Monday, December 14, 2020

Still Sick

Grr. We thought we had this figured out, then it kept right on going. At this point, about 60% of my skin is covered in lesions and this sucks. Tryanmax's Pharaoh joke wasn't that far off, though I'm pretty sure I'm not holding any group of people hostage in my basement.

I saw an interesting thing on ratings today. I've pointed out before that the NBA ratings falling as much as 50% meant people had rejected their woke stance. The leftist media bent over backwards to claim this wasn't the case, coming up with all kinds of BS ideas. There was no reduction in ratings... uh, yes, there was. This was the result of a Presidential election stealing eyes! Too much competition from, uh, reruns. It's Covid, no one cares about sports, all sports are down. You'll see, the NFL will crash too.

Well, the NFL is down all of 6%. It was down 15% in 2006 during the last election. So the election was not an issue. The NFL didn't go woke either. It pretended around the edges and then didn't, so don't believe this means people now like woke things.
What's more, it was already about as woke as it got because of the kneeling thing. So it makes sense that 6% is the Covid drop.

So why did the NBA suffer a 50% drop? It's best teams played a really exciting tournament. It's top viewed teams were in it and competitive. It's stars all played. It's next level had break out stars. This thing should have gone up, even with Covid depression. But it fell 50%. That's societal judgment on their politics. The question becomes now, can they recover?  I'm thinking not and I'm looking forward to the financial punishment to follow as profits crash.

As an aside, I will start writing again soon. Kind of tough at the moment, but I will. I'm seeing a lot of interesting things about the war between moderate Dems and the Democratic future. Things will be ugly.

Hope you're doing well!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Starting To Take This Personally! lol

Hi everyone. My bad 2020 continues. After having severe strep, which inflamed my lymph nodes and gave me a sinus infection, I have somehow got a skin infection. Basically, for the past three weeks, I've had sores all over my body and no one knows why exactly. These things honestly are covering most of my skin. So lots of antibiotics. I will post more when this finally ends. Thanks for your patience.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Media Bias

Evidence of liberal media bias is so overwhelming and so pervasive that only a fool (or a liberal) couldn't see it. It's to the point that it's hardly even worth pointing out. It's like pointing out a blue sky. Well, duh. That said, there's a really good example right now which I think tells us how the next four years will go.

Biden has a problem. He's attacked Trump for not fixing the covid crisis even though the crisis can not be fixed, not as long as we intend on being stupid, which is the normal human condition. He owns that now and people expect Biden to "do something" ("won't someone think of the children?!") about the crisis. Liberals in particular are expecting miracles because they believe in the magic idea that all problems can be solved by the easiest answer they can think of. The problem is that whatever Biden does will be wrong because there is no right answer. Shutdown and you kill people and jobs and solve nothing. Stay open and you kill people and jobs and solve nothing. Everything you do causes problems and solves nothing. There is no right.

So what should Biden do?

On the campaign trail, Biden promised a 4-6 week shutdown. When that didn't poll well, he flip-flopped and never-saided it. Now he's put together a panel (which does not include the noble and perfect Dr. Fauci -- after attacking Trump for threatening to fire him, note that the media has gone silent on Biden not hiring this perfect man). One member of the panel announced a 4-6 week shutdown. That went over like a turd in a punch bowl, so the other "experts" shot that idea down: "it would be a disaster, we should NOT shutdown!" Biden said nothing.

What did the media do? Nothing about Biden. They attacked Trump.

No kidding. They're trying to protect Biden by spinning how Trump has done nothing to stop this crisis and because of that, by the time Biden takes over, it will be unsolvable. Bullship.

Notice how different Biden gets treated. They do not call him out on backpedaling ("He's confused! An idiot! Biden lets politics decide science!"). They did not call Biden out when his first expert contradicted him ("Even his own people point to how stupid Biden is!"). When the others shot him down, the media didn't claim they silenced the oracle of truth ("Biden shuts down own experts who reveal the truth!"). They didn't attack Biden for creating a confused, conflicted panel. They didn't dig into the qualifications of these experts and destroy them. They didn't point out the contradiction. Nope. They gave this a total pass.

That's bias. If this had been Trump, each of the above quotes would be headlines going out all over the world screaming about Trump's incompetence, how he was shutting down science, how his experts are industry whores, how they're idiots, and how the whole thing is just one big cluster. But with Biden? Not a peep.

It must be nice to have an entire industry of bootlickers who view their sole jobs as covering up your mistakes. Ah, to be a Democrat. As for the media, do you think the media gets paid by direct deposit, or do the Democrats just leave money on the nightstand for them?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Go Fill Up On Groceries Now

Go buy groceries. Panic buying is coming.

We got hints a week ago about panic buying. We know some people who work at two different grocery stores and they said they are seeing more people panic buying.

We went out last week and started buying more stuff to fill the shelves. A large number of long-lasting goods were gone. Toilet paper was all but gone. Cleaning supplies were picked over.

This weekend seemed to bring some of it back.

Tonight, there's a huge headline on Yahoo that stores are going to start restricting purchases again because of Covid. If that doesn't spark a panic, nothing will. Add the fact that Biden's advisor wants to shut everything down for 4-6 weeks and places like New York just announced that pretty much everything is being closed.

Time to go stock up, just in case. If it never happens, great. But it looks like human nature alone is going to make this happen again. //sigh

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Yay, We're Saved!

It never ceases to amaze me how dishonest the media is and how their agenda can change on a dime depending on who is in office. Remember how the homeless vanished overnight when Clinton took office, reappeared the moment Bush took over, and vanished the second Obama took over? AIDS mysteriously disappears and reappears. Social Security is doing fine or is ON THE VERGE OF BANKRUPTCY!!! Foreign threats, crime, EVIL CHINA!!! You name it, its existence depends on who's in charge. Now we have another example.

Make no mistake that Pfizer waited to announce its vaccine until after it was clear that Biden won. They didn't want to help Trump. They would have happily announced if Obama had been running, but not Trump. That's not what interests me most though.

What interests me most is the media response.

When Trump was in charge:
1. Can we really trust a vaccine created in the Trump world? They're rushing it to please him.

2. Didn't Trump tell the FDA to rush these things, that's not safe.

3. Don't trust Trump period. Don't be the first to take this thing. Most Americans say they won't take it.

4. It may take decades to know if this thing is dangerous.

5. Vaxers are nutty Republicans, but this vaccine could do everything they say.

6. Corporations are going to benefit from this, and you know how they are.

7. Even if there is a vaccine, how will people get it? It won't solve anything.

8. Racism.
With Biden about to be in charge:

And best of all, it was developed by a couple who are in love. It's the underdog story of the Century!
And they wonder why we don't trust them...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Don't Panic

Yes, yes, yes, there are legal challenges coming... but it's over. Trump lost. Let's process that and get on with our lives. Let's talk pros and cons, and let me assure you this is not the end of America or even conservatism.


1. We kept the Senate and gained in the House. This looks like America is still doing what it always does, which is splitting the baby and weakening the leaders it does not trust. So we should retake the house in 2022. That's where the power actually lies if you have the Senate.

2. We made gains with Hispanics and Blacks and Muslims and Asians. If we can learn from that, we can destroy the Democratic coalition -- it only takes a couple % points for the whole house of cards to collapse. This election was lost by Trump pissing off suburban moms, and I doubt that repeats.

3. There is no wave for the left. In fact, the articles I've seen are lamenting how the Democrats couldn't get a wave even against Trump and how Biden is the weakest President to take office in 32 years with no mandate whatsoever. Biden really is as illegitimate taking office as Bush Jr. was.

4. I think the GOP has changed. It's become more aggressive. That's something we've needed. We just need a leader who isn't the world's biggest asshole. Let me tell you, while I like a lot of what he did, I despised the man. In fact, I despised him all the way back when the liberals loved him. Hopefully, the GOP will learn to fight finally.

5. The Dems are in for a massive civil war. Biden is the last hurrah of their older voters. Pelosi is too. The younger ones are super angry and want to start nominating angry women. That will hurt them with voters and it sets them on a course to become a much smaller party.

6. The GOP has started to run a lot more women and blacks, and that will make a huge difference in the future with fence sitters. It's entirely possible that this may lead to us becoming the majority party again.

7. Biden is a fool and a joke and will soon become an embarrassment to the left.


1. A loss is a loss.

2. Colorado looks permanently lost. Georgia seems to be tipping purple.

I've lived through lots of Presidents by now and, honestly, I don't think there's all that much to worry about. Biden had no agenda, has no mandate, and has no ability to pass anything through the Senate. The economy is crap, the virus is a mess, and Biden will get to take the blame for that. The stock market has nowhere to go but down (it's super frothy). Foreign policy doesn't seem to change between Presidents anymore, so nothing happens there. Moreover, Biden and Harris, no matter what you hear, are corporate properties... they aren't radicals. They will take no risks and what they do will be along the line of Bush Jr. and Obama, giveaways to corporate buddies. There will be no reparations or new "civil rights" crap. There will be no more socialism than usual. There will be no environmentalist lurch, no peace movement, no equal pay amendment. None of it.

And ultimiately, this is the best part: they will infuriate the left because this will be four wasted years for them... and that's good for us.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Trump is Ahead 16-10... 160 million to Go

Good morning, everyone. Today is one of those days where we prove what for a bad idea it can be to let stupid people vote themselves goodies from other people. Ah democracy.

