Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Circus of Thoughts

Come one come all, observe some thoughts on some recent headlines in the center ring... HEARREAD words of wisdom! SHARE your thoughts! MIND the elephant poop!

The Bearded Lady-Dude: LOLOLOLOL! Yet another "black" leader has been outed as a white dude. Remember the NAACP ("Not An Actual Colored Person") Spokeswoman in Spokane who turned out to be a honket who simply wanted to be black... oh, and used her fake blackness to score privileges to which honkeys are not entitled (after suing a black college for not letting her in because she was white -- "Little black pigs, little black pigs, let me in... I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll claim to be black so I win!")? Well, now there's a male version of her. This time it's Shaun King, a writer and "leading voice" against police brutality. Indeed, he is a Black Lies Matter organizer... huh, I lost a "v" somewhere. Anyways, King claims to be black, a claim he used to win an Oprah scholarship which paid his way through Morehouse College; these scholarships go only to black men. Oh, and Shaun claims to have suffered a vicious hate crime in high school because he's black... just like Rachel "White Girl" Dolezal, only his claim is much bigger BS involving multiple fist fights, jars of tobacco and being run over by a pickup truck. Well, old Shaun is a honkey. Yeah.

Snicker, snicker.

Oh Elephant Poop!: There is another scientific story making the rounds that sounds like BS. This one claims that sex and violence "don't sell." Specifically, they claim that companies who advertise during violent shows or sexy shows do much more poorly than those who advertise during "family shows" because violence and sex turns off some viewers and it essentially makes the others less likely to retain the advertised information. No data was provided to back this up, nor could I find the methodology, but we are assured that this is correct because WalMart has done their own study and decided that they will only advertise during family friendly fare... oh and team Obama decided not to advertise on violent videogames.

What a load.

Look, instinctively does this make sense? No. Everyone, even the Pope, is drawn to violence and sex. It is instinctual. Violence is our biggest danger in nature and sex is our driving purpose (sorry Huckabee, it's true). Hence, we are programmed to look to these things. That means they are attention getters. They turn on our awake parts of our brains and make us focus. That means that we are MORE likely to see what is going on and to remember it later than some sleepy show about a kid and a dog which doesn't pull us in at all. So instinctively, we know this is a false conclusion already. Further, television ratings tell us that we do indeed favor this kind of entertainment. So not only are we drawn to this subconsciously, but we pick it consciously in much larger numbers. Again, how could this cause us to tune out - in fact, it is more accurate to claim that family shows turn off viewers.

There is a world of anecdotal evidence too. For example, the vast, vast majority of advertisers use sex and/or violence as a means of advertising. That means this is a tried and true method that has had proven results for more than a century now. Further, people like magicians know that sex (see the scantily dressed woman) can be used to distract the audience as they do their sleight of hand. In other words, they know that sex has the ability to draw away our attention even from something we want to focus on. So why should we believe sex causes us to lose attention?

So what about WalMart? Did the study authors perhaps think that WalMart doesn't advertise on R-rated shows because its client base is mainly families? That's why WalMart does that because it means that (1) they won't reach as many people on R-rate shows, meaning their money is wasted, and (2) they court less controversy with their core clients by avoiding those shows. And what about Obama? Well, when he made that decision videogame violence was a liberal cause du jour (until it was linked with gun violence and then it had to be dropped so it wouldn't suggest that guns aren't the problem). Expecting Obama to put his ads with violent videogames would be a bit like expecting him to advertise on a pro-life website.

I guess the next study will tell us people hate cookies.

Misfired Cannon: A lot of people are wondering why Marco "The Brave" Rubio didn't quite fire out of that candidate cannon like they were expecting. It's not that hard to understand. When he embraced immigration reform, he instantly lost the fringe, and they won't take him back no matter what he does... dirty foreigner. But then once the attacks came, he freaked out and tried to dry hump the fringe's leg to make them love him. This lost him everyone who was hoping he would stand up to the crazies. So what exactly does that leave him as a base? Now add in that Bush has all the money sown up and Trump gets all the airtime and those looking for a diversity ticket have switched to Carly Fiorina, and he's basically irrelephant.

