Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Global Catastrophe Crowd: Wrong Again

There are times I feel badly for the “environmental” movement... well, no, that’s not true. I feel sorry for them in the same way I feel badly for someone who has set up a terrific scam only for it to fall apart when a cop happens by. What am I talking about? Well, this...

Ever since radical leftists hijacked the environmental movement, they’ve tried to invent new theories that would let them impose their socialist view on America. They want to eliminate personal freedom by stripping away cars and internet use and consumer choice, forcing people into smaller homes or communal living, and forcing them to engage in “green” activities that are more like mind-control than environmental protection. They have pushed for massive regulatory increases on the US and Europe only. They want wealth transferred to “the oppressed poor,” i.e. Africa, meaning both cash transfers as well as technology transfers. Their wish list reads like it comes from the Soviet Union’s deconstruction agenda for the West.

But things aren’t going according to plan.
● First they tried a global ice age... but it got warmer. Frustrating people, frustrating.

● Then they tried overpopulation and global famine... but food supplies soared and birth rates crashed. Damn you capitalism!

● They tried mass extinctions... but that didn’t happen. To the contrary, scientists eager for dollars starting discovering “new species” at a record pace by redefining sub-species as new.

● America without trees? Yep... uh, no. There are more trees here now than there were when the first honkey climbed off the express from Europe.

● They tried the ozone hole, but that closed again despite claims it could never close again.
None of this was working. They needed something bigger. Then they thought they’d found it when they realized that temperatures were going up...
● Global warming. Yep, things keeps getting hotter. All we need to do is massage the data to make it seem like this is the hottest it’s ever been, by for example ignoring warmer periods, manipulating our data in any way necessary, and by using a ridiculously short period of comparison! Bingo! The perfect scam.
Yeah, only, call it God, call it Karma or just the universe, whatever it is, it has a way of exposing lies. So lo and behold, the moment people started buying into this scam, the warming stopped. Yep. Stopped cold (no pun intended).

Even worse, their list of doomsday scenarios started to be exposed as fantasy. They predicted the end to the ice caps... then we got record ice caps. The Himalayas were about to lose all their snow. Whoops, had to retract that one. Coastal cities were going to be sunken by a rising ocean, only all the supposed sinking was offset by rising land. They predicted the oceans would stop circulating, only, they didn’t. Next, they tried the water crisis, which was supposed to result in countries going to war to help their parched citizens survive. Yeah, that didn’t happen either. It turns out that 70% of the planet is covered in water... who knew?

Things were not going well. Clearly, the scam had to pivot.
● So they switched to the nebulous “climate change” and they warned of horribly extreme weather. Like a sci-fi channel disaster weekend, they predicted waves of tornadoes, out-of-control wildfires, extreme heat and cold, and hurricanes... mucho hurricanes. Al Gore even repeated this crap this weekend (I believe he chanted it from the doomsday tower attached to his mansion). Only, it hasn’t happened either.
● The past few years have seen the lowest number of tornadoes in decades.

● Wildfires are at a decade low.

● Extreme heat? Hardly. We’re at a 100 year low in terms of the number of extreme heat days.

● How about the hurricanes? We are currently in the longest period since the Civil War without a major (category 3, 4, 5) hurricane hitting the US, and this hurricane season has been a total dud.
Nature actually seems to delight in debunking the claims of these people. It’s almost like somebody up there is sick of them. I know I am. There are good environmental causes, but as long as these leftist liars keep up their garbage, they are only stopping good things from being done.


T-Rav said...

Andrew, when are you going to learn? You can't make a conclusion from all that data. Maybe we're in a lull or something; any decision on global warming needs to be postponed by at least ten years...or twenty...or, if possible, until the "Al Gore Memorial Center" has been established and his legacy secure. Then you can point all this out. But do it quietly. You don't want to be disrespectful, after all.

LL said...

Now it's "climate change" where any change however slight is the fault of (insert non-progressive list including the National Rifle Assn.).

Kit said...