It's impossible to tell how things are going to go. I did an informal project with my daughter last night and ended up predicting that Trump wins with 283 votes when we went state by state, but there are a lot of 'ifs' in there.

I keep seeing strange signs... articles written by angry Hispanics that so many Hispanics are being fooled by Trump, a shocked article that Muslim support for Trump has rise from 4% to 16% (which would win him Michigan), articles about how stupid Vietnamese people are backing Trump, and LOTS of blowback at black male rappers who are supporting Trump. It's entirely possible this all adds up to something, that this is a real glimpse of what is going on.

But then there are the polls which really seriously point in the other direction. Arg.

Trump is winning a dozen "this sheep's bladder always picks the winner" type things. Biden is winning a different dozen. Trump won some baked goods thing in Pennsylvania overwhelmingly.

Supposedly, Trump's "working class" white male support fell significantly, but when I look at his rallies in the rustbelt, that's who I see in massive numbers at his rallies. I'm not sure who is attending Biden rallies.

I'll be very interested in Oregon. The BLM idiots spent last night burning and rioting and throwing molotov cocktails. If that doesn't swing Oregon, then those people are f*ckedup. Of course, we already know they are... wiccas (read: fat women running naked in the woods), communal living, Portland smells like piss. Oregon is like a hippie urinal.

As an aside, I'm amazed at how flat out dishonest leftists are to their readers. I see stories at Yahoo and Huffpo and they are quite obviously lies packed with hyperbole. It's propaganda that would have made the Nazis blush. And yet, they don't seem to have any shame, nor are they losing their readers. What does this tell us about the left? Nothing flattering.

Hang in there today, people!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

So There's an Election

I really have no idea how this election will turn out. Honestly, it could go either way.

Let's start with the basics. There are states that will go for Trump, no matter what, and states that will go for the socialist whacko, no matter what. Those states don't matter. What matters are a handful of swing states that could go either way. You can forget the national polls too. They don't matter. New York and California lean so far left that they add millions to the Democrat in the national vote. But those votes are lost in our 50%+1 goes to the winner system. Also, ignore polls that only look at the public. Likely voters are what matter. Even then, polls have proven to be very unreliable, especially where Trump is concerned because people lie about supporting him. So what have we got?

There are lots of reasons to suspect Trump will lose. There are so many anti-Trump Republicans. The left hates him (though they are surprisingly disengaged). The entire system is against him. The polls show him losing in huge numbers, too. Even the state-by-state polls put him several points behind in all the swing states.

That said, there are some odd things in the polls. First, internal Democratic polls (where revealed) tend to be several points further right than the public polls. Also, in the last election, Trump did between 3% and 6% better than his polling in most states.  Some of the polls seem crazy too.  Trump won't lose a swing state by 17%, he just won't.

There's also this: polls of Hispanics, Asians and blacks show Trump getting more support than last time and far more support than Republicans have been getting. If that holds true, it shakes things up dramatically. I think this is the reason Trump may win Nevada. Trump is even getting strange support among rappers. Lil Wayne is the latest to support Trump.

What I see to support this is panic from the Dems in Florida. There are screams of low turnout in black and Hispanic areas. Recriminations among operatives. Unexpectedly high pro-Trump turnout. That's all good for Trump and bad for the Dems. If this is true, and it carries over to other states, then Trump should win Nevada, has a good chance in Arizona, and will likely win Ohio and North Carolina. Michigan looks lost to me, but who knows. I think Trump is suffering from the nuts in Michigan turning people off.

I was told months ago that Trump is winning Nevada and I think that might be true. That will be a shock to the Dems. A friend who lives there says he sees nothing but Trump support and the local Democrats talking about legal challenges.  All good signs.

I wonder if the BLM riots might help Trump win Pennsylvania, Washington and Oregon, though Wash and Oregon are always just mirages for the Republicans.

I see no enthusiasm for Biden anywhere, which might actually hurt him.  I've seen one bumper sticker in Colorado... though Colorado will solidly go for Biden.

Wisconsin seems lost. Not sure what happened there. Minnesota is supposed to be in play, but I can't see it. They didn't even vote for Reagan.

Will this be enough? I honestly have no idea. This could be ugly. One thing I do know is that win or lose, the left is a festering tantrum that should never be trusted with power.  Sadly, they may win.  Boo.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sorry for the Absence

Howdy folks. Sorry I've been gone for a while. I had a really bad case of strep which morphed into a sinus infection right as it was finally healing. So I've been kind of out of it for a couple week. In other news, I guess there's an election coming up. I have no idea whose going to win. Blech. How are all of you?

Saturday, September 26, 2020

And More Observations

Some more recent observations.

● BLM keeps getting uglier. The Kentucky AG is black... a black Republican actually. When he refused to indict each of the cops in Kentucky, a torrent of race hate was unleashed by the BLM thuggery. This included black elected officials attacking him with the old "you ain't black enough" line you see all the time when black people aren't ghetto leftists. They turned on Charles Barkley and Shaq too for pointing out that the dead woman's boyfriend shot at the cops to start the whole thing. Hilariously, some of the dipshit trolls attacking them accused them of not letting others have their own opinions. Talk about ironic performance art! Anyways, in the riots that followed, they shot a black cop to add to the list of young black men killed in the BLM zones. They've also taken to harassing old couples in restaurants now -- caught several times doing that. And of course, they keep trying to destroy far-left Portland and Seattle. Ha ha.

All of this has led to a collapse in the public support of BLM to 39%. I say "public" because that includes a number of people who don't actually support them but don't want to be seen as racists by the pollsters. Either way, their support is well below the far-left percentage in the country, i.e. 43%. The fact they won't stop is costing them the election.

● The Dems are about to make another huge mistake with Trump's justice. They're going to smear her religion (Catholicism), which will undo all the attempts they've made to sheer off a portion of religious people to their party.

● The Emmy Awards hit a record low of 6.1 million viewers. That's not quite 2% of the population. At this point, that's not much more than the number of people in the industry. I guess nobody wants to watch a bunch of smug leftist hypocrites pat themselves on the back. This is another clear sign that celebrities turn people off these days.

● Did you know that half the Emmy awards went to minorities? Wow! Amazing! I'm so sure they earned them too... yup... couldn't have anything to do with political correctness. Enjoy those "well-earned" awards! We're all very proud of you.

● This is kind of funny. Quibi is asking for help -- hoping to sell itself actually. Quibi is a streaming service that is crashing and burning. They claim the problem was that they were hit by Coronavirus, but that actually helped all the other streaming services. What's killed them, though they won't admit it, is that they signed up every leftist agitator they could find -- all B-list but famous for being anti-Trump -- and that's their programming. As a result, they are running 80% behind what they anticipated in terms of viewership. Ha ha.

Finally, I'm seeing something interesting. In the midst of the Ruth Bader Ginsberg orgasm, there is a voice of dissent going out... an interesting one. While RGB was a feminist icon, (//snicker snicker, talk about a low bar), she was only a "white feminist" icon. Yup. According to brown women, "white feminism" is a thing, and a delusionally bad thing. The left really does hate each other.


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts. Was RGB a cult figure? Why have so many women pretended to be black? J.K. Rowling a hater? You betcha.

(1) Ruth Ginsburg is dead. My political thoughts in a moment. Before that, I don't know if you knew this, but there was this strange cult of personality built around her on the left. They wrote fiction about her, songs and films and the such (LINK), and made her into an icon to a set of leftists like Castro. That doesn't really say anything out her except that she was shaky intellectually, but it tells us that the left has gotten oddly desperate for heroes.

Now that she's dead, the question: what effect? I fear that her death will bring the far left into the election to stop Trump from appointing her replacement next term. That could be the votes Biden needs, though I guarantee you that whoever Biden appoints won't be as liberal... Biden is a corporate liberal.

Romney and the never-Trumps seem to want that to happen. But Trump is about to play a fascinating card. If he appoints an Hispanic woman (and it sounds like he might), not only does that shake up Romney and the rest, but it shakes up the race. If 3%-5% of Hispanics shift over this, that guarantees Arizona and Florida and might add Nevada, which is in play. It also might defuse the re-energizing of the left. Interesting. Let's hope.

(2) A growing number of black activists and black professors have turned out to be white women. Interesting. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this. It could be simple opportunism, i.e. white women taking a job or position they wouldn't get without the ethnic claim. It could be something sinister-paternal. I think most likely this is about attention. These women want attention badly, and they aren't getting it as white-women-victims, so they decide to sell themselves as black-woman victims to get noticed. Not sure, but it's an interesting phenomena.

(3) J.K. Rowlings is a leftist who has spoken heresy. She is now learning just how vicious the left can be. After screaming that she was anti-trans, and trying to destroy her online, she's now fair game. Not only does this open the door for others, like Muslims, to scream that she's anti-Muslim, but the cancellists are removing her books from book shelves to create safe spaces for their sick little friends.

(4) The Minnesota city council as well as Mayor Moron DeBlasio is New York are both shocked SHOCKED that crime has gone up... soared actually. They've gotten lots of people killed. Well, they are looking for cover by accusing the police of not doing their job. Talk about irony. First, they are the ones who slashed police budgets and encouraged their thugizens to riot and steal and commit crimes. Secondly, these same people have always told us that policing has not effect on crime, so how exactly are they to blame for crime going up now?