The Tentacled Snarktopus: Finally, Hillary is really mishandling this server thing. When you are accused of a crime that actually has people mildly upset and when polls show that the majority of people think you did it... and you are already seen as not trustworthy, the way to handle it is with a solemn, complete denial and then you say, "As there is an on-going investigation, I won't be commenting further. I look forward to having my good name finally cleared of this politically motivated smear." Then you try not to laugh as you walk away. She didn't do that, however. Instead, she's out there trying to crack jokes... like playing dumb on how you wipe a server. This is bad. People don't like to have things that do concern them, even if only slightly, laughed off. Also, it is never good to play into a negative personality trait. Third, Hillary wouldn't know humor if a joke bit her on the ass. The woman is about as funny as a recently-divorced school marm in a kid's movie... "I'll get you Harris Porter if it's the last thing I do!"

Thoughts... sexy thoughts?


tryanmax said...

Rachel Dolezal was at least a bit swarthy. Shaun King is so white he probably bleeds mayonnaise.

Personally, I'm all in favor of transracialism. As soon as the race-trannies come up with a flag, I'll hang one on my house. When they organize a pride parade, I'll hold the banner at the front. I'm down for the struggle before it's begun.

Truthfully, I think it's nuts, but the unintentional satire is too rich for me to not be on board. Either a point about the sham of identity politics will finally get made in a way that most everyone gets, or the crazies will be forced to be consistent in their craziness. Either way, it's a world I want to usher in.

BTW, if anybody cares, I'm now 22% Namibian.

Rustbelt said...

Sorry, Andrew. Any sexy thoughts or thoughts of sexy ladies just vanish from my mind when the words "Hillary" and "Clinton" are uttered (or read).

In related news, a long-forgotten note of Professor Tolkien's was recently found and appears to be a discarded character letter. Addressed to "Aragon, the Steward, or whoever the Angband is in charge of Gondor," it reads, in part:
"Okay, so my Black Speech language didn't really catch on. And, yes, I should not have had my orcs spread it since they corrupt everything, even the stuff I make up. But, by Eru and Morgoth, at least MY language doesn't contain the words 'Hillary' and 'Clinton!' Those words gave my cave trolls diarrhea! Oh, the Nine were screeching loud enough to wake the Dead! (Yes, I said that.) I even had to stop the Mouth from throwing himself into the volcano, he was so depressed. Look, you're Men. Act like it and keep these infernal words from cropping up. Inducing pain, sadness, and hopelessness is MY job! I am seriously having second thoughts about conquering you people. I mean, what would it be worth in the end? Clean up your act, or I'll just focus all my attention on the Dwarves. Yes, you could possibly mean that little to me! Lousy vile word-makers."
Yours Sincerely,
Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor

Scholars think this removal of reverse psychology was probably a good idea.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I agree with you! The minute they accept the idea that anyone can be gay or black or a man/woman just because you want to be... without proof or even trying to become that thing will be the day that identity politics finally implodes completely.

"You can't fire me... I feel black you racist!" LOL! :D

P.S. Congrats on becoming 22% Nambian. I've never been to Nambia, but I hear the brochure looks nice. I personally plan to stay flexible to maximize my ability to be offended whenever I run into some liberal who wants to lecture me about oppression.

AndrewPrice said...

Rustbelt, Those words gave my cave trolls diarrhea! LOL! Yuck!!

In terms of Hillary, just be glad I didn't make a joke about her not knowing how to wipe. It's no wonder all her pantsuits are brown... eventually.


In all seriousness, enjoy her implosion. This could honestly be the final end of the Clinton Klan. Old man Trotsky is whippin' her in the polls and she's too old the stumble through another election cycle. Meanwhile, noted black-tivist Barry Obama has sent the FBI to pimp slap her. And things aren't good at home for her either. Indeed, 37% of the accounts just revealed on belonged to Bill... so do 47% of the accounts on

As JFK said, "Never befohr in the cohrse of human history has one, uh, womahn been so incompetahnt." It's been fun to watch.

Kit said...


It is "Nevah befohr in the course of human histary has, ah, one woman been so incompetent.

Kit said...


That was genius!

And, I see you know your Tolkien lore.

AndrewPrice said...

Kit, I forgot about Nevah! I was too busy trying to work in Coobah.

