Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Answering Life's Burning Questions...

Did you miss me? Yeah, I have been on a little Italian holiday away from the constant hub and bub of life. Therefore, I have been out of the loop in the politi-sphere and most every other kind of 'spheres too. But just in case you think that I was just sitting around drinking fabulous wine on the piazza and eating every shape of pasta imaginable, let me dispel you have that little myth right now!

I was on a quest to answer one of life's great burning questions. And I am excited to report that I finally have the answer...


It was really wonderful disconnecting with reality for a couple of weeks. Everyone should do it! Though I must say, it seems that nothing changed while I have been on my political sabbatical. Just in case I missed something really important like, oh, I don't know...maybe something about Russians or aliens invading a la "Mars Attacks", let me know.

More on my trip later since I am still in the throws of jet lag, so feel free to catch me up.

**I suspect that it could be possible that it's not the Tower that leans, but the town. Who's to say there isn't just a conspiracy of perspective. Just sayin'.


Critch said...

I've always wanted to be on the balcony at St. Peter's and someone say, 'Who's that guy up there with Critch?

Patriot said...

Bev..... Bon giorno...I was also in Italy the last couple weeks.....Rome, Florence. We probably passed each other on the piazzas. I was the guy drinking the San Geovese at that little cafe. It does the heart good to wander history like that.

BevfromNYC said...

Patriot! I remember seeing you in Firenze! You looked so content I didn't want to bother you. I was the woman with the map and backpack drinking the Spritz!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It could be the town! LOL!

Glad you're back. I think everyone should disconnect now and then. It really does a great service to your sense of perspective.

BevfromNYC said...

So what I have learned today on's okay to punch Nazis (or if you think someone is a Nazi), but not okay to punch journalists. Frankly, this should not be "a thing" at all - punching anyone.

However, not to make light of anyone punching anyone, but what if that Montana candidate just claims that he thought the journalist was a Nazi? What would the Twitterverse do?? It might collapse into itself and be sucked up into some giant blackhole like the house at the end of "Poltergeist"...

Koshcat said...

I mentioned to my sister, who lives in Montana, that he probably lost the race with that little outburst. Her reply: "I still rather vote for the thug life over the naked guitar player."

Anthony said...

I condemned the punching of the Naxi, I condemn the attack on the journalist. No one crazy enough to physically attack someone for asking a CBO related question should be anywhere near normal people, let alone in office.

tryanmax said...

I'm stubbornly skeptical about the alleged assault, which the press is being uncharictaristically cautious about calling 'alleged.'

Koshcat said...

Gianforte won Montana's special election easily despite (or because) the body slamming incident. Democratic Party can't even win when they are gifted a spot.

Anthony said...

No surprise.

BevfromNYC said...

One big reason is that that MSM plays up any attacks or harsh syllables uttered (or marketed by the MSM as such) by anyone that they brand a Conservative, Republican or God forbid, a Trump supporter branding them all "Nazis". Then in turn actively ignores and downplays any physical attacks on the same because they are have been branded as "Naziz" and is "100%" okay do that. It's tiresome and very dangerous.

AndrewPrice said...

I'm stunned actually.

AndrewPrice said...

They always try to ask "what does this mean", especially when they can spin it against Trump. What this tells me is that the Democrats are far worse off than they understand.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - And now the great champions of "early voting" are demonizing it by claiming all of those people who otherwise would've not voted for [whatever his name is] after his fistfight, all voted early for him. What will they blame it on next, lack of voter IDs? I guess they can't blame Russian hackers or sexism this time.

tryanmax said...

Here's a not so tongue-in-cheek question: Were Gianforte's actions toward that reporter violence? Or just speech? Because that line has been blurred A LOT lately.

tryanmax said...

...the Democrats are far worse off than they understand.


BevfromNYC said...

I am also throwing this out there. Since Montana is not a well populated state and has only 1 House member that represents the entire state (yeah, take THAT California), the Dems probably shouldn't have staked so much in winning this one as some test of changing sentiment and doubling down on insulting the constituents. They should be spending their money/time on trying to win back other more populated districts that would mean more like some of those who voted for Obama in the last 2 Pres elections...

Greg Gianforte Rep. 189,473 50.2%
Rob Quist Dem. 166,483 44.1
Mark Wicks Lib. 21,509 5.7

BevfromNYC said...

Tryanmax - The answer to your question is that when Conservatives speak, it's physically violence and ALL Conservatives are branded fascist Nazis. When Liberals physically strike, it's speech.

Orwell would be proud...

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, If you want to see delusional, check out this article: LINK

Key thoughts: the Republicans badly underperformed in Montana because you'd expect them to win by 61%, not 50%.

If Republicans are winning in places like Montana by just 7 percentage points, then they are in extreme peril of losing their House majority in November 2018.

No thought at all to the special circumstances of this election.

Anthony said...

The D.C. Sniper's sentence has been overturned. In the midst of he and his father's killing spree, many people were afraid to pump gas during the day.

Malvo had been sentenced to life in prison without parole for the sniper-style attacks committed around the region in October 2002 along with John Allen Muhammad. Ten people were killed and three others were shot during a three-week period.

Malvo's case has now been remanded back to Spotsylvania County Circuit Court to issue a new sentence.

Critch said...

I was right smack dab in the middle of a big drug bust late this afternoon...I was in the McDonald's parking lot in line to get some coffee at the drive thru and suddenly cop cars swarmed the parking lot. They went right at two cars in a side lot and drug 3 young men and woman out of the cars and had them in cuffs in seconds.....I'm not kidding you, one of the men looked to me like he was expecting it...I wonder if he set up the other 3..anyway...more cops appeared and started opening cars up,,,one had Texas plates the others I couldn't make was fast and efficient...

Anthony said...

In honor of Memorial Day I am going to read a book about the Green Berets in Afghanistan named Hammerhead Six. That is I have resolved to read more often.

Getting ready to grill a bunch of hamburgers and hotdogs. I want to relax this weekend so I am just going to grill once then microwave the grilled meat the rest of the holiday.

AndrewPrice said...

Sounds like fun, Anthony.

Critch, not so much. Glad you weren't hurt!

Leans Left said...

Intelligence sources have informed me that Trump IS Putin!! O.M.G. This is way bigger than anyone even imagined. He will be impeached soon, Hillary said so, but right now he's back from his illegal tour of Urope (Presidents can't legally leave the country), and he's ordered the 82 Airborne to train with black helicopters to seize our bongs and Subarus to avoid being forced out of power. No power to the people... Dave is not here, man!! This is so wrong! And Montanana only showz how week the Republicans were. And my pussy hat is talking to me. It says a transgender actor will replace Trump as president if we can get the Saudis to stop supporting the regime on Mars. Regime change on the red planet! Bernie Sanders is a Capitalist Spy!! Oh my.

Anthony said...

People embracing crazy conspiracy theories about a sitting president is nothing new.

Insanity does win elections so those who say 'Man, the opposition hatred is so great and insane, surely that means the incumbents are safe!' are ignoring the lessons of recent history.

Power seesaws and political actors get dumber and crazier with each dip. Will be interesting to see how bad it gets.

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