Friday, February 25, 2022

The Establishment Is Stupid

I saw this quote in an article which actually admitted that Biden misunderstood Putin. Before you think I'm praising the author though, the author had no idea how to fix the problem because, you know, Putin's just not normal. And that's the problem with establishment thinking: "everyone thinks like we do or they're mental and you can't predict mental." The reality is establishment thinking is aberrational. Let me demonstrate.

Here's the quote:
[Putin] also proved resistant to many traditional tools of diplomacy and deterrence.

Biden’s appeals to Putin’s geopolitical ego didn’t work. Neither did threats of sanctions, words of condemnation, emotional appeals on human rights grounds, deployments of U.S. troops to NATO countries and weapons to Ukraine, or the relatively united front put forth by the United States and its allies. Even an unusual tactic employed by the Biden administration — publicizing significant amounts of intelligence about Putin’s plans — didn’t stop the dictator.

And actions that might have — maybe — changed Putin’s calculus, such as deploying U.S. troops to Ukraine itself, were not ones Biden would consider.

For Biden and his team, it is a deeply frustrating moment. Their strategy toward Russia has largely failed, despite their effort to adjust it over time to account for Putin’s stubborn moves.

Got it? We tried everything except the one which seems risky and uncertain to work -- actual threat of force -- and none of it worked. Shocking! Who could possibly have seen this coming? And now poor Mr. Biden is in a bad spot because of this inexplicable madman!!!

Does this make any sense though? Consider each "tool":

(1) Biden’s appeals to Putin’s geopolitical ego didn’t work. This is stupid. Even the most vain, need-the-public-to-love-me-to-validate-my-life people (usually actors) put economics and power over vanity. Why? Because as a species we have wants and needs and they can only be achieved through gathering wealth and power. What person in their right mind would sacrifice their ability to control or earn in favor of a fleeting bit of public adulation? It doesn't happen. This type of "tool" would never work even on an average manager of a McDonalds, and it definitely doesn't work on billionaires, so why should Putin fall for it?

(2) Neither did threats of sanctions. Sanctions have never stopped anyone, relying on those is silly. Why? Well, the problem is the West never does sanctions that really hurt. Even now, with Biden promising to swing as hard as his soft little stick can hit, he didn't hit Putin personally, didn't hit Russia's oil and gas sector at all, and would never touch things like food or medicine or the things that make people panic when they disappear. In other words, the way the West sanctions by definition excludes the things that make sanctions painful and effective.

(3) words of condemnation Same as geopolitical ego. Words are a harmless sanction unless they are tied to a specific threat, and then it's the threat that works, not the words. Sticks and stones, yes. Words, no.

(4) emotional appeals on human rights grounds We don't even agree what human rights are or how far they extend. What's more appeals to human rights are just the modern version of appeals to morality. Morality is an internal barrier. If someone has shown they don't have that barrier, then appealing to them not to cross that barrier is as stupid as expecting pot heads to stop doing pot after telling them "it's wrong." Dave's not here, man.

(5) deployments of U.S. troops to NATO countries Ooooooh scary. That would be troops you said won't be used in this conflict. How exactly is that a threat?

(6) and weapons to Ukraine This is the only one that had the potential to matter. This one changes the calculus because it means the cost of invasion goes up. The problem is that Putin has shown he's willing to bear that cost. He started bloody wars in Chechnya and Georgia... and Syria without a care. What's more, he's sure his military can handle Ukraine. And he has some plan we don't understand yet to gain control at what he considers an acceptable cost. Also, like most dictators, Putin does not care about his soldiers or public opinion. So while this can work, it wasn't enough here.

(7) or the relatively united front put forth by the United States and its allies. Twice zero is still zero. A hundred zeroes is still zero. None of the above offered the slightest reason for Putin to stop, so everyone agreeing to do them also means nothing.

(8) Even an unusual tactic employed by the Biden administration — publicizing significant amounts of intelligence about Putin’s plans — didn’t stop the dictator. Again, so what? Biden can tell the world everything, but if no one is willing to step in, then it doesn't really matter does it?

