Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Follow-Up and Other Stuff

I really didn't expect my last post about the dangers of overhyped presidential assassination porn to be so prescient, but shortly after some crazed Bernie Bro decided to try his hand at a real assassination attempt. As we all know, Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise (R) and three Congress police were shot. Even as Rep. Scalise was fighting for his life in the ICU, liberal pundits were crowing about how Scalise probably deserved it seeing how he was such a Republican and all. How have we come to this?

Okay, to be fair, some conservative college kids have been doing their own mischief with disrupting the NY Shakespeare's production of "Julius Caesar: A Chance to Assuage Our Violent Frustrations Legally With A Fake Assassination of Sitting President Trump" {oh wait, that's just "Julius Caesar" I am on the fence about this. I don't necessarily approve, but I am also in the camp of "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander". Well, frankly, I just don't care. Public Theatre chose this production and this concept to be provocative, so they get what they asked for. Okay, I admit it. I am a hypocrite. I am no better than the liberal pundits who are crowing about Scalise. But then disrupting an actor's performance and actually trying to kill someone are world's apart. Hopefully, ne'er the twain shall meet.

Other Stuff: When living in the "Big City", sometimes you just have to scratch your head and keep moving along. Riding on the subway every morning, I have gotten use to having my daily dose of indoctrination of "public service announcements": "Please give your seat to an elderly, disable, or pregnant 'person'" and "If you see something, say something". Now to be honest, I didn't necessarily move to NYC to divorce myself from nature because living in an urban area comes with it's own specific brand of "nature" [See: mice, rats, cockroaches, pigeons, etc.] But seriously, I did not sign up for REAL wildlife. This is just silly...

Okay, I have made peace with the pigeons and the mice, and squirrels that stick to the parks are, frankly, just downright entertaining there. But, honestly, raccoons? I didn't sign up for that! But now, our city officials are forcing me to accept racoons like they demand I accept crime, homelessness, and taxes! If wanted this much nature, I would have stayed in the "burbs"! This will not stand!!!!

The floor is open...


ArgentGale said...

I haven't seen as much "he deserved it" as much as I've seen equivocation claiming the right is much worse than the left with the examples given usually being either leftist or apolitical nutbags who suddenly become right wing for the sake of the argument. It's both frustrating and sad to see.

On the play disruptions I see it pretty much the way you do, Bev. It feels like people shouldn't resort to that yet it's becoming increasingly clear that the left isn't going to stop their garbage unless they pay a price for it. I've seen multiple people on the right saying that one day the rioting left is going to push some very patient people too far and the results won't be pretty, a sentiment I agree with. Good luck with the raccoons, too!

- Daniel

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I have no problem with the college students. Why? Because this has been the game of the left for the longest time. Their actors spew off... sometimes stopping the plays themselves (remember Pence at "Hamilton"?). They disrupt events they don't like. They even get violent doing it. This doesn't bother me.

And equating that and trying to kill someone is asinine. The left has a history of violence they want to ignore, both in their rhetoric, their policies and their actions. They are the part of humanity that is fine with using brute force (legal or otherwise) to get what they want.

AndrewPrice said...

As for racoons, they are violent, they eat garbage, they sleep in the streets, and they don't pay taxes. Of course NYC liberals are going to embrace them! LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

Daniel & Andrew - All in all, I don't care what they all do except when people start shooting. It's frustrating that the Left gets it both ways. But then I am glad they disrupt stuff and create mayhem because that just loses votes for the Dems. And all of the nasty words about Scalise are going to come back and haunt them in the next election cycle.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - LOL!!! You are spot on! I never really equated the raccoons with the other scavengers in our city! Now I get it!

Tennessee Jed said...

Sometimes we all just have to be like "bon per goose, bon per gander" I think. off topic, but I just saw a link to a breitbart story about the records containing the Susan Rice unmasking shipped to the Obama library. Tell me the judicial department is not barred from these records that could contain evidence of a felony

BevfromNYC said...

TennJed - Actually I think the Rice unmasking docs can be obtained through Executive Order or most likely Congressional Subpoena, but then, I fully expect that somehow they will be magically "lost/destroyed/oopsie, was that on that disk?? - kinda' deal. Amazing that they just happened to be a part of Obama's "official records" for his "library".

BevfromNYC said...

Oh, in case you're keeping score - another suicide bombing. This time in Brussels Central train station. No word on what the possible motive could be. Though so far, no casualties are being reported except for the vest-bomb wearing suicide bomber of unknown original. I'm guessing Mormon most likely.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Let's not tar the Mormons with the crimes of the Buddhists.

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, I'm still trying to figure out why New York City would advertise they have raccoons. How is that a good use of public funds in any way? And why stop there? "Hey, we have dumpsters too! And stray dogs! Come to New York, see a billboard!"

BevfromNYC said...

Yes, Andrew, that is EXACTLY my thought about the raccoon welcoming sign! I just don't know why we are spending money advertising they are welcome. Well, maybe 'cause De Blasio is trying to get in good with Animal Rights Advocates. He does have a history of accidently killing animals. Hey, if they want to make wild animals official citizens, then why not rats! There are more of them than even humans AND they are native born! Why invite the illegal alien raccoons (oops, that's "undocumented immigrant") when we have lots of native born rats living right here to feed!!!!

Critch said...

There have also been coyote sightings in NYC. A sure sign that the wilderness is encroaching on civilization...

BevfromNYC said...

Yeah, we have coyotes, foxes, deer (one that De Blasio killed)...the city is teaming with wildlife. Actually Staten Island was held captive by wild turkeys roaming the streets. Sadly it is actually against the law to have pigs, elephants, hippos, allegators, lions, tigers, and rhinos in the city otherwise we'd be overrun with "nature". Though actually I did see some guy walking his turtle not long ago. It was hysterical!

Anonymous said...

I'm just positive that the suicide bomber that struck Brussels during Ramadan will turn out to have been mentally ill. Or he hates Europeans because of Donald Trump.

BevfromNYC said...

He was also not a really good terrorist because, thank God or Allah or amy divine intervention of your choosing,from any deity, his bomb vest manlfunctioned so the cops could kill him before he detonated his vest.

Critch said...

The Dims are losing in Georgia and have already lost South Carolina.....

BevfromNYC said...

So, Repubs just won special election in SC and GA. GA was the most expensive for Dems ever run. This was supposed to be prove the Dems message on Trump. So it isn't about money spent or high powered Hollywood endorsements. Hmmm, what could it be then?? I bet it might be message or just plain not insulting potential voters. What do you think????

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I am laughing my butt off about Georgia!

ArgentGale said...

As the resident Georgia commenter, YES! No more listening to Ossoff ads and the Dems lose this wasn't my district so I couldn't vote in it but I am relieved. More thoughts when I'm not suffering from insomnia.

- Daniel

Critch said...

There's talk of replacing Nancy Pelosi, however, I like her there....they may actually replace her with someone who knows what they're doing. She's such a maroon......

tryanmax said...

Self described conservatives are so married to their "principles" that said principles are no longer in service to anything. "Don't stoop to their level" is good advice when there's actual fear of it, but when the left is shooting at people and the right's response is to interrupt plays, it's the equivocators who are stooping!

I've spoken with people who identify as on the right who are so concerned with avoiding leftist tactics, they don't want to do anything that might embarrass or shame the left. The left has a term for that: internalized oppression.

As was said before, the left need a price to pay for their abhorrent politics. But they won't pay anything if the right plays by leftist rules in the name of "principles."

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