Friday, September 11, 2020

America(ns) Speak

Last night was interesting. The NFL returned. Why does this matter? A crowd.

Since the BLM thing began, we have not been able to hear from the American public. Why not? Because there have been no crowds allowed. Yes, you have protestors on either side, but they're idiots. They don't represent anyone except a few thousand on the fringes of either side. You had a rally in Sturgis, but they had no moment to confront BLM.

As for the media, they've done their damnedest to keep the American public out of the debate. They talk to each other only, doctrinaire leftists. They talk to "opinion leaders" like actors, but they only pick the ones they like. When someone does speak against BLM, they treat them like a freak, a racist or a criminal... someone who somehow snuck through the rest of the human race and doesn't get it. Yahoo even shut down their comments to stop people counter-pointing their leftist articles. Full cultural censorship. In effect, the only free voice to discuss BLM has been Trump.

We've had hints. NBA ratings are in the toilet. Places like Netflix and Amazon abandoned their black movie sections. Congressional critters never joined the barricades or pushed legislation or even upped the rhetoric. But the public never got to speak.

So last night, the NFL held a game. In Kansas City. They allowed 17,000 actual Americans into the stadium. No other leagues have allowed this. The NFL opened with the Houston Black Texans cowering in the locker room as the National Anthem played. One of the Kansas City Native Americans disloyally took a knee. The NFL's soulless announcers babbled how we are all BLM now. Then the NFL announced a moment of silence for Black Lives Matter.

And the crowd booed.


The public has spoken. After months of harsh indoctrination and attempts at isolation... the public booed the new media sacred cow. And it isn't like this is an audience of racists. These are people who cheer black athletes, buy jerseys with their names on them and hang pictures of them on their walls. And they booed.

As an aside, they will announce a massive ratings success, but I learned something interesting. Neilson has changed the way they count viewers now, adding a massive estimate for people watching from (closed) sports bars and in groups. So the number they will announce cannot be compared to any prior number. So don't believe there is any increase. Also, this means we need to consider basketball ratings far far worse than the 30% drop estimated.


Monday, September 7, 2020

More Signs

I've always pointed out that polls lie. What you really want to look for is solid evidence that isn't run through a political filter. What I'm finding is actually surprisingly good for Trump at the moment. Observe.

● Let's start with this: Is BLM taking hold? Will it drive black turn out and help the Democrats? Has anyone noticed that there are no black people at the BLM riots? Does it seem a tad strange that everyone being arrested has been either a scraggly 40 year-old white male barista or a 30 year-old smelly white eternal-collegegurl? If BLM ever was about blacks, it's not anymore. It's about whiny upper-class progressives. What's more, people are sick of it. How do I know? There was an article the other day which collected a bunch of quotes from leftist writers about the future. Each one was deeply pessimistic. Each one suggested that their best chance at police reform was over, that too many people had faked their support, and that the Democrats failed them... plus, of course, inherent racism. This was a blame session which means its over. A couple seemed desperate to turn Minnesota talking about defunding their cops (something now stalled) into an enormous moral victory. Moral victory = loss. So I think BLM as not motivated blacks.

● BLM hasn't motivated whites either, at least not in that direction. There is no wave of black candidates. No proclamation of the Year of the Black Whatever, either. The whites on the left have not given up their shot to let blacks have a chance. There's no evidence of white support among the public either. Consider that neither Biden nor Harris is talking about it. In fact, the talk is to the contrary, that the Democrats are disrespecting cops and they are driving away the people who decide places like Michigan. Micheal Moore is freaked out that they are going to lose Michigan, so are some Democratic Reps up there.

● Then consider basketball ratings. Basketball has been a hotbed of BLM activity. In fact, I would say it has become the focal point for the political movement as the riots have turned into smelly white tantrums. As I pointed out before, basketball ratings tanked by a third. The left has tried everything to explain this away from people suddenly not caring about sports to too much competition from reruns to blaming the owners' sincerity. All B.S. Now they've settled on the product not being good and the pandemic affecting it in some nebulous way. Yet, overseas rating (which see the same product and also have the same pandemic) are soaring -- like 150%. So something about basketball has turned off Americans but not anyone else. There's only one answer: politics. Add in that everyone like Netflix and Amazon who rushed to post black movie sections and the such has largely abandoned them. There is no surge in blacks appearing in commercials or in movies. The public has voted no.

● Women? Ha. Do you hear anything about women? Metoo has devolved into cat fighting. There is no band of women pimping for Biden. The media hasn't even dragged out the Trump-raped-me chicks.

● There's more. There has been a lot of nervous talk of Biden losing Florida because he's not drawing in Hispanics. Now there's a poll showing Biden 4% behind Hillary on Hispanics... and she lost Florida. Hispanics also make up Texas, Arizona and Nevada (remember that thought).

● Biden's convention viewing was down 18%. His bounce was pathetic at 5% and vanished after Trump's bounce.

● The Democrats are now ringing the alarm bell in North Carolina, where blacks were supposed to get him through. The only thing worrying me there is that the Democrats have a surge in absentee ballot requests, but that's not enough data yet to explain, especially with lots of colleges being closed.

● I saw a list of "battleground" states the other day which was surprising. Here's the list: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. None of those are red states, despite the left saying places like Texas and Arizona were in play, they aren't on the list... see Hispanics. Note too that Minnesota, Colorado, Wisconsin and now Virginia and Nevada have been reliably blue. This suggests something bad is happening for Biden.

● Finally, Biden has been spending a large amount of time apologizing for gaffes when normally the media covers for the Democrats. What's more, his campaign has devolved into wrapping himself in the blood of his dead son and hoping the same old people can smear Trump with his supporters. That didn't work before. Why would it work now?


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Some Thoughts on Biden and the Convention

That title sounds like a Aesop's fable, doesn't it? Sour grapes might apply to the media. Hmm. Well, here are my observations on the whole Biden/Convention thing.

It was a failure.

Why would I say that? How about this:

1. tryanmax sent me two comments the next day that were very insightful. First, he noticed that none of the headlines about how successful the convention was included any lines from Biden's speech. That means that nothing resonated. I think he's right and I agree.

I responded that I'd seen articles talking about how strangely indifferent the audience had been to the whole convention and asking rhetorically if a convention was even possible in these trying times -- always a bad sign when the left speculates that NO ONE COULD DO IT! tryanmax later replied that things were worse than he thought as the best he saw throughout the day were articles talking about how Biden didn't blow it. With the media being nothing but a PR machine for the Democrats, that's a huge sign that they had nothing to work with and they were playing with "managed expectations." All very bad signs.

2. Still, the media tried to sell him: "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! there were a MASSIVE number of people who watched, something like 21.6 million! That's huge." So said many articles. "Sure, this was down 18% from Hillary who lost, but it's still a big number, amiright?" Is that a big number? This means that two in ten people who watched annoying Hillary cackle her way through the nomination didn't bother watching this time despite four years of hate-stoking by the left. That screams a lack of voter enthusiasm. The left should have been dying to watch this moment... but they didn't turn out.

A lot of excuses were given for this including a worse television landscape to attract viewers and people not being sure what to expect from a virtual convention, but those things normally raise interest, not lower interest. Also, they don't at all explain where all this supposedly unfettered enthusiasm went to. Aren't people dying to dump Trump? Eventually, the leftist media was happy to console themselves that Fox had the worst ratings and MSNBC beat everyone without even realizing this pathic vindicitive victory actually means few independents or Republicans cared.

3. The left was not tamed either. In fact, the left continues to snipe. The BLM white kids continue to riot. A few celebs came over for the sake of winning, but they did so reluctantly (and always planned to). Most on the left continued to act insulted. Rose "I was raped by everyone" McGowan attacked fellow #metoo founder Alissa Milano as a "f**ing fraud" for supporting Biden. Yikes.

4. But he did win over the public, right? Uh, no. According to polls, Biden got a 5% bounce. That's within the margin of error and most successful conventions (especially for Democrats) have given a 15-18% bounce. This was 5%. Pathetic. This could mean that opinions are hardened so there's little to change, but I don't think so. I think this means they just didn't win anyone over. Moreover, a CNN poll taken afterward shows Biden trailing in the battleground states and only leading nationally by 8%. Those are all terrible numbers for a Democrat. Even worse, Trump leads Biden by 8% on the economy, which is usually the issue that settles it.

5. Then there's this. While many tried to claim Biden's speech was nice, there was trouble brewing in Canada. You might recall that, in his 1980's run for President, Biden famously plagiarized his background from Neil Kinnock, British Labor Party Leader. He'd also been caught plagiarizing from Kennedy and some others. This was such a problem that his campaign even said they would run every speech through a plagiarism checker. Yet, as he spoke his best lines, a group of Canadians suddenly realized that his speech sounded a lot like one given by Canadian New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton. Biden is a fool.

6. Finally, Biden apparently announced shortly afterwards that if he gets elected, he's going to shut the country down to fight Covid. Uh, that's blowing up on Democrats.

Thoughts? Observations?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Significant Booing

As much as the media wants to portray the world as changed after all those angry white kids exploited the death of a black man to burn down liberal cities... uh, the black lives matter protests... I keep telling you that nothing has changed. Here's some fascinating proof.

