Round Two tonight! Will Obama come out swinging? I would think so. Does he know how? I kind of doubt it. Look for a nasty, nasty affair tonight. One of the theories about Biden's last performance was that he acted went full-jackass intentionally in the hopes of making Obama look better when Obama tries to go half-assed tonight. No, I'm not kidding.
So what do you think will happen tonight? Also, feel free to treat this like an open thread until the event itself.
OT: If anyone hasn't reviewed my books yet, I could really use the help! Even just a few words would help. Thanks! LINK.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 426 Newer› Newest»The $250,000 remark again???
tryanmax, wait til you find out jobs saved do grow the economy, but jobs created don't. It's coming.
Can't just one person say "We don't need more taxes, we need more TAX PAYERS!!!"
T-Rav, anything is bad so long as a Republican proposes it.
Bev, I'm pretty sure it got said in the last two debates, but I'd like to hear it again.
Moron. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
Governor said something and Obama can you please tell us why he is lying uh... uh....
Where are the fact checkers?
He just did, or are you deaf?
More class warfare.
Everything you just said came out of your mouth and your surrogates' mouths, not Romney's.
Doubling down on ass warfare... oops, class warfare.
Patti, You beat me to it!
I think it doesn't add up b/c Obama is the one doing the math.
But you did for four years din't you Mr. the country has no budget
Andrew, it is a form of warfare he does very well, although it is the only one.
Mr. Romney, please respond to Obama's false premise.
wait. dems can add?
Oh, snap! DENIED!
And I have to eat another Zinger.
Nice!! That's math that doesn't add up.
mitt: shush woman!
Fight, fight!!!!
Holy Lord.
Da FUQ!? Imma shoot myself.
And there's the Obama plant with the "War on Women" question.
Oh sorry, I thought we had entered into the whiny, ignorant feminist zone.
Make yourself WORTH the same and you will get paid the same...
Too bad you didn't learn from her about not complaining.
Obama's Theory of Government in a nutshell: Government should be an advocate.
The pay gap has been debunked so many, many times. Why won't it go away?
Imagine the irony then that Obama refused to sign the equal pay law the Democrats pushed.
And about those women who work in YOUR WH who get paid less than the men who do the same job, Mr. President??
tryanmax, because the voters are stupid and because it's too useful as political ammunition to be discarded.
So it's the banks keeping women down with student loans? I'm learning a boatload.
This stuff makes me roll my eyes, just like it made me roll my eyes in the primaries. But if it's going to win over idiot undecideds, whatevs.
tmax: i read that as buttload and LOL'D! then i reread it and didn't lol...
Romney is doing well. He keeps using every question so far to his advantage.
And even here, Romney does a good job at nailing down what he would do to satisfy these concerns, dumb though they may be.
I'm learning buttloads, too!
So we should approve of a bill before actually looking at it? Thanks, Ms. Pelosi.
Obama is a turd, pure and simple. But he is sharper than last time.
the butts have it!
So forcing employers to provide contraception will create equal pay? It's like I was just born.
The "C" word again (not that "C" word.
what kind of advocacy do I need?!
Lilly Ledbetter bill//// uh Healthcare uh
Politicians in Washington should not decide healthcare choices so I think the government should decide what healthcare choices uh
I foresee a very short life span.
Who pays for it? Single white men.
tmax: i swear if you start seeing a double rainbow (what does it mean?!), we're cutting your zingers off.
Wait, are you implying they don't have opportunities now? (sigh)
Has anyone noticed that Obama gets to start and finish each question?
Undecided my ass.
This woman is an undecided voter like I'm a fan of reggae music.
You are Bush... You are Bush ......
Andrew, he's President, so it's fair or something.
Question lady: I really want to vote for Obama, but I want Mr. Romney to give me a reason why.
This is such a biased BS question
so this blatant interruption thang of barry's. did they not learn from biden?! they be s-l-o-w learners.
That woman didn't even look like an undecided voter. She looked like a lot of haughty, NPR-listening college professors I've known.
Forget it, Mitt. She just wants to hear that you'll raise taxes on the rich and expand entitlements.
"Our party has been too focused on Big Business for too long. I want to focus on Small Business."
Yes, you've mentioned that on one or two occasions.
Once again, Obama accuses Romney of lying about his plan.