Rustbelt said...

Thanks, Kit!

I was actually 'tutored in Tolkien' by two of my roommates when I was a Disney cast member.
Truth be told, I've still got a long way to go, but I'm always learning.

Rustbelt said...

Andrew, it's going to be a lot of fun to watch the House of Clinton finally fall.

But, please- I'm begging you! -let us never speak of Hillary's pants again.

So unclean. Unclean........

tryanmax said...

On Rubio, while I thought his immigration plan was worthy of serious discussion rather than the sight-unseen, out-of-hand dismissal and bashing it received, I had him pegged for a panderer the moment he introduced the tax-exempt Olympic winnings bill. It was an unprincipled and uncreative maneuver to jump on a fleeting popular issue to gain some positive press. And it didn't even work. It's just too bad that I was right.

Unknown said...

Andrew.....Excellent topical comment on the Clinton's Ashley Madison account!

As for Rubio, before he ran, I thought he might be the answer. Once he got in and became hypnotized by the Schumer-eyes, he lost whatever cachet he might have had by being a pretty, young, Hispanic Repub. You're right, once he threw in with the Dems Gang of Eight, he lost whatever support he had from the conservative branch of the Repubs. Now he's a little boy claiming "me too!"

BTW, you should start a pool here to see when your commenters think Hillary! will drop out for 'health reasons.' I think sometime around October/November this year.


AndrewPrice said...

Rustbelt, I shall try. For the sake of all our sanity, I shall try. LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, He has on several occasions pandered with the best of them. It's sad because he seems to have a lot of promise in many ways, there just doesn't seem to be much there there... so to speak.

AndrewPrice said...

Bob, Thanks! It seems like a natural fit. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton's had a family account.

Rubio seemed like a fresh exciting candidate at one point, but he kind of fizzled and then he made a fool of himself by flip flopping on his own bills. I agree with your assessment of him now -- the little boy claiming "me too!"

That's a good idea to form a pool. I'm not sure when it will happen, but I'm pretty sure Hillary will develop something serious very soon that requires her to spend time with the family.

Critch said...

I'm white bread, English, Welsh, Scots, and Cornwall as far back as we can go on both Krauts, no Frogs, no Eities,,,just English Isles....I do occasionally masquerade as Irish around Mid-March. Hillary is really blowing this, big time...I think the Dims will eventually tire of defending her and move on. Rubio is so lackluster...dull,,,,I just don't get him.

BevfromNYC said...

Re: Marco Rubio - This is Rubio's first time on the national stage. He is testing the waters. Though in our electronic age, it will become much harder to explain the flip-flopping-ish behavior. Look he's young and need to mature politically.

Kit said...

What is with Hillary's nodding head? Seriously?

BevfromNYC said...

Yes, hmmm, advertising during violent/sexual shows...I can see why that would turn buyers off. Oh, wait, then there is the Super Bowl - the most expensive and coveted ad timeslots in media....

AndrewPrice said...

Critch, You should mix in something exotic like Penguin. :)

Hillary really is blowing this big time. The race was hers but she's working hard to lose it.

AndrewPrice said...

Kit, She's a bobble head.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, He may have a future, but he has no present that's for sure. Right now he's a non-entity in this primary season and I don't see how that changes.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Clearly, we are all just delusional and Super Bowl ad time would be more effective if spent on the gardening channel. LOL!

Critch said...

I loved her in that orange pantsuit...she looks good in orange, just sayin'...

From now on I'm 11% boll weevil.

BevfromNYC said...

Critch - Sorry, but I cannot be associated with boll weevils of any kind as I wear a lot of cotton...

AndrewPrice said...

Critch, LOL! She does indeed look good in orange... she should wear it all the time, that or black and white stripes.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Let's not be speciesist... or is it specious?

In any event, I thought weevils were only a danger to cereal these days? Darn things. They wobble, but you just can't knock 'em down!

Critch said...

"Just lookin' for a home, just lookin' for a home..."-Burl Ives

BevfromNYC said...

From now on....actually all my life I have been fairy princess and anyone who finds proof that I am not is lying because they obviously are haters.

The whole Shaun King thing is not that hard to believe. Why not want to identify as Black. There are people who choose to live their lives in different eras - See: Renaissance Fairs and hippies.