Last night, major league soccer held its first game back with fans in the stadium. About 3,000 people showed up. Soccer fans. Keep that in mind... soccer fans. Not real Americans. Squishy, smug soccer fans. And guess what? When the douchebags soccer players took a knee during the national anthem, they got booed.


If anyone outside of a black audience should have supported the disloyalty of kneeling, it was soccer fans. Yet, they booed.

The players were angry and "baffled" (direct quote). They couldn't understand how someone could boo them "for kneeling to protest racial injustice." They were even more "baffled" because girls soccer did it and the NBA has been awash in this crap and all they've received is praise. How could anyone boo them? Boo hoo hoo.

Well, let's start with that. The girls and the rich thugs received praise because they controlled who could comment. There were no fans in attendance. The only people capable of commenting were sportswriters, who are all hard-core leftist assh*les and celebrity followers and the athletes themselves. Those are all fellow travelers... preaching to the choir. Like all liberals though, they don't understand they live in a bubble. They actually believe the echo chamber in which they live is reality and reflects the world.

It doesn't. As they were shocked to discover.

If there was even the slightest hint of change, politicians would have jumped on the bandwagon. You would see racial bills all over the place at the state and federal level with everyone lining up to sign them. Hasn't happened, even in liberal states. Even the Democrats aren't touching this one. Heck, look at Biden's selection of Harris. That honestly seems meant to please guilt-ridden-liberal white women with a calculated loss of BLM support within acceptable parameters.
If change had happened, soulless corporations would be proudly exploiting the new normal. They haven't. In fact, outside of corporations that pander to blacks, businesses have been remarkably silent on this. Even Nike, whose target is angry blacks and vapid white women has been super careful to hide what it says to blacks from the white chicks, and their commercials are not nearly as uber-macho-angry-black as they have been in recent years. Gatorade too seems silent. The few companies I've seen that ventured into supporting BLM dropped it fast and are in damage control mode now using the same tactics you see when a company gets accused of massive consumer fraud... commercials talking about years of trust and being solidly in favor of the American dream. Even companies like Modello, a pretend Mexican beer company which used racist appeals to Hispanics as its chief marketing strategy, has suddenly decided that Irish people might be as worthy of being singled out as hero immigrants as Hispanics.

All this tells us that the racial tantrum did not take with the public.
Did you know that Yahoo shutdown their comments section because people were making a mockery of their liberal crap and they couldn't bear the overwhelming wave of disagreement (about 20-1 against)?  So they silenced the voice of the public.

I think the sports leagues are blinded by being buried in an echo chamber of nouveau-rich ghetto blacks and hardcore leftist sportswriters without any real access to the rest of the country. They will be horrified to discover that audiences have not changed. That audiences were never going to change. Struggling Americans will never agree to defund the police who protect them or excuse crimes and abusive misbehavior simply because of someone's skin color. Struggling Americans will never agree to create a sacred cow class in America. Struggling Americans will never accept the false labels of racist, sexist or any other sort of victimizer. This was never going to sell. And the booing suggests to me that there's a lot more pent-up counter-anger than the left realizes... anger that still lingers long after the BLM movement has evaporated into yet another talking point. That is very suggestive to me that the public is not accepting this tantrum. All that should have faded by now, but it clearly hasn't.

Finally, one more interesting bit of information. In a world starved for sports since February, HBO put out its annual football show "Hard Knocks." This show follows an NFL team through preseason until the regular season begins. It's gotten old so its ratings keep falling each year, but this year should have been different. This was the first taste of football for a population that craves NFL games on the order of 40 million viewers a week plus college games and has been starved of it. The audience should have been massive. Worst ratings ever. Under 273,000 viewers. That's a 66% drop from last year alone and an even more massive drop from the past. For "some reason" football starved fans aren't interested. I wonder what that could be? Could it be they don't want to hear spoiled thugs and wife-beaters lecture them about being racists?

BLM/NBA games are averaging television audiences around 1.5 million viewers. They used to get around 2.5 million.

So maybe sports are just down? Doubt it. The golf game between Peyton Manning and Tom Brady drew 5.8 million viewers.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Kamala Harris... A Good Choice?

So Biden picked Kamala Harris. Not really a surprise in hindsight. Sure, she insulted him, but he always plays it safe and she's him in black-drag-face. How much safer can it get than to pick a clone of yourself? But was this good or bad? Let's explore.

Let me start with this: In my lifetime, no Vice Presidential candidate has ever mattered. It's true. As bad as Palin turned out to be, as steady as Bush Sr. and Biden were supposed to be, as religious as Pence was next to heathen Trump, as whatever the others were... none has ever changed anything. The Presidential candidate is all that matters. Vice Presidents don't even guarantee their own states. This is why Vice Presidents rarely become Presidents because they are also rans who don't matter or influence anyone and are given a pointless job. They are, at best, a joke.

Harris fits that mold perfectly. Does she inspire people? Hardly. She flamed out as a candidate. Does she really give a spark to Biden? From where would this spark come from. She got her job by dating Willie Brown and she's a terrible candidate. She's never managed to climb on her own. She's never started a movement or done something to excite people. Her speeches are forgettable. Nobody's writing books about her.

Maybe she brings a constituency Biden doesn't have, right? Hardly. She wanted to be the women's candidate and women didn't care. She wanted to be the black candidate and blacks didn't care. She wanted to be the healthcare candidate and that didn't interest anyone either. She's basically a moderate empty suit. She has no credibility with the progressives who power the party. To them, she's a moderate just like Biden. She doesn't inspire blacks despite being kind of black because she's not fire and brimstone, she's not all about grievance, she doesn't have an inspirational story, she's not ghetto, she's a former prosecutor who is now afraid to mention her past. She's a political animal, not an activist. She's corporate.

What about women? What about them? Women aren't women. Women are (1) black women, (2) single white women, and (3) married white women. Group 1 will vote for a sista (they are increasingly racist and won't vote white). Group 2 are progressives who will struggle to like her because she's a non-inspirational, moderate cop who never screamed rape and lives the high-life. Group 3 mostly votes Republican. So the only group she really "inspires" is black woman and she's shown she doesn't inspire them. She invokes their racism, that's about it. That will help Biden, but not like an Obama.

What about other groups? White men have been the Democrats problem for several elections. Does Harris help or hurt with them? I think she hurts with them. They feel abandoned by the Democrats and here is Joe Biden picking a rich, black woman of privilege from wine country. How does that play in the steel mills? How does that play with an unemployed white guy who feels like the Democrats have become a racist party opposed to him? Not good.

All told, I see her as a neutral. I don't see her inspiring anyone. She doesn't hurt Biden with the moderates, but she may hurt him with the progressives. She doesn't create passion among blacks or women or the young. She confirms the prejudices of low-class white males. That's not good math.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Leftist Disconnect

The Democrats don't seem to get it.

Trump did an executive order to expand some unemployment benefits and cut the employment tax after the Democrats wouldn't reach a deal with him. Politically, I think that was huge... Republican resistance notwithstanding. Joe Biden pounced like a Tigger, claiming that this was a dangerous assault on social security and he was going to shoot a gun through a closed door. Nancy Pelosi attacked that this didn't go far enough. So which one is lying? Was it too much or not far enough?

Joe is getting picked on for the demeaning way he's not picking a Vice Presidential running mate. Uh, this is how it's always been done. But apparently, the process needs to be more dignified when you're supposed to pick a black chick. I guess they are too delicate to be treated like everyone else. I'm actually thinking Joe might go with a WHITE woman... a honkette. There's going to be hell to pay if he does. Either way, white or black, this will help Trump hold white men and suburban women.

In Portland, we were told the animals only acted like animals because Trump sent in Federal agents to protect Federal property. Trump withdrew them and the animals promptly tried to burn a bunch of cops alive. The wussbag mayor whined that this was attempted murder. No sh*t?! Maybe someone should call the Police? Maybe we should let Portland burn as an example to the rest of the country?

The destruction of Ellen is almost complete. I told you this was coming right as it started a few months back, if you will recall. There's lot of vague talk now of how Ellen is disrespectful and mean etc. ... ephemeral allegations of de-self-esteeming. Her real crime though was shooting with a non-union crew during Covid. That's what this is all about. Interestingly, this means that pro-union trumps gay in Hollywood now, which tells you how far gays have fallen of the PC food chain. Everyone has known about her behavior for years, but with gay being protected, no one dared to speak. Now she's sinned, so they all want to destroy her and anyone who defends her.

A word on Russia and Beirut. I'm sure you all saw the nuclear-like explosion when a Russian ship carrying explosive chemicals went up the harbor. The debate is whether this was an accident or some terrorist action that blew up the ship for reasons unknown -- no one has claimed it, suggesting it was not terrorism. I think the most likely truth is that this was a Russian experiment. And now they know what will happen if they set something like this off in a major city. That's troubling, but watch for it to happen in the near future.

Interesting article on Covid the other day. After the steady stream of articles blasting the US for being the worst in the world on Covid, this article mentioned that South America has just passed Europe for having the most Covid deaths. Huh.  Notice that neither of those is the United States. In fact, US deaths are apparently about 40% the number in Europe and South America. And not a single American journalist connected those dots. Imagine that.