What's interesting here to me is that, of this list, only one even had the chance to affect things. Yet, our establishment and the West generally seem to think they are meaningful deterrents. It's clear that they have no understanding of the human mind outside of their little bubble world. Add the fact that they don't seem to understand that Putin is playing with a different definition of right and wrong, and it's shocking that anyone would think any of this even might have worked. This is the same logic the establishment uses to fail to solve bullying. I'm seeing a trend.



AndrewPrice said...

Interesting quote from the former President of the European Council:

“In this war everything is real: Putin’s madness and cruelty, Ukrainian victims, bombs falling on Kyiv. Only your sanctions are pretended. Those EU governments, which blocked tough decisions (i.e. Germany, Hungary, Italy) have disgraced themselves.”

These countries have moved to blog the stronger sanctions. Germany -- finance and energy. Hungary -- just about everything. Italy - Luxury goods.

Critch said...

Joe Biden is too dumb to pour pi$$ out of a boot with directions on the heel.

AndrewPrice said...

Critch, Are you kidding? Biden's a certified genius... like Wylie E. Coyote.

I love that he revealed his Supreme Court nominee on the second day of a war/world crisis. That's usually when you release information you're hiding... like mumbling about a recent arrest for public masturbation. It's NOT when you tell the world, "This is the person I want on the Supreme Court!"


AndrewPrice said...

BTW, I'm blown away at the President of Ukraine. This guy is super smart, clever and a real showman. I sincerely hope he lives through this.

AndrewPrice said...

Another thought...

What I'm seeing shows that while Putin spent the last decade improving his military hardware, his army still sucks. The troops have low morale (they tricked conscripts to come fight), are generally poorly trained and out of shape -- they look like a West Virginia army with beer bellies and unshaven faces, they lack discipline and mistreat each other as badly as they do the enemy.

Their command and control structures seem rather stupid at this point. Their "shock and awe" was a dud, and that's against a military that could not defend itself. Poorly chosen targets, bad aim. FAR TOO LITTLE PUNCH. The American military would have decapitated the Ukrainian leadership and command and control system and then moved in. The Russians didn't even dent the Ukrainians. Once the troops started rolling, the Russians got blocked up by their own traffic jams. They seem to have sent the wrong troops in first. Their air support is crap and timid.

Their friendly unit identifiers appear to be white arm bands and white Z's painted on their equipment. Good luck avoiding friendly fire with that. Spoiler Alert to Ukraine: Paint big white Z's on all your crap.

Their tactics are questionable too. They are using Ukrainian uniforms as deception and then get caught infiltrating. They have brought in a unit of savages from Chechnya and told them to go "hunt" Ukrainian leaders. This is like something out of the Lord of the Rings, not modern warfare. These idiots have no guidance, no one to steer them, and will be stepping on the toes of real troops. And finally, they don't have nearly enough troops. They have 190,000 soldiers. They will never be able to hold a country that size with that few soldier. This is a stupid plan and it highlights just how weak Russia really is.

AndrewPrice said...


62% of Americans polled felt Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still in office. Even 38% of Democrats agreed with that.

59% of Americans polled believed Putin attacked because Putin saw weakness in Biden

I think Biden's been counting on looking tough (even as he's busy firing blanks) to turn his numbers around. This suggests he's in trouble.

AndrewPrice said...

I LOVE this quote:

I need ammunition, I don't need a ride.

Kyle T. said...

I'm at a loss as to what to say. Ive tried voicing my thoughts to leftist I’m acquainted with, however its just falling on deaf ears. The “herd instinct” as you called it has kicked in fully now that the left received their programming. I’ve been reading such a large cascade of lies from people that should know better… All the lies are just making me want to shut off social media altogether. Its disheartening and makes me feel ill.
I mean how are we supposed to progress and fix our growing number of problems when people just keep doubling down; without an attempt to even try and learn what is happening or how to fix it. Many people that I’ve been close to for years have just completely lost their way with this political climate.

On a more positive note: Zelenskyy is an absolute champ! Good on him for staying and not going into hiding with a huge wad of cash. Can you imagine anyone in Washington doing what he has done? Yea, neither can I lol.


AndrewPrice said...

Kyle, I'm blown away by this guy. I can't think of a recent American president who wouldn't be in hiding in some bunker under a mountain. Maaaaaaaybe early FDR or Truman?? But nobody since, that's for sure.

