Monday, August 1, 2022

Media Bias

The media never fails to amaze me how blatantly biased they are. They will bend over backward to the point of blatant propaganda lies to support the Democrats. There's a shocking example out right now: the Biden recession. This is almost surreal. It's truly Orwellian.

We are in a recession. By definition. This cannot be denied. The universally accepted definition of recession is two quarters of negative growth. No one has ever disputed this before... until now. To avoid adding the word "recession" to Biden's pathetic record of "worst president ever", Biden has tried to pretend that the forever-accepted definition of recession isn't actually the definition of recession.

It's ridiculous, but I get it. He's hardly an honorable or intelligent man... child sniffing, credit-card-company-tool, dead wife/son exploiting, piece of ship. So for him to lie, and lie poorly, is in his DNA. And so many liberals will believe what they are told no matter how obviously wrong that it make sense he would lie to them. But for the media to follow him down into this sewer? That's what's really troubling here.

Rather than shake their heads and admit that this is the definition of recession, the media has scowered the landscape of liars and nutjobs to find "experts" who are willing to split hairs to agree with Biden. Yahoo and MSNBC are pimping articles with headlines like, "Can it really be a recession with strong job growth?" It's insane. It's so dishonest that even these propagandists should be ashamed... if they were capable of such a feeling.

It gets worse. Team Biden's ass lickers raced to Wikipedia and changed the definition of recession there. Wikipedia then promptly froze it so no one could fix it. So now, when the drones go double check something they've always known to be true, the will find comforting proof that Biden was "right" and yet another fact they knew to be true five minutes ago will no longer be true to them... until it becomes time for it to be true again. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Worse yet, Facebook censored and blocked posts by actual economists who said this was all false and that we are in recession. Then they let those posts be posted but only with a warning that they contained falsehoods. I am not making this up. Contradicting Biden's blatant lie got labelled as a falsehood. This reeks of Soviet newspapers like Pravda who told the biggest fantasies to support the lie that was the Soviet machine. Welcome to the machine, Facebook. Maybe it's time to shut them down after all? Indeed, if you are going to openly promote lies and slander those telling the truth in the name of supporting a lying President, then you are basically an enemy of truth. Maybe it's time you answered for all the things that have come out about Facebook profiting from misinfornation, targeting children, addicting people, causing suicides. Maybe it's time to look into your monopoly on advertising, your predatory practices? That might be doubleplus good.

I suppose I'm numb to it by now, but seriously, how can you people live with yourselves when you think that you need to lie to support your own ideas? Isn't there a point where you realize that your ideas are just sh*t? I guess not. Must be a terrible way to live though.


Anonymous said...

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: I used to wonder why the mainstream media went to such pains to come up with elaborate deceptions that were technically true when they could just outright lie and censor detractors. I don’t have to wonder that anymore.


Anonymous said...

once reality destroyed The New can finally come to being. Not just statues and history need to go, its any anchor.

Kyle T. said...

Andrew, out of all the ridiculous legacy media crap; This has been the most absurd lie thus far! The lie that we are not in a recession. It is just full fledged propaganda that simply cant be ignored.

This is beyond mental gymnastics, at this point its just flat out malevolence. It is just intentionally there to deceive. There is no way to warp this type of propaganda into a positive message.


AndrewPrice said...

Kyle, It's a little shocking. There is literally no way to see this except as an intentional lie of shocking obviousness. This simple can't be debated. Biden claimed a red car is blue and the media is now trying to explain why red has always been blue. It's that straight forward.

Anonymous said...

tryanmax, Even the Nazis knew to hide the lie within the truth. The media now has thrown even that bit of pretend reality away and straight up lies.

They are now less reliable than fiction because at least fiction tries to make itself convincing. These people flat out don't care... what does that say of their view of their drones?

AndrewPrice said...

Did anyone see that we killed the leader of Al Quida with a drone?

First, let's wait and see. Last time they killed a nest of terrorists it turned out to be a foster family... and the time before that, two guys on a motorbike.