Finally, it looks like college football is about to end its season. I think baseball goes next. And I don't see the NFL making it through a season. Unless people are willing to accept the fact that Covid is now a fact of life, there will continue to be backlashes that shut everything down.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Our First Racist President

Joe Biden claims that Trump is our "first racist President." Ha. First, let's be clear. Most of the originals actually were racists. Some were even involved in the slave trade. In fact, the reason smelly white liberal protestors are tearing down statues -- other than trying to exploit the issue of race to bolster their hopes of achieving socialism -- is ostensibly that they were all racists. I guess Joe hasn't been paying attention.

But let's look at recent history, because I'm sure that's what he meant. If the Democrats are being truthful, then Richard Nixon was racist. Ronald Reagan was racist. George Bush senior was racist. Bob Dole was racist. George Bush Jr. was racist. John McCain was racist. Mitt Romney was racist.

So what is Biden trying to say? Were they lying about the others? Do Democrats as a matter of course accuse Republicans of being racist because that's what turns out the black vote?


So how do we know this isn't just Biden lying about Trump?

"Women's" groups lied about him raping women to upset single, liberal white women.
Hispanic groups lied about him wanting to deport every Hispanic to upset leftist Hispanic voters.
Gay groups lied about him rounding up gays in death camps to upset gays.

So why should we believe this whopper?

In fact, let's be honest. The first openly racist President I recall is Barack Obama... and Joe Biden worked for him.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Not Great News

So, I had the chance to visit the hospital today. I punched a palm-sized hole in the back of my calf and I had to visit the wound clinic. Very painful. Go figure. Anyways, what I found at the hospital was a little worrying. They've laid off about half their staff. Hmm. Let's discuss.

When I got to the hospital, it struck me how empty the parking lot was. I figured it was just early, but it really wasn't. I used the valet, which I always do, but which is the only option right now. I know these people pretty well because I tend to talk to everyone and some of them love to chat. So we caught up on old times.

They told me that about half the nonmedical staff got laid off. Most of the valets got laid off and those who remain work about 20 hours a week instead of 40. Inside, I ran into a couple nurses I know from the wound clinic. They were checking temperatures at the front door. Again, I stopped and we chatted. They told me the hospital has laid off half the nurses as well, with many more having their hours slashed, and they gotten rid of a number of doctors. The one nurse said that this was the first time since February that she'd actually had a 40 hour week. The other went three months without working. I even came across a room where they stored a ton of modern computer gear which the nurses wheel around, suggesting massive cuts.


Why? Well, it turns out that there are several causes. First, the hospital used Covid as an excuse to cut things that were never all that profitable. In the past, I guess, they didn't want to be seen as lacking services and now they don't care, so they slashed away. Similarly, after buying up every practice in town when Obamacare came out, they are now outsourcing everything. Third, a lot of patients stopped coming for anything that isn't really serious, making the problem worse.

What worries me are two things. First, the lesson from Covid was that we were unprepared for the unexpected. We simply did not have enough capacity for anything more than ordinary care. The solution was obvious: build excess capacity into the system. The hospital's response is the opposite. It cut capacity and slashed its facilities to the bone to save money and raise profit. If there is a serious emergency now, having this big pretty hospital will provide pointless because its hollow. That's not good -- and I suspect medicine isn't the only field that is doing this either. Part of this I put on the ownership of the hospital, who are entirely about the bottom line and being as profitable as possible. Law firms act like this. It doesn't matter if you make money for them, you need to make enough money to justify their time. Apparently, hospitals are going to this model.

I also put this on the political class who continue to regulate the hell out of hospitals but have done nothing to require increased capacity and fund it. Unfortunately, I think this shows that the powers-that-be do not have the public's interests at heart... or just aren't that smart.

The other thing that worries me is the depressed activity. If people are skipping medical needs out of fear or finance, then times are much worse than they seem. On the surface, things seem to be running nearly normally again around here, but this suggests that's an illusion. I'm curious what you all are seeing where you are at? Are things quasi-normal or is that an illusion?

Finally, while I'm in the process of giving bad news, something I have long feared is proving true: there will be no vaccine. It's turning out that the antibodies created by having Covid don't last long enough to give meaningful immunity. All you get is a couple months at the most. That means this thing won't be going away, even after most people have had it. Backing this up, follow the money and you'll see that most of the drug companies have gone from working on cures/vaccines to figuring out how to treat the symptoms. That's not good.

Ultimately, I think we will have to accept that this thing will stay with us or we're going to have to do something more drastic. I guess we'll see.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Leftists Murder Blacks In Paradise

Irony, thy name is leftist.

Get this. Leftist thugs set up a cop free zone in Seattle. The cops are racist killers of young black men, so we cannot trust them. Enter a group of enlightened leftists to build a brave new world, a paradise, in the heart of Seattle... and let the irony begin.

First, there is this hilarious fact: the leftists chose a gay neighborhood to conquer. As always, leftists (1) soil their own nests and (2) impose their crap on the people they claim to represent. So what was once a gay neighborhood full of a whole bunch of likely leftists doing leftist things and protesting leftist things and whining about leftist things suddenly had a leftist security zone imposed on them.

Imagine that.

Secondly, let’s be under no illusions. This is planet of the apes. These sh*ts didn’t set up some hippy commune of beads, love, pot and essential oils. Hardly. They moved in with “automatic” weapons and imposed warlord like control and a total breakdown of civilization. This is complete with roving gangs of armed thugs demanding tribute from locals and store owners, chasing off journalists and other observers, and imposing control rather violently apparently. Crime is out of control and these gangs will simply take what they want from the denizens. The people living there are living in fear and danger.

Sounds lovely.

The “racist” world these people were forced to give up was one with a multiracial police force who were trained to handle almost all situations nonviolently. They had rules designed to protect all citizens, including the accused. They protected people selflessly and without charge or discrimination. They had oversight. The non-racist world they have now is one of terror, survival of the fittest, imposition of will through violence, and danger. They’ve gone from a first world land with first world problems to the kind of sh*thole you see on the news when some warlord seizes some territory in Africa or a Brazilian slum.

There have been four killings in this tiny zone in the past two weeks, making it probably the per capita most dangerous area in the United States, excluding New York where murder is surging 70% in the name of nonracist liberty. I guess you gotta kill a few black people to save a few black people?

Last night, young black males approached a barricade meant to keep out the cops. How did the protectors of this leftist paradise respond? No doubt with love in their hearts and non-racist, non-violent accommodation, right? Yeah, right. No, they shot them.

Yup. They killed one and wounded the other. Ironically, both individuals were teens – 14 and 16 years old, and black. Huh. How do you think BLM or other leftists would have responded if these had been cops who shot two young black teens for no clear reason... or any reason? You know how. You've been seeing it in the news. Instead, there's silence.

Apparently, as we knew, black lives don’t really matter, unless they are killed by the wrong people. Once again, you can sum up leftist principle with a quote from The Wild Bunch: “It doesn’t matter what you did, it matters who you did it to.”

The final piece of irony, the police are investigating this as homicide, because it is. They have already commented that the leftist on scene have rearranged the scene to try to hide what really happened. Yup. Instead of investigating and punishing those responsible, these idiots tried to cover it up.

So let’s sum up:

1. Leftist want a cop-free paradise where racist cops can’t kill anyone.
2. They impose a warlord world on a gay neighborhood and rule with guns and violence.
3. They censor the media through violence.
4. They let four people get murdered.
5. Their security forces kill one young black male and shoot another in claims of false self-defense.
6. They cover up their actions.

And the left remains silent.

Imagine that.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Floyd "Movement" Has Failed

Let’s talk about race, shall we? If you’re squeamish, look away.

I would assume that, right now, many of you are sitting around wondering what the hell is happening to the world. Things seems to be insane. Angry mobs of blacks are looting stores. Angier mobs of white college-age kids are taking over city blocks. People are tearing down statutes and demanding the elimination of police departments. It’s like a festival for evil people going unchecked. Corporations are dropping to their knees in front of it. The media is reveling in it.

And I would bet that many of you feel pretty depressed about this. It seems that America’s promise of a better tomorrow is dead. America’s promise of freedom is finished. America is about to become a socialized race-based state that crushes the individual in the name of protecting black thugs, right?

It is depressing. I find it very depressing. I hate turning on the news or the internet. But it’s not true. Honestly. This is all a delusion presented by leftists who don’t understand they’ve already lost. This is a progressive tantrum that is confined to progressive areas. It is leftists exploiting blacks, but it’s without purpose. It is progressives talking to progressives, we’re just stuck listening to it.

Honestly. Trust me, it’s D.O.A.

First, Floyd was murdered. That is true. His death was sickening. Even worse, it was pointless. To understand why, realize that all the movements in history that have changed society have succeeded because they projected an undeniable argument that they were morally right and the people opposing them were oppressors. What’s more, they had a clear goal: give us equality. This was true of the Civil Rights Movement, Gandhi, the abolitionist movement, women’s right to vote, and even gay marriage. Each of these had moral right on their side and a clear, undeniably correct goal. Without this, you cannot change the world... even by force.

If blacks had marched peacefully through the streets after Floyd’s death and could point out how something society condones had caused Floyd’s death, they would have won without a fight. Guaranteed. But that isn’t what happened.