The huge difference is that Shaun King's delusions were meant most likely to perpetrate a fraud to get scholarships and media attention...and since he keeps side-stepping the evidence when asked. It would be simple to prove that he was out of school for 20 months with school records and simple to prove that he had extensive injuries with medical records. But he is using the same tactics BLM uses to argue that Michael Brown was an innocent victim coming home from Church and was shot down by racists cops.

AndrewPrice said...

Jailhouse Rock

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That's the problem with lies... they catch up to you. If what he claims is true, there would be a police report, medical records and school records. But you know there aren't because he made it up.

In terms of wanting to be something else, in all seriousness, the problem here is that these people are doing this (1) for fraudulent reasons and (2) to spread hate. They are inventing fake backgrounds complete with nonexistent claims of race-based attacks in the same way the Nazis smeared the Jews. That is immoral and dangerous.

Koshcat said...

Clinton will try to hang on up until she is dragged away by the Polk County Sheriffs department for outstanding warrant. I have noticed that my democrat friends are not defend her. They aren't criticizing her yet but it is a start. It will end badly and ugly. On the positive note, my PAC pool of selecting Biden as the winner from the dems is looking better and better. I was the only one who didn't pick Clinton. 2 tickets to the inauguration and a ball is on the line here!

I really like Rubio but I think his inexperience is shining through. I'm not a big fan of senators becoming president anyway. It seems that Governors tend to do a better job governing. I wonder how things might have been different if the president was selected from the current governors? Instead of primaries, have run-offs where you eliminate half the candidates each time (50->25->12->6->2->1) based on electoral college results or until someone gets >50%. You couldn't drop out but once you are eliminated, you can support whomever you want.

Koshcat said...

Quinnipiac polling has Rubio leading Clinton and Bush in 3 key states:

Critch said...

There was a young man in my Air Guard Wing that was white, but culturally was black. He was raised in a town in West Tennessee that was at least 80% black and the high school was probably 90% black. he listened to rap and hip hop, off duty he wore clothes more associated with black youth, even his speech was predominately Black-Southern. His supervisor was a black doctor who was raised well apart from black neighborhoods, he even rode in steeple-chase events (how white is that?) who used to point out that the airman was more black than I get someone raised in a culture; but I don't get these two imitators, who did it for money.

Anthony said...


I haven't seen the study either, but according to the article below it didn't claim people were turned off by sex and violence, it claimed that they were so fixated on it they less likely to notice/remember advertised products. It also says that the association wasn't positive for many advertised products. Sounds reasonable to me. You don't see many sexy or violent cookie ads :).

The researchers examined the effectiveness of advertisements embedded in sexual and violent programs as well as advertisements that contained sexual and violent content. They looked for impacts on memory, attitude towards the brand, and the buying intentions of the viewers.

Memory was significantly compromised for brands and ads embedded in programs that contain sex, violence, or both. There was no significant effect on memory for advertisements that contained sexual or violent content, but they did find that memory decreased as the sexual content intensified.

Attitudes towards brands embedded in violent programs were significantly less positive than they were towards brands embedded in neutral programs; attitudes towards advertisements that contained sexual content were also significantly less favorable than towards neutral advertisements.

Anthony said...

Marco Rubio figured that after Romney lost in 2012 the party would change its stance on immigration and his position would make him a visionary. Instead despite Romney losing the party became even more anti-immigration and he was forced to shift stances.

Also, Ted Cruz kind of took his spot of charismatic young Cuban conservative. Such darlings aren't worth much politically though I'm sure its a nice gig if one can get it :) .

Sharing a skin color/national background with someone (or for that matter, having a different skin color) isn't going to magically earn you respect if your words convince them you have a very different perspective and sense of priorities than they do. Any honest black conservative could tell you that (though many of the high profile ones aren't).

Anthony said...

King being white isn't a big deal. Black Lives Matter and many others who maintain that the police need reining in has been clowning itself for months by keying on stuff like 'all lives matter' and by criticizing not just dodgy shootings, but ones which strikes reasonable people as well, reasonable.

AndrewPrice said...

