Wednesday, October 18, 2017

More Thoughts

We are in a dessert of genuine of news... the sound of one hand clapping. But here goes. Some thoughts.

● I am Spartacus. That's kind of how Hollywood feels right now. If you are an actress, you better report being molested asap before the ride closes. Was that flippant? See, it's not that I don't believe you... well, actually it is. I don't believe you, especially if you won't name names. "Strong women" my ass.

As an aside, Reece Witherspoon's story about being made to do a naked lineup as a way to be made to lose weight was a woman director, not a man. The media seems to keep skipping little details like that. Where is Algore to give us 'Inconvenient Truths PART 3'?

The #metoo people seem to have stopped reporting numbers... probably because it's truly underwhelming.

● There have been some horrific child killings in the news lately. A mother put her toddlers in the oven to kill them. A 19 year old stabbed his two younger siblings to death locally so he would be alone. Some dude claimed he made his daughter stand by a tree at 3 am because she wouldn't drink milk and she vanished, but the evidence is showing he killed her. BTW, she was 22 pounds at one point as a child. What is wrong with people?

● Meanwhile, it turns out that opioids killed more people in 2016 (64,070) than died in Vietnam (58,000). People are now going into a tizzy. Of course, let us put this in perspective. Few of those 64,070 will be missed. Moreover, 92 million Americans have been prescribed opioids this year alone. That means a death rate of 0.00007%. That's hardly an epidemic. Yet, people aren't smart and they hear a big number and panic. So now it will become nearly impossible to get very useful pain pills because a few thousand hillbillies overdosed. Wonderful.

● Have you seen this idiot who went to Afghanistan with his wife to missionary to people behind enemy lines? Surprise, they were captured and tortured and one of their kids was killed... and now they're acting shocked. Stick your head in a lion's mouth and you will suffer. Duh.

● Finally, my daughter has managed to put Greek Mythology into perspective in one evil swoop: "their real problem was Zeus and his junk." Oy vey.


Anthony said...

It’s damn odd that one of the Afghan hostages (the husband) had previously married a woman with heavy Al Queda connections. There is more to that story than has been told.

He was once briefly married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior Al Qaeda financier who had contacts with Usama bin Laden.

ArgentGale said...

Figured this would be the better post for thoughts on the continuing Weinstein fallout...

1. I don't doubt that this sleaziness is true in a general sense but if these actresses are serious about putting an end to these problems then they need to name names. I doubt many of them are going to do it, though, since the left's focus has turned to creating another moral panic... It's exhausting.

2. Not much to add except that these people are sick.

3. Leave it to the idiots to ruin a useful thing. This whole "We have to do something!" freak out mentality is getting old.

4. In light of Anthony's link their reaction makes more sense. People who are serious about mission work in dangerous places know the risks and believe they're worth braving for the sake of their faith. Not to say there aren't dilettantes that do stupid things, though.

5. LOL! Smart girl. I've also seen the thought expressed in a humorous pie chart meme of the problems in Greek Mythology. The largest section was of course "Zeus couldn't keep his rolling thunder in his toga."

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