keep my eyes open because I am hearing both that the Russians and the Ukrainians sold them weapons (depending on who tells it). I see no evidence for that, though. The weapons these guys are carrying are second-hand AKs, the type made throughout the Middle East. They are not anything the US makes or sells, and certainly nothing we gave the Ukrainians. The missiles are Iranian make. The combat gear is low end, probably Iranian. I saw nothing sophisticated which even suggests it came from us or Europe or even China. This looks like Iranian garbage.

    I have seen one picture of some guys in a beat up Humvee, but it's not modern. It most likely came from a junk yard in Iraq. Everything else I've seen them use is commercial stuff like the gliders. The police uniforms were stolen from Israel. I've seen nothing heavy except the rockets, which are Iranian.

    Simply put, I see no Russian or Ukrainian or American connection. There might be an Afghan connection, but I doubt it. The Afghans haven't really exported the stuff they got because they're using it. It could be Afghan, I can't say for sure, but it's more likely Iranian or old Iraqi stuff.

    (to continue...)

  10. (continued...)

    I agree completely that Biden could have at least discouraged this... maybe not avoided, hard to tell, but at least made it less likely. I think the problem was his hard left is antisemetic (as the world is seeing now... and we already knew), so he let it seem that we no longer supporter Israel to please people like the Squad and BLM and Harvard. That likely created ideal conditions for these guys to think they could get away with this.

    (As an aside, I don't think the attack is the actual plan for victory. I think Hamas is hoping the Israelis kill a massive number of Arab kids they can show on the news and then the world will turn on Israel. Terrorists know they can't win militarily, so they aim for PR strikes.)

    Biden maybe could have prevented this by reaffirming our support for Israel rather than letting them dangle over Netanyahu.

    In terms of oil, look to the Saudis actually. Biden put the Saudis in the dog house, and they responded by cutting production, creating a shortage. If he had not let them dangle too, they would not have done that and oil would be cheaper. Ditto on discouraging American drilling. That's always foolish.

    All that said, I'm not worried about oil until and unless we start fighting with Iran, which Biden is apparently looking for justification to do. That will spike the price of oil, otherwise, it will stay level because Gaza is a looooooong way from where the oil is.


  11. Critch,

    The "Arab street" is obsessed. Arab governments have been using the Jews as a boogeyman for about 80 years now, blaming all their failures on Jewish plots. So it's almost impossible for them to back Israel. The best you get is silence or a mild condemnation.

    What's more striking to me has been the American left. I think the center left is genuinely shocked at how vile their left flank is. They didn't even issue bland "corporate" condemnations... "we are sorry for victims of violence anywhere" - they gloated in baby killing. I wonder if this will be a wake-up call for the center left about what they are harboring in their midsts?


  12. Andrew,

    In regards to Hamas having American weapons, I was referring to several videos of on the ground Hamas terrorists using modern M16’s on Israeli civilians (graphic horrible imagery to watch).

    Its hard to tell with all the conflicting reports and fog of war. I see your point, I cant jump to conclusions… Its unknown how/where Hamas acquired the M4’s & M16’s.

    Agree about the Biden Admin: the US looks weak, and on top of that the Dems pal around with Hamas supporters in Congress (the squad).

    It does seem like Hamas is attempting to promote as much bloodshed as possible, just to garner sympathizers. Hamas is evil to say the least. I've read nearly 40% of the Gaza strip is inhabited by children under the age of 15 years old. As a result of Israel striking back, children will undoubtedly be killed in the process. It would seem Hamas is banking on this eventuality... Like I said, they are evil.

    Spot on about talk radio Andrew. These people are just there to sell the public a product.


  13. Kyle,

    Throughout my life, whenever America looks weak, the bad guys think it's an opportunity. Every single time. You would think we would learn from that, right?

    I read that too about the average age in Gaza. So, yeah, almost anything the Israelis do will result in pictures of dead kids, which will be weaponized with a willing media who sells drama rather than understanding.

    As for Hamas using these kids, unfortunately, as a general rule, by the time people become terrorists, they have historically shown little objection to using their own people as props for world opinion or to provoke their opponents. I think that's the strategy here. If Israel is smart, they will do their utmost to avoid handing them that kind of victory.

    I honestly haven't seen anything that looks like American weapons in the photos I've seen - almost all are carrying AKs. But I will keep an open mind to it. Keep in mind though, rifles can be bought almost anywhere as can uniforms and other surplus items. And we left a lot of stuff in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria, and sold more to Egypt, Israel, Saudi, Turkey, etc. Unless something genuinely big shows up (like a true weapon's system) or full shipping crates that have an obvious origin, it's just happenstance... wherever these guys found the things.

    In fact, to illustrate, at one point American military rifles were showing up in Mexico. People started wondering if the CIA was arming Mexican cartels (this was the late 1980s). It turns out, a group of soldiers were stealing them from Fort Carson in Colorado Springs and selling them in Mexico. That happens.


  14. As an aside, one of the women involved in the gun thefts was named "Latrina." You have no idea how hard I laughed about that...