Secondly, it's funny how this news always seems to seep out when Democrats needs it most around election time. It's almost like they wait to kill these guys until it's election time. Huh.

Just wait until we have the picture of Biden and Harris sitting in the situation room looking all serious as steely-eyed Biden gives the command to kill America's second most forgotten enemy.

Oddly, I don't think this will help in any way, no matter how many journalists explain how this is more important than ending WWII.

Kyle T. said...

Andrew, your right… we need to see if this even turns out to be true given the Biden admins record on Afghanistan. Combine that with his previous failed drone strikes (dead kids, not terrorists), I have my doubts.
I mean who cares anyways even if it is true? Biden gave a whole country to a terrorist organization; yet now he wants to take a victory lap when he supposedly drones one terrorist?! It is freaking stupid.

But if it is true, Ayman Al-Zawahiri was essentially a symbolic leader who hasn't been in the game for many years. Don't misunderstand me, he was absolutely evil and to be frank should have been turned into a grease spot decades ago.
With that said, Al-Zawahiri was an old man with various health problems, he was not in charge of Al Qaeda.

Whats more, he was killed in Afghanistan, violating the Doha agreement. Biden assured everyone everything would be fine with the Taliban in control of Afghanistan. Yet here they are apparently sheltering a known big time terrorist. IMO this suggest to me that the Taliban are working with Al Qaeda, wouldn't you all agree?

With Biden's disastrous pull out from Afghanistan, combined with the circumstances of this drone strike; how can this really be spun into a positive win for the Biden admin? Shouldn't we be getting our economy back on track instead of wasting more time & money in the middle east? Again, Zawahiri was an old fart who was in charge of nothing at this point. At best we now have one symbolic victory out of many massive failures. Big freaking deal. I mean am I supposed to swell with American pride like its the 1940’s again? This is just optical simpleton crap as far as I'm concerned.

In more important news, Ive been reading that there may be a massive economic collapse in China; it may start to take hold over the next several months. In the short term it would be fairly difficult, and shortages would ensue.
However, in the long term I believe it would be for the best, as I believe the West needs to get out of China's industrial shadow. We really need to bring back manufacturing to America (It is a no lose situation). It would be far more environmentally friendly in comparison to China’s way of manufacturing things. Combine that with the CCP’s evil deeds, and the whole Covid release… Its about time for the paper dragon to burn IMO. I just hope the Chinese people are able to pull through, its not their fault the CCP is evil.


AndrewPrice said...

Whoooops. Kansas voters, in perhaps the most anti-abortion state in America, just rejected an attempt to overturn a state Supreme Court ruling finding abortion to be a right. It looks to lose by as much as 25% in the vote.

Said differently, even hard core anti-abortion Kansas voters don't want to ban abortion.

Of course, this tea leaf will be ignored, but this is a significant warning to the GOP of things to come.

AndrewPrice said...

Kyle, Well said. I agree 100%. It's funny, lots of liberals who scream "Wag the Dog" when a Republican kills a terrorist are happily predicting this will reverse Biden's terrible poll numbers. Jeff Greenfield is saying that while this will produce a well-deserved bump in Biden's approval, he needs to do more to keep the momentum going.

First, there is no momentum. They have done nothing. And the things they think they are about to achieve will not resonate. But more to the point, I think he's simply wrong. I don't think this helps Biden. It just reminds people how badly he screwed up Afghanistan and how terrible the economy is that no one even cares he killed this guy. We'll see, but I don't see a bump coming.

China has been in a sort of recession for them for a while and I don't think that's going to get better. The problem is that China lies about its numbers and everyone knows it. The stock market people actually look to things like electricity use to try to judge the economy because they know the official numbers are lies.

That said, there are a lot of things that suggest to me that they are having serious problems over there.

When I buy, I try to buy from America or Europe because the quality is just so much higher. Even in junk furniture (like for college dorms), Made in the US is infinitely better than Half-Assed in China.

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