Friday, July 22, 2022

Screw You Californians

I'm looking to leave Colorado. There are many reasons, but the main one is Californians. I will write about this soon. As a bit of prep to understand what I'm talking about, however, let me mention an issue that is being debated right now so you start to see the mindset of these people: water.

The west is going through a drought. It happens. What's making this one so bad is that between this one and the last one, tens of millions of people have moved out here. Lake Mead in Nevada is literally almost empty because so many people in Vegas suck it dry. Rivers are running dry. In my home town, there's an aquifer that is tens of millions of years old which people here used for a hundred years and it barely fell an inch. After putting in homes for 500,000 Californians, the thing is falling at such a rate (I understand its around 11 inches a year now) that people are having to re-drill wells every couple years. It will be gone in my lifetime. Every state is running dry, including especially California.

Now, if you don't know any Californians, let me say you are blessed. They are narcissistic, wasteful, aggressive assholes. You can always spot them. They tend to drive either Teslas and dress like Tim Cook of Apple, or huge pickup trucks which scream "TINY DICK!" and dress like Raiders fans. The best description I've seen was a meme which said, "Your shirt says UFC but your body says KFC." They are very fat, covered in death-related tattoos, put Punisher skulls on their trucks and have Mexican gang facial hair. Just to complete the picture, they blow through stop signs even with pedestrians in them, they tailgate through stop signs if the guy in front stops, I've actually seen many instances where these losers try to intimidate children in school crosswalks to make them walk quicker, they run lights, stop and backup if they miss their turn, go the wrong way down one way streets if they think they can get to where they are going before on-coming traffic hits them. All deeply self-centered behavior with a sick core. It gets worse. They play games. They intentionally try to cut other people off on the road or block them for for fun (seriously, in a big empty three lane road they will literally get in your blindspot to mess with you. They yell at waitresses, their kids are the ones fighting in schools, and everything they do is obnoxious and self-centered. Ever see the "baby on board" sign that says "Baby up in this bitch"? Not only does that scream white trash, but it usually comes with a California plate. Ever see someone knock something off a shelf in a store and not pick it up? Californian. The guy at Costco who took all 20 pork roasts the other day? Californian. Leave shopping carts lurking around the lot? Californian. Karens? Californians. My daughter and her coworkers play spot the California -- their arrogance and ill manners give them away every single time.

Even worse, they are wasteful to the point its sickening. These locusts move into an area, destroy its beauty and ambiance, and strip it of resources. They seek out "cool" places and then ruin them. See, e.g. Nashville, Austin, anything in the mountains here, etc. I can tell you stories of people in Utah and Colorado and Washington who found themselves basically pushed out of their own towns when the swarm descended in numbers and then treated like outsides by the swarm. If they start coming to your home town, shoot the first ones that try. I'm not kidding.

So anyways, they've squandered all the water out here and now things are starting to go wrong. Things will need to change. No more lush lawns in the desert, no more water parks losing billions of gallons to evaporation, no more fountains in Vegas, no more washing the old Ford Compensator every day. Right? Ha! Not these people. They have no thought to changing or inconveniencing themselves. Instead, they need to find a way to make this someone else's problem. But how? Hmm.

And then it came to them: take the water from the Mississippi.

I kid you not. They want to pipe trillions of gallons of water from the Mississippi to California so they don't have to change. No thought whatsoever has been given to the effect on the people living on that river. The only thought they have is: "You have something I want, gimme." (As an aside, when Californians arrive, they arrive like old school colonizers. They build new developments for themselves that look just like what they left with all the waste and obnoxiousness -- usually in your most scenic spot. They don't adjust to the culture or learn local customs. Those can bend to their will. They treat the locals as inferiors, after all, you hicks aren't from California... say it with awe. Basically, they build little California colonies in town until it grows enough to take over and they impose their culture on you. Portugal and Greece have found this out when the Californians started moving there a few years ago -- they don't even learn the languages, believe it not. Now those countries are complaining about a massive influx of "Californians." Note: not "Americans" but "Californians." Do you know how hard it is for people oversees to separate Americans by state? The fact they have singled these people out as "Californians" is damning. They are so obnoxious, articles in California papers worn people not to move to places like Nashville and Austin because "they've become like the Bay area." How bad are they if they themselves are complaining how they've ruined places???)

Naturally, the people who depend upon the Mississippi for little things like their own water, agriculture and commerce have said, "Uh, no."

So the response from California has been angry letters to editors saying "If they aren't going to 'share' then (1) we should take it anyways, or (2) 'Don't ask us for help with your problem then.'"

There is the California attitude in a nutshell. "I should be able to do whatever I want, no matter how stupid, and if you don't give me whatever I need to be able to do that, then I'm going to throw a tantrum." Talk about entitlement!