Let's play a game. Who here knows why the housing bubble burst in the first place? (raises hand) Anyone? Anyone?
Wait, Patti, double rainbow? What about four?
My administration is winning cause we sue more people
Oh. My. God. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of all things. Obama is now talking about how wonderfully moderate Bush was.
Wow, Obama's defending Bush?? WTF??
Wow, Obama can actually say something he likes about Bush.
WTF? So Romney never gets to respond anymore?
what have you done?
So, this is a totally balanced and equal-time debate.
He did NOT end the War in Iraq!! THat is a lie!
Romney needs to slap Crowley down and take control back.
i still call BUSH! DRANK! even if he did say something nice cause at this point it's medicinal.
800,000 a month loss is 9.6 million jobs but I created % million so I did good....
uh that's a net 4.6 million loss
"you should pay attention?!" oh my...
Obama's mindless followers will like tonight. I don't know what independents will take from this yet.
Jeez, he's back to the stupid whispering-emphasis thing. F@#$ing idiot.
So now Romney is going to eliminate ALL taxes for the rich?
Who's promises are more likely? I can't believe he actually said that.
mitt brought a might hammer.
I don't see that this really moves the needle. Romney hasn't come off as dumb or listless in the way Moron-in-Chief did last time. I can live with a tie.
My head hurts...
This is pretty good, though.
uh-oh...look to the record. that's gotta sting.
That was brilliant by Romney.
What won't make the morning analysis is the fact that Romney is talking about an actual plan while Obama is simply and repeatedly calling the plan a lie while skirting his own record.
Only wanting legal immigrants is mean and racist.
I sometimes wonder if candidates realize that when they do this, they're not really answering that one questioner, they're speaking to the public in general, who have different opinions than the questioner much of the time. Just wondering.
uh Loraine
ignore my univision interview... Please!
We ARE a nation of immigrants. Why, I'm an, that's not what I meant to say.
T-Rav, I think Mitt does. I doubt that answer was exactly what the asker wanted to hear.
But Obama, you haven't done anything with immigration.
And lest we forget, all illegal immigrants are students/poor working families.
pledge allegiance to the flag? what does barry know about that?
Did it ever occur to you that he sees options that do not include the DREAM Ac--oh who am I kidding, that never occurs to you, does it?
Only a half hour left. This has been a long one.
And Obama distorts Arizona's law to race bait. Typical.
What a brazen lie.
as a texan close to the border, momma has illgal-dar. trust. these cops know who they're stopping.
Lots of terms have been thrown at black people over the years, but I don't think "illegal immigrant" is one of them. Or maybe he's claiming he's Hispanic now.
moderator: governor do this! do that!
mitt: no. i'll refute the lies first.
Obama's super-majority couldn't get an immigration bill passed b/c those evil Republicans cast a spell on the Democrats
Hey Romney, if you do change your mind about that, Bev has some black helicopters you can borrow....
Fight, fight!!
bravo, mitt. don't let that bore take control.
Blah blah blah....
No they could not stop anyone Obama....
The law said they could runa check on anyone that committed a crime
Obama's gonna call the Secret Service to beat up Romney!
I hate that stupid voice.
Confirmed: Barack Obama is a race-baiting, pompous, insufferable idiot.
Obama: Don't listen to Mitt. Let me tell you what his policy is. My policy? My record? Nevermind that. Let me just tell you how bad this guy will be.
When does Obama get a gotcha question
He's a corporate spy! Don't listen to him!
Indie, there you go.
Yea! Benghazi question.
I can't wait to hear this answer. I'll bet he doesn't have one.
barry is shameless.
Wow, the rest of America must really hate his ambassadors then.
Ah, now I understand Hillary's falling on the sword today. She was just paving the road for Obama tonight.
Tomorrow's story: how BRAVE Obama was.
oh man. hunt them comes bin laden's ghost
Like killing Osama bin Laden. That would have been bad, to politicize that.
You mean the way Obama turned all of Bush's policies into politics?
Nevermind that Romney got it right. "Too soon! Too soon!"
Ooo Ooo, make sure you blame the video!
The irony is so thick, they haven't invented the instruments to measure its depth yet.
I had to walk out back when the bullshit fake "undecided" liberal got a question read about "defend yourself from Bush." Crowley wouldn't even let him respond after Barry. I swear there may have been collusion because Obama had a lot of talking points just teed up and ready to go.