Its like God is trolling the radical environmentalists...

tryanmax said...

I've always been entertained and intrigued by the "Gore Effect" wherein Albert Gore, Jr. arrives somewhere for a speaking event to bemoan the effects of global warming and that locality experiences unseasonably cool weather on that date. The broad trends I can just give over to natural cycles and such. But the Gore Effect really makes it seem like someone upstairs is straight up screwing with the eco-weenies.

AndrewPrice said...

Kit, It is. :)

AndrewPrice said...

LL, That's the only way to be safe... and even that's not safe. Every time they predict something, nature makes a fool of them.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, True. We can't know anything until after it's too late to stop them... apparently. It just amazed me how shameless they can be on this. If my theory was blowing full of holes like theirs, I would seriously be reconsidering. Instead, they seem intent on just pushing harder and stifling dissent.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I've heard of the Al Gore effect, but I've never looked to see if it's real. If it is, then that I definitely proof that someone is messing with old Al! LOL!

Kit said...

re the Al Gore Effect, again it seems like God is trolling the radical environmentalists.

Tennessee Jed said...

Gore reminds me now of Jabba the Hutt. I think when he lost all credibility (except with Hollywood and Nobel committee) was when he dreamed up carbon credits so important people like him could purchase pollution credits to run his multi-million dollar, massive carbon footprint empire.

Tennessee Jed said...

lockbox my ass ......

darski said...

The environmental movement like the women's movement has achieved anything necessary and so are left to *think* up new stuff that is catastrophic.

Oh, and my vote is for

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalm 2:4

tryanmax said...

Here's a small sampling: LINK

Granted, a lot of the reported events were scheduled in winter (what was Al thinking?) though setting record lows at any time of year is always significant.

AndrewPrice said...

Kit, It absolutely is.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, Agreed. That made him into an absolute joke to me. It totally reminds me of absolutions from the Catholic Church in the Dark Ages... "pay in advance to cover your sins." Good grief!

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, So true. And because there is no lockbox, we are in an even deeper hole.

AndrewPrice said...

darski, That's exactly right. All the things that needed to be done -- clean air, clean water, equal rights under the law, etc. have been done, and those two groups are now reduced to inventing things to be upset about so they can maintain their political bases.

AndrewPrice said...

Very nice. So God is trolling Al Gore after all! LOL! :)

BevfromNYC said...

God uses Al Gore for entertainment much like giraffes and pandas.

Ever notice that the Pro-Global Warming people always report in August how the Arctic ice has diminished...like it should in the high summer. but never report In February how it has grown larger than the previous February? And no one ever reports about how the Antarctic ice because it has only grown larger.

tryanmax said...

Ice melts in the summer? The hell you say!?

T-Rav said...

"It seems like God is trolling the radical environmentalists."

Posing the unexpected question, will God too eventually obey Godwin's Law?

tryanmax said...

T-Rav, didn't you know? The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism.

AndrewPrice said...

Godwin's Law? Why does that sound like Internet Rule No. 6. ... "Somewhere, Al Gore can be found naked on the internet."


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, "much like giraffes and pandas" LOL!

On the ice flow, it's not fun to report things that don't support your cause, so yeah, pick your time of year wisely.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Yep, ice melts in the summer. So sayeth science! If you want to believe them.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Hitler was a Christian? Since when. I seem to recall Hitler mocking Christians a lot. That sounds as stupid as the idea that Hitler was actually Jewish.

tryanmax said...

Yeah, I think a link to a site called "Evil Bible" which blames everything bad that ever happened on Christianity pretty much discredits that notion. The "/sarc" was implied.

tryanmax said...

But Hitler did totally have a secret Nazi moonbase. That's a fact as established by the film Iron Sky.

AndrewPrice said...

Yeah, I'm sensing a wee hint of possible prejudice there.

I thought Iron Sky was about Sarah Palin having a moon base?

tryanmax said...

Hmmm, no, I think you're just getting confused with the reality that Sarah Palin is a moon bat.

AndrewPrice said...