Koshcat, I'd love to see Hillary dragged out of her HQ on election night by a SWAT team. :D

I'm stunned that they are seriously considering Biden. That's as stupid as considering Donald Trump... oh. :(

AndrewPrice said...

Critch, Culture makes a huge difference and so does class.

AndrewPrice said...

Anthony, That's interesting. That's very different than the article I saw about it from the AP. Since I trust Forbes more than the AP, I would go with the Forbes interpretation. The AP article described it as people losing interest when they see sex and violence.

On Rubio, I think he needed to make a statement one way or another, but he didn't. Every other candidate, except Trump, is pro-reform and he could have stuck with it. The problem was that he did it and then panicked, so he alienated everyone.

I don't think King being white hurts BLM anymore than they already hurt themselves. It just kind of adds to the joke factor. But I think the idea that whites can pretend to be black if they have the right politics is a fundamentally dangerous idea for the left.

Kit said...

No post tonight, check by tomorrow afternoon.

Or keep commenting here.

tryanmax said...

Why am I not surprised that the AP oversimplified the study to the point of making it wrong.

tryanmax said...

Off Topic, something ridiculous I had to share:

Not sure what program I was listening to, but some Iranian "expert" was talking about how he would convince Congress to support the nuclear deal. He trotted out the quickly aging cliché that Iran is not a monolith, and that not everyone in the Iranian government wants to eliminate Israel. Some leaders just have strong policy disagreements with Israel, and that's a very important distinction.

Uh, yeah, except for the fact that the existence of another nation (it shouldn't matter which) is actually up for debate in Iran. Is it so much to ask that all of Iran's leaders get on the same page about not committing genocide before we allow them the quick and easy means to do it?

I was astounded because, here was supposed to be an argument in favor of a nuclear Iran, and it's actually a very compelling argument against.

BevfromNYC said...

Tryanmax - I agree with you. He should be trying to convince us that they will disband their nuclear program rather than trying to convince us that there are actually people in Iran who DON'T want to annihilate Israel. As we all know that "strong policy disagreement" is just dickering over WHEN, not IF Israel should be destroyed.

tryanmax said...

Shaun King has written a lengthy piece of hogwash asserting his blackness: LINK

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I just had an awesome idea. We should put King and Dolezal on a reality show with other similar non-black black civil "right" leaders. We put them in a house and they can all fight over how black they really are, with the winner getting an Afro-transplant, a skin pigmentation treatment to make them darker, and a Census card that officially declares them black.

Think of how much fun that would be to watch! :D

And all this would cost is a wig, a bottle of spray tan, and a few minutes on photoshop. I'll bet idiots like this would even provide their own cameras.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, What's a few million dead people if it makes liberals feel smug?

Kit said...

Well, not everyone at the Wanssee Conference fully supported a policy of extermination against the Jews…

Kit said...

The Greek Prime Minister is resigning. He was in office for about 7 months.

BevfromNYC said...

Kit - Isn't this the same socialist PM who held a national vote for/against austerity clause saying that it should be the "Will of the People" that decides. ("against austerity won by a slim margin) Then turned around and did exactly the opposition of voters? Yeah...I can see why he might be tainted by his own rhetoric and forced to resign. I'm guessing socialists are having a hard time these days when they have run out of other people's money and come begging for more.

I still think that is thigh-slapping irony that the EU is lead by Germany and everyone looks to them for bailouts.

AndrewPrice said...

Super congratulations to the three unarmed Marines who foiled a terrorist attack on a French train. Apparently, he had 200 rounds in his AK47 and no one really to stop him. I hope they get medals for this. I also hope the two who were injured heal fast and well.

Bravo! :D

AndrewPrice said...

Here's a link: LINK

Anonymous said...

Bravo indeed! And Godspeed for their recovery.

BevfromNYC said...

God bless the Marines! Once again, U.S. Marines to the rescue!

And yeah..."the motives of the attacker are unknown at this time"....yeah, three guesses and the first two don't count.

Unknown said...

It wasn't really fair. There were 3 Marines and the jihadist only had 1 rifle, 200 rounds, a couple knives and a prayer rug. Here's the thing.....Marines are trained to go where the fire is coming from. They are used to rounds going off so they're not petrified when they hear incoming. Civilians on the other hand get confused and scared.

