Recently little Hunter, a three year old deaf child who is just learning sign language, was ordered by his school to change the sign for his name. Yes, the sign he has been taught....wait for it...kinda' sorta' looks like a gun. Seriously?? Has it come to the point where we are now threatened by fingers shaped kinda' sorta' shaped like guns? Now, of course, it is perfectly understandable why a child who nibbles a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun might be a threat, at least in Bloombergistan, when sugar kills. Or even a gun photo on a t-shirt could actually spring to life and take out all the Che Guevara t-shirts in the school.

And if finger guns are now a perceived threat, what are we to make of this? Should someone tell the President of the United States to put that finger gun away. He is setting a terrible example for children everywhere? Stop threatening the children!!!

Yipes! What are we to make of this?? Well, maybe Biden is a bad example because he probably thinks his fingers really ARE guns...
Seriously, is it just me or have the patients really taking over the asylum? Comments?
Well obviously sign language needs to be changed, or maybe outlawed. I mean, that's the only logical solution right?
I swear, I dunno how these dingbats live with themselves.
Jocelyn, They live with themselves by compartmentalizing everything. They judge themselves on their intentions only and they blame everyone else for the consequences. It must be a nice way to live.
Bev, Have you ever been shot by a Pop Tart gun? It hurts!
And as for mocking the finger gun, don't forget that someone could lose an eye if that thing goes off. I think it's time to "raise awareness" by having liberals wear mittens.
Oh, and Joe should be arrested. He's too dangerous to allow to go free.
It really must be nice to not take any accountability or responsibility for ones' self. I mean, healthcare is now one less thing they have to worry about, let alone how a deaf boy signs his name.
Ironically (or probably not), the liberals I know aren't very happy people. They never blame themselves for anything, but they can't understand why nothing ever works for them and why so many evil people keep undermining their plans.
I once got expelled for shooting someone with a Pop Tart gun. Nobody got hurt but it did make things pretty sticky.
Troubling story, but as Mediaite pointed out, this is a year old and was successfully resolved (meaning that after a firestorm of protests the administration backed down and the kid didn't have to change his name)
As long as we're reviewing old headlines:
Biden Advises Shooting Shotgun Through Door
Virginia Beach man charged for doing exactly that
You don't actually have to follow the link. That's pretty much the whole story.
Personally, I think it's a combination of a fear of lawsuits, taking zero-tolerance laws way too literally, and not wanting to permit anything that might damage that Holy Grail of modern education, "self-esteem." Which is why you keep hearing stories like this; school administrators are convinced they're doing the right thing. Are they insane? Yes. But they also have the power, unfortunately.
"...this is a year old and was successfully resolved"
Anthony - With all due respect, that is not really the point. The point is when did people get to be so idiotic and stupid that it was even brought up in the first place? Seriously? A group of seemingly intelligent people sat at a table and actually discussed this. Are we all so weak minded that someone actually thought that a 3 yr old pointing his fingers is a threat?
I do not want these people running the asylum. We have enough problems. Btw, these are the same quality of "folks" who work at the IRS...
tryanmax, I don't get it. You know Biden meant well. Clearly, he can do no wrong... right?
T-Rav, That's the scary part. The education crew really does believe they are doing the right thing even as they are busy doing the worst possible things.
Bev, I agree, the fact it was resolved isn't the point. The point is that anyone ever walked down this road in the first place. Someone who even begins to think that way is in serious need of re-education and a total loss of any responsibility they may have as they have really poor judgment.
So to change the subject just a bit, is anyone following the big revelation that the DOJ has been gathering phone records for all Verizon users? [Okay, like I believe it's just Verizon users, but whatevs).
I am kinda' sorta' thinking of doing a FOIA request to see the records (specifically mine) that they have gathered and ask what probably cause did they have to believe that I might be involved in some nefarious plot with some foreign or domestic (***cough...TEA PARTY...cough***) entity to commit nefarious atrocities.
Bev, I'm sure they had probable cause. You must be up to something wrong. After all, you didn't donate to Obama...
Okay, like I believe it's just Verizon users
If I'm hearing the story right, it's not just subscribers, but anyone who placed a call that goes over the Verizon network. So any smaller, piggyback companies would be included, as well as anyone calling or receiving a call from a Verizon subscriber, and anyone who happened to have their call go through a Verizon tower. I can't imagine that's an insignificant portion of the population.
Bev, There's no way it's just Verizon. If they're spying on one, then they're spying on everyone.
Also, I agree with your article. It's ridiculous that anyone could think like these people. But these are the same people suspect kids for drawings of guns or girls taking aspirin.
Shoot... shouldn't have used my cell to sell all that plutonium! Oh well, live in learn.
Andrew! YOU USED THE WORD "SHOOT"!!! I am tellin' on you. Oh, well, Big Brother probably already knows anyway...
Oh crud! I meant... uh... something else! ;P
As an aside, did anybody see that al Qaeda admonished one of their commanders for failing to file expense reports? Man. So you can't even be a terrorist without getting swamped with paper work. But I guess you need those if you want the deduction... unless you're the IRS.
Yes, I did see that. Do you think they have to submit expense reports and receipts before or after they blow themselves up?
It would kind of be a hoot if Al Qaeda filed a US tax return with whichever schedule it is for deductions for business expenses. Hey, do you think they've ever filed for 501(c)4 status yet? Maybe the IRS should search "Terrorist" and see what they come up with...just to be fair.
Bev, I think we should see if we can FOIA al Qaeda's tax forms! :)
I wonder what happens if you write "Terrorist" as your occupation?
>>I wonder what happens if you write "Terrorist" as your occupation? >>
Just spitballin', but unless you're talking domestic terrorist - Tea Party division, likely a job with the Philadelphia New Black Panther Party.
Same thing that resulted in this: LINK
That police chief... even Barney Fife is laughing at her!
Eric, That would be my guess too. If you're al Qaeda then they take your privacy seriously. If you're New Black Panther or an Eco Terrorist, then you probably get a quick refund. If you're Tea Party, then they call the National Guard.
Kit, That's the kind of thing that pisses me off. You hear about that all the time now with cities shutting down bake sales and lemonade stands.
You know, Kit, I can't even watch that kind of stupidity. I wasn't aware that there had been a rash of deaths by Lemonade stands. I have read many stories over the last few years where overzealous Health Dept. officials shut down neighborhood stands because the kids didn't have the proper permits! God, to think I was killing people with my lemonade! Those were the days where we only had two cups and all of our customers shared! I would have been on the DHS Watch List!
And those laws were in place 50 Years ago. But cops back then were not doing this kind of stupidity.
I wonder what most cops think of this?
Their justification is that without a permit, they cannot know what is in the lemonade.
50 years they had common sense too. My recipe: Lemon juice, sugar (lots and lots) and water...at least that was my recipe. And two cups...I think we charged 10 cents and I didn't pay ANY taxes either! So there, IRS!
Though have you heard of any Kool-Aid stands being shut down? Noooooooo! I hear they are very popular in Blue states!
No taxes??!! Freeze Bev f. NYC! Someone will be by to arrest you shortly. Don't worry, we have your address from your phone records.
Bev and Kit, Making someone buy a permit in no way tells you what's in it. It just helps keep bureaucrats employed so they can keep making you buy more permits. It's a perfect circle.
"Making someone buy a permit in no way tells you what's in it. It just helps keep bureaucrats employed so they can keep making you buy more permits. It's a perfect circle."
I know that. Its insanity.
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