Instead, an army of ghetto blacks rushed out and started looting. They saw Floyd’s death as an opportunity. That destroyed the moral high ground and killed any chance this thing had of turning into something positive. What’s more, when more rational blacks did turn out, they had no genuine goal. They could point to nothing society had done wrong. Nothing. Society didn’t support the cop. Society was appalled, and reacted correctly. The cops were arrested swiftly and immediately charged with a crime. People were outraged. They wanted an investigation to make sure this never happened again. What more could you want? Nothing and that was the next problem.

So the black-left jumped in with “society needs to stop hunting black men,” but that’s bullshit. That’s been proven. If society hunted black men, there would be a wall of names of the innocent. There isn’t. Instead, you have a handful of innocents in isolated incidents over the past several years. So what did they want? They had no idea. Do you know it took Yahoo four days to find someone with a list of demands? You can’t win when no one knows what you want.

Then it got stupid(er).

The white-left saw this as an opportunity. Antifa showed up and started fighting cops. Every white leftist with an agenda showed up and claimed “Now is the time for me!” In fact, I knew they were in trouble the minute leftist sports writers jumped up to declare Floyd's death meant it was time to change the name of the Redskins and rework the labor deal! That was a terrible sign for the left. It meant they were going into exploitation mode. Screw those blacks people, this is about my issue!! Next, the gays jumped in because “Stonewall was a riot too!” One celebrity actually came out as bisexual in her post supporting BLM. Really? Enter the narcissists. And so on.

This was obviously a disaster pending. And my judgment proved right, too. How do I know? The biggest thing is that no Democrats joined the “movement.” They saw the rioting and knew they couldn’t touch this thing with a ten foot pole. In fact, they knew it was so bad they went so far as to try to claim the rioting was the result of white, racists. Ridiculous. They saw the circus forming and stepped away. Then the left came up with Defund the Police and the Democrats actually openly opposed this. They knew this was batshit crazy and they were doomed if they endorsed this.

Want proof the Democrats ran? Ask yourself, have the Democrats proposed a single thing to change anything? No. The tiny sliver they’ve done is propose to eliminate a few Confederate statutes. That’s all. Liberal Minnesota is about to change its police force to a kinder, gentler police force... form over substance. A few military base names will be changed. But that’s it. When even the Democrats won’t support you, you know the public is not behind this.

Blacks knew they had failed too. How do we know? They started writing angry “Hey white woman!” articles blaming white women for not supporting them. When you turn on your allies, that’s a great sign you know you’ve lost. It also tells us that white women did not engage.

But what about corporations? They joined up, right? Hardly.

Nike went with BLM... in the marketing channels it uses to reach blacks. It’s telling a very different story in the marketing channel it uses to reach suburban white women. Starbucks actually refused to allow BLM buttons to be worn until a couple days ago, and then only because white nerves are calming and Starbucks had a racial profiling scandal that it wanted forgotten. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos issued a rebuke of a (fake) email he received from an angry white woman in which he wittily lectures her about why blacks are upset. That means something, right? Yup. It means his PR team told him the needed to make up for their horrible Covid PR. Beyond that, all they've done is recommend some movies about blacks.

All the other corporations I’ve seen have generally issued noncommittal “we like diversity but we like safety too” statements. One exception, a lingerie company my wife likes, sent out a pro-BLM statement and I sent back, “So will you be shutting down the child-labor sweatshops where you buy your crap?” and they’ve been desperately sending me discount offers ever since... whoops.

A lot of the celebrities who’ve been involved in this had screwed up and needed good PR: Harry and Meghan, the girl from the college admissions scandal, a couple of celebrities who got caught in racist scandals or anti-union scandals. Etc. The rest are just the usual leftist suspects from #metoo.

The NFL, which like Nike markets to whites and blacks through different channels, has agreed to let their black Nazis oppress other blacks for not speaking up and will allow them to kneel. But that’s the only change they’ve actually made. They talk to whites about Covid. The NBA was already BLM and still is.

The rest of society said nothing. There are no new initiatives. No foundations. No grandiose announcements. No changes in advertising. This thing is done.

So what’s still driving the issue? Celebrities. With no Democrats getting involved, this cabal of leftist celebrities got the chance to run free and they have. These are allies you don’t want, but they don’t get that. So even if blacks were making progress, this would hurt them. But at this point, I’m not sure there are even blacks involved.

In fact, the media noticed a “change in atmosphere” about a week ago that so many of the “BLM protestors are white!” They thought that meant racial solidarity and progress had arrived. It didn’t. It meant blacks went home and what the media is seeing is white anarchists pushing an agenda of violence without purpose in the name of blacks. They are taking over areas in big liberal cities where they know the cops will let them and they are using Floyd to push gay issues, anticapitalism issues, down with Jews, free drugs, man... etc.

In the end, this is Occupy Wall Street in the streets all over again with #metoo in the gossip columns. It’s a small group of professional whiners led by celebrities who have no idea how badly they are despised or how little they will achieve, all protected by a media but with no influence with the public.

So what will blacks get out of this? Frustration. Their problems are not the result of whites. Their problems are their paranoia and victim-wannabe mentality. Their ostensible allies, white women, sat this out. Their political arm, the Democrats, sat this out. And while the media is selling them dreams of a nebulous victory or a return to respected-victim status, the public isn’t buying it. Nothing will change and they will continue their slow descent to the bottom.

The left isn’t getting anything either. This is just a party and it will end when they get bored.

Will this help or hurt Trump? Ultimately, I think it helps a little. It helps because Biden has looked so ineffective that I think this costs him young black support. It helps Trump too because this drives a slightly bigger wedge between white women and angry blacks, two groups already breaking apart. I think it also solidifies whites in Trump’s favor. In some ways, this is 1968 all over again.

There’s more to say, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. Just realize that this is all ultimately meaningless because the left can't control itself.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Update... Article Coming

I'm working on the next article. It's slow going though because I'm ultra-swamped by clients wanting work. In the meantime, let me leave you with this because I know many are worried or annoyed or whatnot....
This whole race riot is pure theater. It will achieve nothing.
I'll explain more in the article. For now, know that America is safe. Nothing will change.

Friday, May 29, 2020

"I Don't Know If Her Life Needed To Be Torn Apart"

Let's talk about this woman in New York City. I think there are several interesting aspects to this that people are missing.

Before I start, a quick aside on Minnesota. I think it's horrible Floyd died. I honestly don't understand why the guy who killed him did it, how he could not have known what he was doing, and how he couldn't bring himself to stop. This guy was not faced with a life threatening situation. This was not an instantaneous response where bad judgment can happen. This was seven or eight minutes of negligence or indifference. I suspect he will be sent away for murder. I'm not alone in this either as I see a lot of cops are saying the same thing. That said... the rioting turns this from a tragedy into something far more grotesque. The rioting is exploitive and animalistic. It is what perpetuates the problem. Also, the celebrities taking easy shots to show their wokeness can go f*ck themselves. It's sickening and pathetic to use an incident like this for self-promotion and that is what you creatures are doing.


On the New York thing, for those who don't know, a woman was walking her dog without a leash in Central Park when a black man who was bird watching told her she needed to put the dog on a leash. She freaked out and accused him of threatening her. Then she called the cops. They did the right thing and did nothing.

This was all recorded and hit the news. The woman, who is an investment banker, was promptly fired. She's since been whining that this is unfairly destroying her life. They even, apparently, repo'd her rescue dog. The black dude has since said he feels "uncomfortable" about her life being destroyed: "I don't know if her life needed to be torn apart."

My thoughts...

First, let's start with the second most interesting piece of this to me: this woman is clearly a liberal. In fact, she fits the profile perfectly. Big city, single, white professional woman. That's a liberal, guaranteed. Yet, the media never mentions this. Why? Because the reality seems to be that it's ALWAYS liberals who are behind racism. All the blackface stuff, which just came up with Jimmy Fallon again, was liberals. It's liberal white professional women calling the cops on black men in parks. It's gay liberal white men and white male "artists" calling the cops on blacks in apartment buildings (that happened this week again too: "you can't be a tenant... your skin is brown!"). It's big liberal cities where cops keep getting in trouble for killing black men. Did you think Minnesota is a bastion of conservatism? The #metoo movement targets were almost all liberal men in Hollywood, theater and the news media. The examples are endless, and it's always liberals. Isn't that interesting?

That said, the most interesting issue comes up with the idea that this poor woman's world is being "unfairly" destroyed. Is it really unfair? Put aside the racism question. Now ask yourself, what exactly did she do wrong? Well, I'll tell you. This woman was annoyed at a man who pointed out that she was in violation of the park's rules. Her response was to place a call to the police and lie to them in a way which, if believed, could have locked this man away for a very long time. See any echoes of the false rape claim epidemic? There is a sickness in the world of single women where some small percentage of them think nothing of leveling false allegations of crimes as a tool of getting even. They are essentially the female version of rapists... it's about power, not sex, so is this. They see the system as a tool of vengeance. The whole #metoo movement really laid this bare with the bullsh*t allegations so many of these women made and the life-ending punishments they wanted imposed on their victims for "crimes" as nonexistent as "being creepy." This woman did the same damn thing and the only reason that isn't more obvious is that the media wants to spin this as generic-public-racism rather than seeing it for what it is: feminist-liberal-predatory allegation making.

This is something much sicker than it is being made to appear.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Some Good News

There is some good and interesting news out recently.