Semper Fi Marines!


BevfromNYC said...

The reports that I read this morning stated that the 3 Marines knew something was not right and followed him on the train. Then they heard a very familiar sound of a weapon being loaded. They didn't hesitate and ran right at him. The 3rd Marine probably didn't charge because there wasn't room. God bless those U.S. Marines.

BevfromNYC said...

Speaking awesome Marines. Did you read that one of the Marines who took down the terrorist at the Tennessee recruiting Station that was attacked is being court marshaled because he was carrying an unauthorized personal weapon at the station.

Kit said...

I'm seeing some reports that they were not Marines; one was a member of the US Air Force, another was a British IT businessman, and a third is unconfirmed.

Regardless: Heroes.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It turns out it wasn't Marines. It was an Air Force airman, an Oregon National Guardsman and a friend. Their description of what happened is fantastic... and funny. Apparently, the terrorist kept asking for his gun back as they were beating him unconscious! LOL!

The US servicemen who tackled a Kalashnikov-wielding terrorist to the ground in a packed Paris-bound train have described the moment they leaped into action. Spencer Stone, an airman, (top left and center) was travelling with Oregon National Guard member Alek Skarlatos, 22, (bottom left and top right, on the right) who was on leave after a tour of Afghanistan, and their Californian friend Anthony Sadler (top right, on the left) when he heard the gunman load his weapon in the toilet. 'We heard a gunshot, and we heard glass breaking behind us, and saw a train employee sprint past us down the aisle,' Sadler said from France. They then saw a gunman entering the train car with an automatic rifle. 'As he was cocking it to shoot it, Alek just yells, "Spencer, go!" And Spencer runs down the aisle,' Sadler continued. 'Spencer makes first contact, he tackles the guy, Alek wrestles gun away from him, and the gunman pulls out a box cutter and slices Spencer a few times. And the three of us beat him until he was unconscious.' As they beat the man (pictured on the ground of the train, bottom right) - named in reports as Ayoub el-Qahzzani - he pleaded with them to return his AK-47, Sadler explained. 'He was just telling us to give back his gun. "Give me back my gun! Give me back my gun!" But we just carried on beating him up and immobilised him and that was it.' The men, along with fellow passenger British IT consultant Chris Norman, have since been commended for their bravery by President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande has tweeted that he will meet the men tomorrow to thank them.

Here's a link. It shows their pictures too: LINK

BevfromNYC said...


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Not to make light of this, but I did have to laugh that a French actor was also originally included as someone who was "injured in the attack." He apparently plays a "tough cop" on French television (which I believe means he's must be the one who hands out low thread-count pillows to suspects instead of the usual luxury pillows... ;-) ).

Anyways, it turns out that he cut his hand on the glass when he broke the "break in case of emergency" thing. Wonk wonk wonk woooonk.

Somehow... that's so fitting. Real life heroes charge a man with a fricken automatic rifle. TV heroes get injured calling for help.

BevfromNYC said...

Yeah, kind of like WWII, Americans and Brits go after and defeat the bad guy....and French surrendered...

Kit said...


Why is it always ever thus?

Anthony said...

That is pure awesome. Those guys saved a lot of lives by doing something 99% of us wouldn't have the courage to do.

As for the French actor, calling for help isn't nearly as impressive as tackling an armed terrorist, but it can also save lives. Freezing is what a lot of people would do and is probably the worst response (makes you a non-factor).

BevfromNYC said...

Actually, Anthony, we joke, but the French actor alerting the police was impressive too. Because there could have been more shooters too.

AndrewPrice said...

Anthony, I'm just pointing out the difference between movie heroes and the real life heroes in a sort of ironic way. I love guys like Chuck Norris, but kicking butt on film is nothing compared to what these guys did. What they did is incredible and truly deserves the label heroic and it just struck me as a humorous comparison.

In terms of freezing, there have been so fascinating studies about plan crashes which show that 10% of people tend to do the right things to try to save lives... 80% just line up and do what they are told to do without any independent judgment (like line up in the aisles)... and 10% do bizarre things that interfere with the other passengers (like blocking aisle, attacking people, stopping to grab luggage). So even before you get to the word hero, just doing the right things to save lives is a rare trait.

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