Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tonight Is A(nother) Warning

Tomorrow, I will get an email from the Colorado Trumpublican Party. They will rant about tonight. They will point fingers mightily, because that is what they do to extract money from the flock. They will scream that the Republicans were "cheated" tonight. Then they will turn on their natural enemies... Republicans, and like Hitler in his bunker will spew about the RINOs costing us tonight's victory. It will be both sad and entertaining. It's entertaining because it's almost like performance art to get these emails: a study in self-delusion. It's sad because these delusional creatures have made their home in the Republican Party.

I am hopeful that after Trump gets "cheated" in 2024 worse than the last time... and "cheated" even worse in 2028, and all his endorsed candidates get "cheated" back to their day jobs, perhaps the GOP will finally wake up and realize that crazy doesn't sell to the public. Oh, it sells like mad to the crazies, but that's not a good thing and it's certainly not a basis upon which to run a political party.

In the meantime, we are reliving the 1970s without a Ronald Reagan. High crime brought on by liberal idiocy is killing people. Hyper inflation brought on by liberal idiocy is pushing people under. Liberal -isms are setting the public at each other's throats. Foreign enemies emboldened by cowardly policies bring the world to the brink of destruction. We need a Reagan to stand up and say, "Enough. It's time for common sense." But we don't have a Reagan. We have a dumbshit whiny little bitch liar who offers only petty spite and narcissism as policy as replacement for those values the GOP likes to think it stands for. Not that he can get elected again anyways.

Tonight is a warning for anyone not too obsessed to hear it. Will anyone listen? Or do we need to go through 8 years of Biden (well, six and two of Harris) and 4 or more years of Newsome before people wake up?

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Who Is Behind The Hamas Attack?

I know the issue of who is behind this attack keeps coming up. I think it's worth discussing. Before we do, however, please note that this is ALL GUESSWORK... looking at motives, that's it. There is no evidence of collusion yet by anyone, and I am not saying there is. That said, let's talk about who gains and loses from this as we watch to see if any evidence of collusion ever does appear (Biden is apparently looking for evidence of Iranian involvement).

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Terrorists Are Not Victims

I'm not entirely sure (nor do I care) what the Palestinians hope to win by murdering innocent people and kidnapping more (interesting that so many seem to be women... kind of backs the idea that political extremism and sexual inadequacy are linked). Killing people is a non-starter. You've already lost me at that point. I am deaf to your cause. I'm not sure what the "Palestinian people" are thinking by cheering this on either. That makes you an accessory, in my book, and I have zero sympathy if the person you harmed now slaps you around as hard as they want. You gave up your right to complain or scream innocence. I'm not sure what the progressive left is thinking either, basically trying to defend this. You whined about the drunken inbreds on January 6, but you're trying to defend pure, unadulterated terrorism. The best I can say is this proves your hypocrisy, but I am thinking harsher words than that. It seems you are sick f*cks. I guess all I can say is that chunks of the human race are pretty sick and maybe we need to be a little more careful about encouraging or accepting extremists.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Snopes... 'Debunking' As Propaganda

One of the things that really bothers me in the modern era is the way people have learned to pretend to be victimized to support their cause. Two types of people use this. The first are over-privileged people trying to make their narcissistic extravagance less intolerable and the second are those trying to keep the cult together, so to speak. The first is usually hypocritical actors, arrogant models and the children of the ultra rich... nepo babies. The second tend to be political types trying to keep the morons outraged. In the last few weeks something interesting along these lines has emerged: Snopes.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

No, That's Your Side All Right

I've had some fun discussions with leftists lately. In particular, it's fascinating to watch the mental gymnastics they go through to avoid recognizing their failures. I've spoken about this years ago, but it never really stops. Observe.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Real Reason Suicides/Mass Killings Are Up

In the last article, I pointed out that we've hit a record number of suicides in this country. I also pointed out that the left wrongly tried to blame this on guns because that's what their ideology/theology wants it to be. But guns have nothing to do with it. Let's talk about what is causing this, because I'm pretty sure it's the same thing that's causing a massive spike in mass shootings.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Leftist Dogma

Howdy folks. I'm back from vacation. It was beautiful, but hot. The people were incredibly nice. They also weren't at all insane, which is not true here anymore. Indeed, one of the things that bothers me these days is how absolutely batsh*t crazy everyone has become here. The 'right' has gone totally lunatic and the left has devolved into this dark religious-like cult. One aspect of this cult is that they are awash in dogma -- things that are obviously false, but which they take as TRUTH and which they miss no opportunity to espouse. You see this over and over on every topic. Here are some examples darkening my internet pages.

Monday, July 31, 2023

China Is Failing, Not Ascending

I'm going to be out for a week. I'm traveling to a wedding. While, I'm going, I will leave you with this...

Throughout my life, there has always been a boogieman. There was always one before I was born too. Nazi Germany, the Soviets, Japan Inc., China. People in the US pushed the idea that these societies were better organized than us, had a longer-term outlook, outworked us, out-thought us, out-bred us, and would eventually beat us. It was never true. In fact, to believe these things, these people had to ignore so much evidence.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Points...

I want to clarify the points I am trying to make in the last article because I don't want them to be lost in the details. What you should take out of the last article about Barbie is the following:
(1) Feminists know they must hide their beliefs from the public, because the public does not accept them. Basically, they have to trick people into being exposed to their views. This also means the public is not lost to them.