First, apparently so few people have been dying from accidents in the past two months that organ transplants aren't happening because they can't get enough organs. So while a lot of people have died from the virus, a lot have apparently been saved. Interesting world. In terms of death, we are still only about 15 days worth of death in the US.

Secondly, despite the media trying to sell the idea that the US is the worst at everything and trying to lay the blame at Trump's doorstep, the reality is that on a per capita basis, the US is nowhere near as bad as other European countries (there's no comparison to sh*thole countries because I suspect they are all much worse). In fact, eight European countries rank worse than we do on a per capita basis. The same has always been true with other ways to die too (like prenatal and heart attack stuff), but the media likes to skew the numbers to make us look bad. Plus, the Euros often lie about their numbers to look better. So much for "transparency."

Third, despite a pre-open surge in cases in red states which the media dutifully presented as being caused by the rushed reopening of those states, it seems that the number of new infections is falling in red states... and rising in blue. Imagine that.

Fourth, the media is doing their damndest to destroy Andrew Cuomo right now. Not sure why, but that's a good thing. I think he came out of this very popular and with strong leadership credentials... and now they are tearing those apart. In fact, they have been openly blaming him for turning New York into a disaster. Keep it coming, idiots! Eat your own.

Fifth, these guys protesting that they donts need to wears no mahhsks are assholes. They are not heroes. Don't be like them. Wearing a mask is courteous to the people around you.

Sixth, Biden just gets worse and worse day by day. He comes across right now like he's hiding in some basement shooting off crazy gaffes about random things and he's spending his days fighting with nobodies. His numbers suggest he's going to lose too. And picking the Governor of Michigan as his running mate is suicidal. She's proven to be the least qualified woman in the field right now. Not to mention, he needs a black chick or he won't get black turnout.

I hope you are all well and healthy. Summer is coming!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Stuck Thinking

I saw an article the other day that really shows why our political world is such a mess. Tryanmax pointed out the same article in the comments as well. The article didn't involve politicians, but it was pure politics of the worst kind. The article involved the Los Angeles Times suddenly discovering what I told you a long time ago, that Coronavirus began among the glitterati but of course they spun it. And the comments were no better.

As I pointed out some weeks ago, a lot of evidence made me think that Coronavirus started as a celebrity disease. First, there were the hugely disproportionate number of celebrities who had it. At a time when almost no one had it -- and probably no one you knew -- it seemed that massive numbers of celebrities and journalists had it. Huge numbers of actors, singers, and journalists seemed to have it. High profile lawyers. Heads of companies. But few common people. In fact, let's assume that 3 million Americans have it today. That equates to less than 1% of the population... 1 in 100. Yet, I can name dozens upon dozens of celebrities who have it. I would guess that maybe 10-20% of the celebrities and journalists I know have it. That's impossible if this was random sample.

I also showed how the infection rate in Aspen, a town of celebrities, was over 100 times higher than other towns. I pointed out that it was spreading among rich skiers and other wealthy travelers, that New York City was the epicenter and that much of it seemed to be passing from coast to coast without stopping in flyover country. Recently, I've seen articles which suggest that it was running wild around the Sundance Festival, which might be where this thing really hit the celebrity world in the first place. There are studies too now claiming that 60% of the infected people were directly infected by traveling New Yorkers. So everything I saw is slowly starting to be seen as true.

The Los Angeles Times is finally on the case. Hence, the article in question.

But here's the thing. The LA Times spun the article. Rather than putting together what I did, and discussing how Covid spread among celebrities, who spread it to their various home areas and friends, it has lumped them all together as "rich." There was no mention of celebrities or journalists. It did mention the skiing thing but that was about it. All it did was call them "rich travelers."

Why do this?

Notice that this avoids the unpleasantness of identifying the true carriers, which were elite liberal celebrities. Instead, it shifts the blame to "the rich," which is dog whistle code to the left for "evil conservative white businessmen who want to kill innocent brown people." In fact, the article doesn't even explore how this worked in the US because that might lead to uncomfortable questions. Instead, it jumps to poor brown countries (Mexico specifically) and it blames rich international travelers for the spread. In other words, the problem was rich, white American businessmen spreading this stuff to poor, hardworking brown people in ghettos.

If you want to stop the spread of something, you need to know how it started, how it spread, and where it could have been stopped. Knowing that a bunch of leftist a-holes got it being smug at Sundance and then spread it around to their friends would help. That lets you trace a lot of things which help explain the disease's evolution and toxicity and everything. Yet, the good leftists at the Times can't put their politics aside. They needed to spin this interesting discovery into a race/class war issue and did so by misidentifying the key facts. This is the left refusing to see facts as they are and being doubly blinded by ideology.

Unfortunately, the comments were no better. Rather than pointing out the inaccuracies, half the comments were conspiracy theories... 5G is under my bed!!... and the other half were reflexive defenses of "the rich." Thus, they all dismissed the few interesting facts of the article as propaganda. Ironically, if the writers had called them "Hollywood" instead of the rich, then the commenters would have taken all of this as true, but then the article writers would have been dismissed as right wing kooks.

This is the problem with our political system today. There's nobody rational or truthful in it. It's all about lies and dogma, enemies, and idiots shouting idiocy and myth at each other, and that makes our current system uniquely unfit to meet any challenge where information is important.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Good and Bad

So Colorado is basically open again and here are my impressions.

First, the amount of traffic is basically back to normal. Sadly. Most everything is open, though most businesses have maintained some safety rules. Costco actually added a requirement that you wear a mask now -- that wasn't true here last week. They also limit meat purchases to 3 items total (got some pork belly for the smoker! Yum!) to prevent hoarding with the coming meat shortage.

This tells me two things...

(1) The idea that the economy is going to turn back on and skyrocket back to near where it had been may be valid. I was expecting something much more tepid this week and we basically got full speed ahead. Just try getting into Home Depot, for example! This likely means that most people will get their jobs back and most smaller businesses will survive.

On that point, I saw an estimate that 60% of restaurants might close. That would be a huge victory actually, since 90%+ are doomed in the best of times. Airlines are doomed though.

(2) Some of the safety precautions will stay with us until this thing is cured and then some. Businesses clearly are worried about getting sued (and presumably their employees' health). So look for the easy stuff to continue. Costco actually took out a huge section of junk food so they could do social distancing at the checkout lines.

Secondly, the dipsh*ts are back. Up to now, most of the people who have been out have been pretty smart. They've worn masks and didn't touch their eyes or noses and have been polite but cautious. Even if they weren't personally concerned, they were being courteous to others. In the last two days, though, I've seen a different sort emerge. These are people going around without masks, touching everything, and bumping into people. They are whining about the old folks hours set up by various stores and bragging about how they ain't no scared of no virus. Their behavior suggests the spike in cases will be higher than expected. On the plus side, the people most likely to get it at this point deserve it. Stay cautious folks until these people are out of the way.

Speaking of idiots, some Republican Congressman is refusing to wear a mask for religious grounds. What a tard. God does not suffer fools, so why do fools always use God as their excuse for their own stupidity? Does the Bible really have a catchall in it somewhere that says "insert your idiocy here?" No... it doesn't. For the record, nowhere does the Bible (or any other religious book) ever say that you cannot wear a mask or protect yourself from a plague.

Finally, as an interesting aside, I have a cousin in Germany who gets news on the US. It's interesting to hear what he's been told. Apparently, the Germans have been told that things in the US are a real mess, with vast numbers dead, empty grocery store shelves, everyone unemployed, and all around chaos. We have the worst infection rate, worst death rates, whites killing blacks, doctors killing themselves, and our government is fiddling as New York burns. That's the picture the media paints of us in its purest form. Liars.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Economy Will Surprise

I am really wondering about the economy. The assumption is that this is like the Great Depression and it will take forever for us to get out of it. The more I think about it, the more likely it is that the economy is going to rebound surprisingly fast. Here's why.

Let's start with this: political "experts" are predicting the end of the world. Unemployment will last forever. After all we just shut down 40% of the economy. Unemployment has never been so high... not since the Obama years! Most unemployed people can do better on unemployment! The money the government is pouring out will cause Weimar Germany-like hyperinflation. There are breadlines. Shortages! We must accept that we will all be poor from now on.

But is any of that true? Not really.

(1) I've told you before there will be no inflation. The reason is the extra money the government is pumping out just fills in missing demand, i.e. we do not have more money suddenly chasing too few goods. Hence, no inflation. The dollar won't fall either because all governments are doing this, so everyone falls equally, meaning no one falls. I had been worried about deflation as too many good chase too few dollars, but demand hasn't fallen much and merchants are being incredibly stubborn about maintaining their prices. Even all the fire sales you see are pure marketing. So forget those ideas. Condition normal.

(2) But unemployment, right? Actually, I don't think so. The jobs that have been lost haven't been "lost" in the traditional sense. Normally, jobs vanish because demand vanishes or substitutes appear. That means they are gone forever because the economy no longer wants them. What's happened here is different. Those jobs have been put on hold. But the economy still wants those services. So once we lift the hold, I suspect most of these companies bounce right back and the jobs with them.