Huh. Ok. I would have sworn BH said the film was about a Nazi regime run by a Sarah Palin clone using a secret moonbase. But I could be mistaken.

tryanmax said...

Oh, I dunno. I've never actually seen the movie.

I did just do a google image search and apparently the President of the United States is played by a middle-aged brunette with an up-do and a red skirt suit.

AndrewPrice said...

I've never seen it either, but I do recall a rant about it at BH. So perhaps that's what it is?

BevfromNYC said...

But according to HuffPo, Hitler and Palin (or any conservative really) are very similar, so I can understand the confusion.

BevfromNYC said...

"So sayeth science!"

Uh, Andrew, conservatives aren't supposed to believe in "science", so what gives?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'm the other kind of conservative, the kind who love America and the American people, and who believe in things like science, free markets, and individual freedom, and who aren't looking for a reason to buy a bunker. Yeah, baby!! :D

Patriot said...

H8ers.....Don't you know "President Sham-Wow" has declared that Obamacare is more than just a "website?!" It's all running just as expected and people "LOVE IT!!" The massive interest in his healthcare plan just plain overwhelmed the paltry human designed site.

What I'm finding just fascinating to watch is the spin being put out by his minions and frou-frou lapdogs in the media that people just LOVE their new plans...even though their plan prices have gone up, they weren't able to keep their doctor and they are being forced to buy something they didn't want! They ....still....LOVE IT!!!!

I feel like we're living in bizarro world........

BevfromNYC said...

Patriot - The NY Daily News reported today (and, mind you, they are a very liberal/pro-Obama newspaper) that the NY exchanges cannot confirm that one person has actually sign up for insurance. They have had lots of people signing on, but not signing up. Personally, I think many of them passed out right there at their computer terminals from sticker shock once they realized how much it was going to cost them...

T-Rav said...

tryanmax, I didn't want to click that link, but then of course I had to. Wow. It's not often you find a claim that can be completely dismembered in five minutes. For someone to have gone to that much trouble to put together a website and then be that cavalier with the facts suggests some very willful ignorance.

And frankly, I think this world would be much more interesting if Sarah Palin did have a secret moon base. Also more profitable, since I could rent out my kitten army for her use....

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Anybody with a secret moonbase is interest. :)

As for the website, I don't think places like that really worry about what's true or false.

AndrewPrice said...

Patriot, I love Obamacare if it turns people against the government invading their lives. And with the sheer incompetence and sticker shock, that is what I will bet is going on right now.

Patriot said...

Bev and Andrew........Yet the press and libs will never ascribe ANY blame to Obama himself, or the legislation. It will always be the Repugs and Tea Partiers fault.

The Democratic Party said...

"For someone to have gone to that much trouble to put together a website and then be that cavalier with the facts suggests some very willful ignorance."

Got any voter information on these guys?

BevfromNYC said...

Let's see - Barbara Boxer..er, excuse me that's SENATOR Barbara Boxer is now yelling about how WE NEED TO PAY OUR BILLS!!! Really...oh, and Carney is trying to pin the rap of the conceived disfunctional/non-functional website and roll out on...drum roll please...on the Republicans. Who could possible have guessed??

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, In a way, Carney is right. Think of it this way. The Democrats always do insanely stupid things and they rely on the Republicans to clean up their messes, to make everything work, and to make everything palatable to the public. Basically, the Republicans are the mom chasing around after the naked six year old who is covered in pudding redecorating Walmart with feces.

This time, the Republican told the Democrats, clean up your own mess. Now imagine how you would feel as a Democrat, now that you are forced to do something you never expected in your life. So there you stand, covered in Pelosi and pudding, as all those angry Walmart shoppers glare at you and the Republicans are just walking away leaving you to the mob.

// sniff sniff

It's a real tragedy.

As for Boxer, "You first, dingbat."

AndrewPrice said...

Patriot, Doesn't matter. Never has. If it worked, the Democrats would be doing better than pulling in 31% of eligible voters.

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