(2) Feminists lie to promote their propaganda, including lying about it being political and lying about its success (or lack there of), and their fellow travelers in the media do the lying for them.

(3) Feminism, at its core, is anti-woman. Feminism denigrates women and all things feminine that do not conform to their singular view of acceptable womanhood.

(4) Feminists use things like this movie to claim a mandate for societal change. The battle for the future is being fought here, not on Capital Hill.
I could give you more, but those are the vital points.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Lessons from Barbie

I watch a lot of different things to understand what is really happening in our world because people give themselves away in many ways and they do so more honestly through their actions than their words. One thing I watch is movies. Movies tell us what is happening in society because left and right fight propaganda wars over them and the public votes with its dollars. With that in mind, let's talk about some rather interesting lessons we can learn from the movie Barbie.

Monday, July 17, 2023

The Problem: The Outrage Machine

Probably the biggest problem with politics is the outrage machine. It has killed conservatism and liberalism and replaced it with irrelevant outrage, a mob mentality, rumor acting as fact and conspiracy acting as wisdom. How did this happen? Well, interestingly, sports explains it.

Friday, July 7, 2023

I Shall Return...

All right. I am going to keep writing. I think someone has to. Someone has to talk sense. You certainly aren't hearing it on talk radio. Who knows... maybe we can bring conservatism back from the dead? And yes, it is dead.

Before we start again, here are some quick thoughts on recent events:

• The founder of Qanon died. Yup. Got a dirt bike shoved up his ass. Naturally, his followers think he's not really dead. That made me chuckle. So true to form.

• Issues affecting America:
Inflation, destruction of middle class jobs, crime, drug addicts, violent-narcissistic public mentality, out-of-control corporations, AI risks, supply chain fragility, risk of nuclear war, the destruction of American medical system
• Issues Republicans are Outraging On:
Map in Barbie movie, who ain't loyal enough to Our Lord Trump, gas stoves, who's sellin' queer stuff, commie ice cream maker said stupid shit, and some dopehead left coke at the White House
• Issues Democrats are Outraging On:
that's racist!, you used the wrong pronoun, erasure of women (particularly in sports), protecting criminals from people trying to defend themselves
Anybody see a problem there? Or is it just me?

• Affirmative action won't be as easy to kill as people hope, but its death will be the first step in ending the cult of black victimhood in this country

• Biden is looking to kill free trade. That's fine, no one wants to stop him. But just to be clear, free trade is what brought the world its incredible prosperity over the past thirty years.

• The public is rejecting woke. I'll prove it in an upcoming article. Too bad no one's offering an alternative.

• Anyone notice that the left has become a religion? I'll prove that too.

• Finally, do you know what's triggered the anti-trans backlash? Pedophiles.

Saturday, June 10, 2023


So I'm still debating if I want to start writing again. The state of "conservatism" has honestly gotten so depressing that I don't even like to think about it.
I will say this though. Having looked over the Trump indictment, I now know why he kept the documents. I've wondered about this for some time.  Why would this idiot keep these things?  Having seen the documents now (nuclear secrets and how we would attack Iran if it came to that), there is really only one explanation:  he wanted to sell them to the Saudis.

Somehow, I'm not surprised.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Understanding Deception and Misdirection

I think it's important to understand the art of deception. Indeed, many of the problems we're facing right now as a people are the result of various interests lying about their activities, their goals, "the science" and the such. And the problem, as I'm increasingly seeing, is that the people who are meant to watch these interests are either negligent or complicit, and our political system now works to misdirect you to keep you from seeing the real issues you should be caring about. To see what I'm talking about, let's talk about what happened with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Reparations... for Morons

So many things to talk about. The world is such a disaster right now. Let's start with something that is breathtaking in its idiocy and its crapulence: reparations.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Been Busy

Hi everybody. Sorry for being away. We had some stuff going on. A surgery, a couple new jobs and just some stuff that kept me crazy busy. I will start posting again in a couple days. Lots to talk about. The Chinese balloon. Why people don't accept that the economy is better (hint: it's really not). And I want to get back to those articles I promised to discuss on basically debunking everything progressivism is using as arguments. I will also answer Jed's question about the idiot brigade in Congress.

Thursday, January 12, 2023


Some quick thoughts on Biden's ILLEGAL possession of classified documents.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Here's the Thing

I really didn't want to go too deeply into the current idiocy, but I thought it was worth making one more point. This is for you to think about... (I apologize in advance for the swearing).

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

House Cleaning

I got an email asking me if there's a way out of this for the GOP, and I figured I'd answer this with a post. The answer is: yes, several. One involves the "Freedom Caucus" giving in, which won't happen. Another is McCarthy giving in, which apparently won't happen. The "Freedom Caucus" also could choose to abstain, giving the Democrats the win. That actually seems right up their alley. Another involves Democrats abstaining and letting McCarthy win without them. That is probably how this ends.

That said, there is another way this could go which actually presents a tremendous opportunity for the GOP if they choose to grab it.

And 2023 Begins Like 2022

McCarthy lost the speaker vote, at least the first one. Ho hum. Same circus. Same clowns. I don't really have any comment because conservatism doesn't really have a dog in this fight. Conservatism no longer exists in the GOP. It is frustrating both as a conservative and an American, but it's become so common that I think I'm numb to it. I'm hoping that one of the governors who will run in 2024 can revive it, but we'll see. Sorry to be so depressed, but our politics has become depressing.