I recall an article about a specialty realty group that is moving conservative Californians to Texas and how shocked those people were to find the Texans didn't want them. Said one woman, "Don't they realize we're conservative, we're the cavalry. We're here to save you from the rest of the Californians who are already here!" Except, what she doesn't understand is that it's not just about politics (though that is another huge problem), the problem with Californians moving in is that they are just sh*tty human beings who act like entitled locusts wherever they go. And this water thing shows it. Rather than cutting back on their wastefulness, they want to rob other people without thought to the consequences and they throw a tantrum when they aren't given what they want.

I am not kidding, if you meet a Californian looking to move into your town, be the biggest asshole you can to them so they won't want to come. Save yourself.

As an aside, the Tim Cook clones are just as obnoxious, just differently. They drive Teslas or Audis with personal plates that say obnoxious things like "Striving" and "Leadership", the crap you see on motivational posters. They go everywhere with their Apple ear phones in wearing their designer fake-casual clothes (fashion guide for douchebags) or cover themselves head to toe in Nike, and have loud important sounding conversation into their phones. They desperately need you to be impressed with them, but want you to think they don't care that you are there. But if you listen, they aren't actually talking to anyone buy a spouse. Pathetic.


ArgentGale said...

Horrible stuff, Andrew, but it's not surprising in the least. Atlanta's getting more of them down here than my part of GA (and even then we're getting more New Yorkers than Californicators) but it's gotten big enough to where the rot is affecting my little corner of the state as well. It's why I've got to GTFO myself and thankfully have a lot of support in this, including someone who escaped CO this past year herself. And while it might not be my place to say this, you've sounded really stressed here Andrew and I think going somewhere else will be good for your health in that sense too. Let us know where you end up! Who knows, we might even be looking at the same area...

AndrewPrice said...

Daniel, It's difficult, truthfully. They have changed the entire feel of the town. It's depressing. Just driving to the store now, you are guaranteed to have to deal with one or more road warriors who want to mess with you because it makes them feel powerful and multiple flat out retards who will do things like make sharp turns in the middle of intersections because they change their minds or cut you off because they think they can do it. There literally isn't a trip where you don't come back with some story now. In stores, the people are pushy, obnoxious and entitled. Every retail employee, teacher, and doctor I know complains about them as people. They seem to get a kick out of inconveniencing others.

Many people see this as a political problem because they're such whack job leftists, but that's not the real problem -- the ones who come here are actually fairly conservative. Their politics don't affect you on a day to day basis. Their narcissistic personalities are the problem... and it's all of them, and they don't even see it because they've been in narcissism land so long they no longer understand good and bad.

There are a lot of Texan here now too, but no one minds them. We have people from Georgia for some reason and Florida. Again, no one minds. But the Californians are little monsters and everyone sees it.

In terms of Georgia, I think it's only going to get worse. Georgia is seen as "hot" right now and that means the wrong kind of people will move there. You also have the problem that Atlanta is being seen as Mecca for "ethnic" blacks, which is always bad -- anyone who centers their lives around their race is not someone you want around.

ArgentGale said...

All of that sounds familiar even in my area. A lady almost got hit in the local Aldi's parking lot a few months ago and she said crap like this turning up in town is why she moved to AL! She approved of my own move plans, too. This insanity is affecting the Southeast in general, sadly. On the road warriors, I didn't get into LibertyCon there myself but I live close enough to Chattanooga to where I was able to go to and from there to meet my friends who made it. I dealt with more insane bumper jockeys in the two days I spent going to and from there than in the whole week I spent checking out my most likely move spot and that metro area is a little bigger than Chattanooga! I dealt with a lot of that this week, too, in terms of crazy drivers and people not letting me into a lane when the one I was in was closed for road work.

On people from GA leaving, well, someone who will hopefully be one of them soon I can't say I blame them but if they think CO is going to be an improvement they're fooling themselves. I know what you mean about the that particular type of black, too, and how their attitude affects things. If there's one good thing about GA being "hot" it's that I expect to be able to cash my place in at a decent price and get to my target destination, where the market's still not too bad. Hopefully we can both escape soon, and that one particular decision I made recently doesn't complicate things too much, even though it's would be a very pleasant sort of complication. I'll e-mail you about these things soon so keep an eye out!

Anonymous said...

TJed - quite frankly, too many people in our country. In the 20 years I have been in East Tennessee, the growth has been steady, though not like Nashville. Looks to me like you are getting the trash fleeing California to ruin another beautiful state.

tryanmax said...

Fortunately, Nebraska and Omaha maintain their mythic reputation as someplace so uniquely dull, even Kansas seems exciting by comparison. (And let me tell you, as someone who has seen as much if not more of Kansas than Nebraska, the impression is 180° out of phase.) No telling how long that psychological barrier can hold, but it says something about how truly flyover this place is that Californians completely forgot about our river.

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