Monday, August 6, 2012

Harry Reid Lies And Smears. . . Again

Harry Reid is a man without morals or shame, a man who will lie so blatantly that he doesn’t even care if people know he’s lying, just so long as he thinks his lies are having some effect. A couple weeks back, Dingy Harry started attacking Mitt Romney. At first this seemed strange since no one really cares what the bastard says. But it soon became clear he had been chosen by Obama to lead the smearing of Romney. Reid was likely chosen because he’s a Mormon and thus cannot be accused of being anti-Mormon.

In this instance, Reid claimed that Romney hasn’t paid taxes in ten years, which would be a felony -- and follows Obama’s allegations that Romney committed a felony by misreporting his management position at Bain. . . yawn. Oh, sorry. Where was I? Oh yes, then Reid suggested that Romney has “money hidden in Bermuda, the Caymans Islands, and a Swiss bank account.” He then attacked Romney through Romney’s father: “His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son.”

Harry’s claim about Romney is a lie. There’s no other way to put it. And Harry knows it’s a lie and that people will see it as a lie. So he doubled down and sent forth his winged monkeys to tell MSM journalists “off the record” that Harry learned this from a source at Bain Capital, a source Harry will not name, but whom Harry really believes. Yeah, right. And my “sources” tell me the following about Harry:
● Harry has sex with underage children who are not his wives.
● Harry keeps a dead hooker in his closet.
● Harry is hooked on blow and meth, and he gives handjobs for crack.
● Harry’s big into gay sex. . . with animals.
● Harry bathes in the blood of poor Mexican children for “health reasons.”
● Harry once killed a man. . . and ate him.
● Harry collects Nancy’s Pelosi’s dead skin and made a coat out of it.
● Harry’s mother was a jackal and is very disappointed in her lying son.
But Harry’s unusual proclivities are not the issue. Nor is the fact that Harry lied to slander Romney, nor that he did it on behalf of Obama. Harry is, after all, a Democrat and knowingly making false, slanderous allegations is about the only thing they are good at.

What the issue is, is the interesting response this false claim has gotten. In the past, the Republicans would have turned the other cheek or maybe even attacked Romney for not surrendering to Harry. This time they’re firing back:
● Romney himself said, “I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes, so Harry is wrong. Harry Reid has to put up or shut up. Harry, who are you sources?”

● Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Reid’s conduct was “beneath the dignity” of the Majority Leader’s office.

● RNC Chair Reince Priebus said, “I’m not going to respond to a dirty liar who hasn’t filed a single page of tax returns himself [and] complains about people with money but lives in the Ritz Carlton. . . . This is just a made-up issue.”

● Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell called the allegations “reckless and slanderous.”

● Sen. Lindsey Graham called Reid a liar and said, “I think he’s making things up.” He further said:
“I just cannot believe that the Majority Leader of the United States Senate would take the floor twice, make accusations that are absolutely unfounded, in my view, and quite frankly, making things up to divert the campaign away from the real issues.”
● George Will said, “This is McCarthyism from the desert.”
But it wasn’t just Republicans blasting Reid either. ABC News’s Jonathan Karl blasted Reid as well:
“It’s one of the most outrageous charges that I’ve ever seen actually made on the Senate floor. When Harry Reid comes to the floor of the Senate and makes this outrageous charge that has absolutely no evidence — I mean, Mitt Romney paid $3.1 million to the IRS in the one tax return that we’ve seen so far. He paid taxes. It’s a completely false charge.”
Even Jon Stewart blasted Harry for this one. He called Reid’s comment about Romney’s father a “bullshit shot” and said, “Harry Reid is a really, really terrible person.”

Frankly, it sounds like this was a mistake by Reid. When even the MSM and Jon Stewart are questioning his veracity and his integrity, all he’s really achieved is damaging his own already-sordid reputation even more.

Interestingly, Harry believes he’s scoring points because he thinks he’s keeping the Romney “tax return issue” alive in the mind of the public. And in accordance with that belief, the Democrats pushed this meme this weekend as well. But the public doesn’t care. This issue will win zero votes and Romney continues to play it well by refusing to play along. In fact, contrary to Reid’s beliefs, the only thing Reid’s attacks have done is to get the Republicans to stop whining about Romney not releasing his taxes. Thanks Harry. . . you bastard.

In any event, Reid has made a huge mistake here. Romney will win this election and I think these are the kinds of abusive moments which will keep Romney from seeing Reid as someone he can work with. And that would make Reid’s comments the perfect example of Democratic policies -- trading long term harm for no short term gain. Sounds like the Obama years.

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