Biden’s first Biden-like act involves Mr. Biden showing his racist side one again. Recall that in the past, Biden has told us “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking,” spoken of “typical whites” who have been “bred by experience” to be racist about minorities, told us that Iowa schools are better than DC schools because there are fewer blacks in Iowa, and described Obama as the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” So he has experience saying racially inflammatory comments. But then, “he’s just Joe,” so the left lets his racism slide.
This time, during a White House anti-extremism summit, Biden started talking about Somali cab drivers. He said this:
“I might add, if you ever come to the train station you may notice that I have great relations with them, because an awful lot of them are driving cabs, and are friends of mine.”Apparently, the audience of Muslim community leaders of African descent responded with muted, uncomfortable chuckles.
Not satisfied with just a bit of racism, Biden then turned to creepy sexual behavior. As you might recall, Joe’s wife has a doctorate degree, which he describes as “a problem,” though his “wife Jill is drop dead gorgeous” and he would “rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep.” Well, apparently, Joe has eyes for more than his wife. Note the photo below.
This is Joe lecherously putting his hands all over Stephanie Carter, the wife of Ash Carter, the new Defense Secretary. Even the MSM has dubbed this creepy. Personally, it just looks like Biden as normal to me.
Off topic, but...
If you're like me, and I know I am, and you're tired of all the single-digit and sub-zero winter weather, there's good news!
Pitchers and catchers report today!
Yes, baseball season and, by implication, spring, too, can only be right around the corner!
I'm betting my Buccos and T-Rav's Cards are headed for another tight race in the NL Central.
Any report on the Mets and Yanks, Bev?
Embarrassing administrations in ways that don't really matter is part of the job description of VPs. Biden is very good at his job.
I consider it a failure of conservatism that the unseemly Obama/Biden pairing hasn't been made to stand for Democrat hypocrisy writ large. Biden breathes the sort of casual -isms that the left supposedly crusades against, as if to advertise that Obama's "historic" presidency is just for show.
My thoughts on this are pretty wide-ranging but I only have a moment. I'll try to pop in later.
Crazy Uncle Joe, being Crazy Uncle Joe.....amazing...
Hey, at least Unca Joe's getting more age appropriate in not groping someone like Sen. Coons' young daughter Maggie.
It's the most wonderful baseball time of the year not known as October!!! Here's hoping Cutch rallies the P'artes to another postseason, and that missing Russell Martin won't be too detrimental to the pitching staff.
...Biden breathes the sort of casual -isms that the left supposedly crusades against, as if to advertise that Obama's "historic" presidency is just for show...
Tryanmax - All you have to do is look at how they treat Bill Clinton. By N.O.W.'s own standard, he is a classic sexual predator and yet, it does not bother N.O.W. to align with him and laugh it off and worse...blame the women whom he has preyed on. All laughed off as "Bill being Bill"...well, maybe. The latest allegations involving underage girls and a private island owned by a known pedophile/billionaire Jeffrey Epstein might change that, but I doubt it.
Any report on the Mets and Yanks, Bev?
The Mets are a baseball team?? You couldn't prove it by what they do on the field...;-)
The Yankees...oh, the Yankees. They love themselves so much.Well, Derik Jeter retired at the end of a very bad season and A-Rod is coming back after a very bad year-long suspension. [I will post his heart-felt handwritten letter to all of his fans later...]. By their own accounts they confidently announce that will win the World Series because they have done it so many times before...then they lose.
Oh, I should say that I am NOT a Yankee fan and I just can't get passed the Met's uniform colors...they disturb me.
Yesterday or the day before The Daily Caller had a montage of Biden groping various females in public. I didn't say "women" because one of them was Senator Coons' daughter. If you look at their faces they all display various degrees of discomfort. As far as baseball, the Reds haven't delivered in I can't remember how long, but opening day has a special magic.
And to top it off, every year on opening day I watch Major League. Ritual is important.
P.S. one of the headlines for the Huffington Post is " Pussy Riot Releases
First English Song, I Can't Breathe, Inspired By Eric Garner." And my first thought was "If you can't breathe, how can you sing?" TeeHee
Silly Liberals.
I'm not sure how true it is, but Biden's image as being from a white working class background probably helped Obama (an aloof, professorial black guy with a funny sounding name) a bit in 2008 and 2012.
It is crazy that Bill Clinton is still up to his antics. If he has messed with minors, he needs to be charged.
The best part about spring training is everyone has a romantic notion that perhaps this year their team has a chance...right up until opening day.
Uncle Joe, the original Creepy Rob Lowe.
Perfect picture of a caption contests:
"Hey baby, want to go to the back room and I'll show you who the real black man is in the white house?"
Hey, at least Unca Joe's getting more age appropriate in not groping someone like Sen. Coons' young daughter Maggie.
EPorvaznik - Yeah, I guess that shows he's moving in the right direction, but in the words of Obama (circa 2008), it's more like "putting lipstick on a pig"! ;-)
Anthony, no doubt Joe helped Barack get into the White House, which only underscores how the Dems have been actively engaged in the casual racism that they swear they are not guilty of. It's the most maddening thing about Dems--they crusade against the same problems that they create as if they have nothing to do with them, and a large swathe of people are credulous to it.
Hi everybody! Sorry for not responding. It's been a long day.
I think the fact that Biden gets away with this is a testament to media bias. They not only ignore his gaffes, but they treat them as good-natured mistakes. By comparison, they crucify any conservative who does the same thing.
In terms of helping Obama, don't doubt for a minute that Biden helped Obama with low class whites who will never relate to a upscale black man. He was also meant to comfort the rich, white liberal establishment by showing that Obama was indeed part of the machine and not something different.
"In terms of helping Obama, don't doubt for a minute that Biden helped Obama with low class whites who will never relate to a upscale black man. He was also meant to comfort the rich, white liberal establishment by showing that Obama was indeed part of the machine and not something different."
Ah, liberal racism
Racism is a strong factor on the left. They just like to pretend that they are enlightened and that everyone else is really the racist. They love to project their sins on others.
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