Still, I could see the flash polls giving this one to Barry because Mitt started slow. Which means the liberal poll machine to try and say this is a game changer.
did y'all catch michelle trying to psyche mitt out with her scowl?!
Welcome back, Carter.
We should get a time count for the minutes and seconds total each participant was allowed in order to properly review this "debate"
I don't care, though. I think Romney has proved that he is not an idealogue but a practical, level headed businessman. Obama is a failed president. FAILED
Thought experiment: What if Mitt had waited two or three days to say something about this atrocity? The media wouldn't have chided him for being slow to respond to events or anything like that, would they? Surely not.
crisD: concur
He went there!!! Las Vegas, BABY!!! Good for Romney. Let's see Obama worm out of that!
T-Rav, Bush still gets guff for taking seven minutes. There's your answer.
CrisD, we'll probably hear one at the end.
Oh God now let's blame Clinton
Moral indignation much?
Now he's trying to exploit the deaths?
No-body knows...the trou-ble I've seen....
In other words...too little too late
And evidently those responsible must have fled to Vegas huh!
Don't call it SIN city for nuthin
i don't care how many times he tells me he's gonna "hunt down those responsible for the crime" he's a lightweight.
Candy just lies to help Obama.
mitt's gonna cut you with the his sharpened truth stick!
This is devolving into idiocy.
Wow, he called him on it.
This is supposed to be undecided voters? Why are they clapping for Obama?
Transcripts we don need no stinkin transcripts
"Just go to the transcripts".
Proof that NYers are just your typical Americans.
Uh.....(raises hand)
oy. too many weird details = lying! i'm out. it's been fun, y'all. give 'em hell!
Too many people killed by assault weapons by cartel members ....
Who is selling assault weapons to drug cartels I wonder
Joel, These are not undecideds. They are left leaning, and the questions show they are generally far left.
Joel, when they said undecided, they meant they hadn't decided whether to vote Democrat or Green.
Just checked the transcript at
The word "terror" is used once in this context: No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.
In a broader context, it is used generally and not specifically applied to the attack. IOW, Romney was right.
T-Rav - They haven't decided whether to vote for Obama or not vote at all.
Debate Poll: Who's the biggest idiot on TV right now?
a) Teleprompter-In-Chief
b) Candy Crowley
c) The Audience
d) Honey Boo Boo
Fast and Furious, YES!
Bev, good one!
T-Rav, Honey Boo Boo, but only by a hair.
And Crowley helps again.
Remember, loaded questions are one of the most obvious forms of logical fallacies.
uh Gvoernor no calling OBama out on his bS
Interesting Romney was about to say Fast & Furious, and Candy cut him off to change the direction...
Assault weapons and assault guns. People still don't understand that assault guns are automatic. Assault weapons aren't.
So Obama claims he's more pro-gun than Romney?
We m ust ban assault weapons
except when it comes to drug cartels
then the gubmint should fund them so they are nice to us and have the Coyotee's bring us voters
Personally, I don't think Crowley's so much an idiot as a mendacious charlatan.
C.C. sucks!
I missed something. How did we get from guns to higher education?
Second's up.
T rav
Mendacious Charlatan's can be idots too give her some time
What the hell was that?
Obama seems to not be aware that all his talking points were exploded in the last debate.
Because I really believe that Americans will manufacture plastic party novelties. And at the same low prices I've become accustomed to. Pthzzz!
if we train our college graduates they will be less likely to go get guns because they can't get a job
Now does Obamanomics make sense to you
Just make sure we get paid $75.00 an hour.
Man I want this thing to be over
Wait, you agree on that? Whaaa????
Wow, Obama has now adopted Romney's plan. This is tough to follow.
Obama is such a liar.
As long as you don't make over $250,000 a year. No profits for you.
I think that OBama has now totally contradicted himself five times now
By "gone up 11 percent," you mean inflation, right?
C.C. just referred to China as "here."
Do. Not. Let. Her. Cut. You. Off.
Let me see if I follow, outsourcing is bad unless the job is bad, which is determined by Obama's say-so.
So, the government creates jobs?
That's not a hard question at all!
High wage, high skill jobs, and like Solyndra, sell your item for less than it takes to make it.
Brilliant. //sarc
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