You make a point that has bothered me for decades with blacks in particular and with other groups, though the other groups have not been as successful.

Statistically, blacks are in a plight by any measure. But starting in the 1980s through about 2010, pointing out any way in which blacks and whites differed got you called racist. Blacks use drugs in higher numbers? How dare you, sir, that's racist! Black marriage is falling apart? Racist!! And so on.

But how in the world can you fix a problem if you are not allowed to mention it? You just can't.

Around 2010, there was a subtle shift. You could suddenly mention some areas where there were statistical differences, but you had to attribute those differences to white racism. That was even worse though. Not only did it still deny anyone the chance to have honest analysis or debate, but it add villainy to the mix, which raised the anger level and injected a sense of hopelessness -- you can't fix something that an all-powerful enemy won't let you fix.

On issue after issue, the left has been headed in this direction. Look at the METOO/rape-culture movement which has openly taken the position that (1) to question a women's story is itself harassment, (2) accused men should not be allowed a defense, and (3) all women are the victims of rapist, harassing men. Then they rolled "inequality" issues into that, even where the inequality wasn't real -- like women's soccer. Thus, honest analysis is again impossible.

Leftist pressure group after pressure group has been pushing this line of reasoning across any number of causes, and the woke have internalized this into a philosophy that says, "You believe the dogma or you are evil."

And that is not a way to solve any problem. If anything, it's a way to keep people from trying and to stifle debate.

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, Kyle, Speaking of people who've gone ideologically blind, Trump won the CPAC straw poll. Apparently, the "C" no longer stands for conservatives. It stands for Crazy.

tryanmax said...

Geopolitical ego: There actually seem to be two groups of people who will put vanity over power: Democrat politicians and the journalists who love them.

Sanctions: Western sanctions are such a joke. The two things I hear over and over are blocking financial transactions and turning off Russia's internet. In both of those areas, Russia has been diligently working on building their own. I don't follow finance so much, but Wired has been tracking Russia's internet pretty well for the last 3 or 4 years. In that time, it's gone from crazy pipe-dream to hey, they might actually pull this off. I can easily imagine it's the same story on the money side.

Bullies: I have a different opinion about why the establishment (at all levels) fails to stop bullying. Anti-bullying measures are created and enforced by unreformed bullies. As such, they only deter the most low-level abuses. For the rest, they provide a roadmap on how to engage in officially sanctioned bullying.

As to how to regard the thing in toto, I'm reserving any and all opinions. The primary (perhaps only) purpose of propaganda is to generate support. When you hear even the entrenched skeptics saying, over and over, "I support , but..." that's the time to put up your radar.

CPAC: It's no surprise that "conservative" has lost all meaning in politics. The term was divorced from its ordinary sense before I ever showed up. You confront any conservative on this point any you'll be treated to an impressive display of verbal gymnastics about what it is that conservatives mean to conserve. But that's conservationism, not conservatism. Back when both parties boasted conservative and liberal wings, it referred to a sense of political speed. Red-team doesn't want to move slowly; they want it in one or two election cycles or they stop voting altogether. So much for slow-and-steady.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Speaking of propaganda: I'm 100% with Ukraine on this. I have no reason to see them having any blame and I've watched Putin enough to have seen him act a mini-Hitler several times.... yet I find myself shaking my head at how propaganda-like the media's coverage is. It's not bad enough that Putin is evil and has done evil, we need to make this about bleeding grandmothers and tales or brutality that are pretty standard fare for a war.

On conservatives, I'm shocked by what the term has come to mean. It's gone from an understanding and balancing of individual freedom with necessary responsibilities while defending the institutions (including shared morality) which make society function to "I gots rights!" and "I'm tuff!"

AndrewPrice said...

So Team Bernie's people claim that Putin's invasion is the result of American imperialism. Ah... that takes me back. During the Cold War, Bernie's people saw the Soviets as the great liberators and us as imperialists.

Their slogan should be: America, Always At Fault

tryanmax said...

Everyone has their own version of America First.
For neocons, it’s firing the first shot.
For socialists, it’s blame America first.
They're made for each other.

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