Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Caption This!

Okay, I don't drive much since I don't own a car and live in NYC, but what the heck does this street sign mean exactly? Or more importantly, what were the sign designers thinking when they made this sign? I am stumped...

If you have actually seen a sign like this before, maybe you know. If you don't, just make something up. But most of all, let's have some fun on this hot, humid July day.

Btw, tt was posted on Twitter by one of my favorite "tweeters" - Justice Don Willet, a Texas Supreme Court justice, all-around funny guy, and unofficial "Tweeter Laureate of Texas". Even he couldn't figure this one out and he's a Judge!


LL said...

It's an opened can. It means don't liter.

Unknown said...

Traffic moves the way of the arrow. No Littering $500 fine.


BevfromNYC said...

Oh, I thought that it meant no driving with open cans...or no eating while driving. Btw, does anyone know anyone who has ever been fined for littering?

tryanmax said...

I figured the same as Bob said, though I've never seen one like this. I must live in a more literate area. Our signs simply read: "NO LITTERING $500 FINE"

I don't know anyone who has been fined for littering. My understanding is that the statute is primarily used against unsecured loads that have fallen off trucks/trailers, since about the only way to get caught littering is when you're picking it back up.

Of course, if your half-drank ICEE lands on the windshield of a state patrol, that's another matter...

BevfromNYC said...

If this is in the NE, then maybe it means "Recycle or $500 fine". Littering here is shockingly commonplace, but recycling is mandatory. I remember during those golden Giuliani days, a caller to his weekly radio show demanded to know what he was going to do about all of the litter; his response "Well, first of all, people need to stop being such pigs!". I did a spit-take...and that's why I like Rudy.

AndrewPrice said...

You're all wrong. It means don't open cans with $500 mallets.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, that's very good advice. I find the cheaper mallets do the job best. Pricier mallets tend to be more for decoration.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Plus, they are cheaper if they break. Personally, I would use an axe in any event.

tryanmax said...

Bev, It's no wonder lefties always want to boss others around. It's the only way they do anything themselves. There is very little litter where I live, and no one is making anyone pick up after themselves. It's just something that isn't done. Even when I worked in the parks, there was very little litter. Just overflowing trash cans after the long weekends, but it was all around the trash cans. I wish I knew how to package that and ship it back east for you, but alas, I don't.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, there's these newfangled "can openers" I've been hearing about. I don't know what to think. Can we trust them? Or is it a government conspiracy to spy on our pantries?

BevfromNYC said...

I find that a mallet and screwdriver work really well too. It's a more delicate/feminine way of opening those pesky cans. Though it can do some damage to the canned Ocean Spray cranberry jelly...though an electric can opener works, but then you don't get the advantage of a physical work-out.

ScottDS said...

I like how the city insisted on using 1940s-era hobo imagery. A tin can with an open top? Is there a "No bindles" sign just out of frame? :-D

I can understand the need for a graphic but this is a case where text would've been much clearer upon first glance.

EPorvaznik said...

No baked beans to your right, play Whack-a-Mole over there instead for $500.

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