(3) Further, this may sound cruel but it's true: these companies and their jobs have never been stable companies, so this isn't something our economy has never digested before. Indeed, these companies exist largely in the tourism and food services industry. Companies in those industries implode in the mid-90% rate. So even if 100% of them failed now -- which they won't -- I suspect they will be replaced by the natural business cycle as they normally would have been. In other words, their failure and replacement is a natural process and would have happened anyways. So while this sounds like a disaster, it is a natural process that goes on normally, we just don't see it.

Also, I'm seeing some interesting ideas out of the strong players, i.e. the companies that have proven to survive over time already. For example, there's an Italian restaurant downtown which has survived for years. They are now selling home-cook kits and they are showing you online every Wednesday how to cook the kit. Clever. Ideas like that will make these people stronger when they do open again. Curbside service will too... more customers using the same resources.

(4) But the jobs are gone, right? No. They come back instantly when the companies come back. It's like someone pressed pause and then pressed start. If this thing lasts a year, that won't be true, but lasting only two months, without the economy reshuffling leaves everything in place for things to go right back to where they were, i.e. leases weren't lost, equipment wasn't sold, employees didn't disperse. That strongly suggests that things may largely go right back to the way they were. Moreover, there should even be new jobs as the "new normal" (I hate that idiotic phrase) will be more labor intensive because of safety precautions. That means people whose jobs do not come back may be able to find new jobs more easily.

(5) But they can do better on unemployment? Hardly. Unemployment sucks, and no one is getting it. Moreover, these people work in industries with massive turn over. They are used to job hopping. These are not engineers who freak out about getting laid off and in their depression won't take anything but an equivalent job. Most of these people will likely go right back to the way things were without missing a beat.

There will be more bankruptcies, that is true. But the companies who lose in bankruptcy are not particularly sympathetic. These tend to be bottom-feeder credit card companies who know they are taking a risk and payday loan people who are despicable thieves. Neither is unprepared for this and neither really contributes to the economy. Landlords might get hit too, but again, that is not the most stable of income producing businesses (as rental space has high non-occupancy rates) and they should be able to withstand some unpaid rent. And again, they are not an economic producer, nor is the property lost to the economy... it will be rented out again.

There are some industries that will be hurt. Airlines, hotels, and tourist attractions will hurt in the short term. Buffets will need to get creative. Nursing homes seem doomed. But at the same time, consumers seem happy to redirect their dollars to other industries which means no overall economic loss, which is how the economy has always functioned from caveman days to the present. There will be some shifting and the media will play up ever lost job, just as they did under Reagan, but the overall result should be a wash. Said differently, I'm not seeing a depression or even a recession.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Leftist Whining

So, uh, leftists... amiright?

(1) Racism, racism, racism. Black people die from coronavirus in greater percentages than whites. It has nothing to do with diabetes from bad diets, not taking care of themselves because the black community is "suspicious" of doctors, or the fact the massive house party that got busted in Chicago this weekend was several hundred blacks packed chest to chest without a single mask. No. That's all irrelevant. It's racism.

(2) Mexicans in California are dying at a higher percentage than whites of coronavirus. It can't be poor diet or prexisting conditions resulting from the putrid healthcare system in Mexico... no, it's racism and "economic conditions." Yup, coronavirus does an income check before it strikes.

(3) Men are more likely to die from coronavirus than women, making coronavirus sexist against women. Uh.

(4) Believe women. Truth. Women never lie. And even when women lie, we should believe their lies because they are women. What's that? Creepy, touchy Joe Biden has allegedly been allegedly accused of alleged sexual assault... allegedly? I don't even have to know the facts to know that didn't happen. Seriously, who are you going to believe? Saint Joe Biden or some woman?

(5) I'm still struggling to understand this one. The ozone hole has vanished... but the left is claiming that the shutdown had nothing to do with it. Apparently, colder than normal temperatures (which don't exist in this world of global warming) create the holes and when it warms up, they go away. No human involvement. Huh. I thought it was CfCs?

(6) If we don't give aid to third world sh*tholes to stop global warming, we'll have more pandemics, as proven by this one... which didn't arise in a third world sh*thole or as a result of global warming. Logic.

(7) Letting parents teach children is "dangerous." No, parents NOT teaching children is dangerous.

(8) Don't you dare go outside, you monster! But don't you dare stop immigration even temporarily, you monster.

Talk about mental Whiplash.


Monday, April 27, 2020

Hold Tight: The Herd Is Turning

This whole VIRUS thing really has been a fascinating experiment in herd mentality. It's proven so much of what we already knew about herd dynamics. Now there are some interesting things telling me the herd is shifting on VIRUS this weekend...

(1) First, we have the article I linked to in the comments last night which says that people are starting to break quarantine more. Those are your actual herd leaders. They are called "early adapters" in marketing parlance. They do things differently than the herd does. And once enough of them do it to reach critical mass, the herd seamlessly follows, with the pretend leaders (like politicians and media types and loudly self-proclaimed "INDEPENDENT THINKERS!") racing to the front of the pack and claiming they were the one to spot the trend first.

Usually, what the early adapter do becomes herd policy. But not always. Will it this time?

Well, the article suggests that critical mass has been reached as the numbers are very high and growing. It's also widespread, being early adapters everywhere. Again, that suggests critical mass is upon us. More importantly, the fact the Daily Mail put the article near the top of its site and didn't treat it with mockery suggests the Daily Mail sees this as the new trend and is prepared to move in that direction, barring a backlash from the public.

(2) There's more. There is an article making the rounds of the news sites now of a "teacher" who got caught on film screaming at some kids that she hopes they die of VIRUS because they dared... DARED to play football outside. The teacher is the villain of the article. This type of article would have been spun completely differently last week or before. It would have been about the sainted teacher trying to save the sinning kids from dying. The fact the devout is being mocked suggests that the religion has changed. VIRUS is a fake god, all praise FREEDOM.

Keep in mind too, teachers are blameless holy creatures unless they are racists or males who offend females. So the fact they are passing this around is doubly significant. But either way, the significance is that the same people who have been printing nothing but confessions by people who denied VIRUS and died or got sick and are begging forgiveness, suddenly are slandering a believer in favor of some deniers. That's a complete reversal in belief. Herd mentality requires villains. It needs clearly designated persons of mockery and virtue to ensure that we know the bounds of behavior. This is literally a 180 degree switch in what is villainous. One day, it was those #floridamorons who went to a beach (even if they were social distancing) and now it's the witch yelling at kids who wanted to be outside.

I guarantee you that the papers are about to fill with celebrities mocking their usual most-hated-persons (e.g. Trump supporters, conservatives, parents, religious types, etc.) who can't stand it that we good virtuous people want to be outside!

(3) Saturday Night Live, no matter how gently or how unfunnily, made fun of Dr. Fauci... the world's expert. The power of experts is breaking and, with it, the herd is preparing itself to ditch the experts. Indeed, herd mentality requires that we ridicule that which we formerly saw as god-like if we are going to go against dogma. So poking fun at Fauci will soothe the herd's fears about a reversal of policy.

(4) Finally, Boring Amy has said she favors opening Minnesota. She's one of the first national Democrats to support reopening. And don't forget, Amy is a saint, being the only woman ever to run for President and with her husband having suffered VIRUS. That's really the first defection among Democrats, who had been taking the position that southern Republican governors wanted people to die. That's evidence to me that the Democrats watched Georgia and Florida this weekend, didn't see a backlash, and now see the herd shifting. (It will be interesting to see if they backtrack in 4-5 days when virus cases show a surge, but for now, this is the new direction.)


Friday, April 24, 2020

"Tone Deaf" Abounds

Crisis bring out the best in people... and the worst. There's been a ton of amazing "best" out there, but there's also been a lot of worst. Some of the worst is criminal or despicable, like people spitting on food and price gougers. But most is what modern society calls "tone deaf." Let's talk about who's been tone deaf.

Before we start, let me mention some people who have been great.

1. The NFL. The NFL is an amazing institution, which is why the sports media hates them with a passion. They are pulling off the draft right now, which millions of people are craving as a return to normalcy, and it's been great. You saw kids rewarded for 20 years of hard, hard work. Proud mothers crying. Charming family scenes. Tales of the amazing good deeds these kids have done. And through it all, you had constant praise for healthcare workers, people working in dangerous jobs, and just average people sacrificing so everyone can be safe. And it's all been awash in pride in America. They've also raised something like $80 million to help. Very uplifting.

2. Grocery store workers. I talk to store clerks everywhere. These people have worked hard to make sure they have food to sell, to overcome shortages, to protect the public, to help old people, and to have a positive attitude through all of this. They've been amazing. Honestly, the only reason I wear a mask when I go to stores -- and I do -- is to be respectful for their efforts. I don't want them worrying that I might make them sick.

3. Volunteers. So many people have adopted pets the shelters are almost empty. People volunteer to help old people get groceries and stay safe. People are volunteering at hospitals. Society is on its best behavior at the moment.

Now let's talk about the others.

1. When my list first began, I included companies like Carvana, a web-based car sales company, who exploited this situation with an ad calling itself "the safe way to buy a car." That's an unfair attempt to tarnish dealerships who are in no way unsafe to build their businesses. I also included all these fake sales you see -- 40% off our entire site... unless it's a name brand product (DSW). The 40% off everything... that's ugly (Nike)! And so on. Lots of companies are pretending to have fire sales (the Gap) and these are basically fraudulent.

I also included Harry and Meghan, who moved to LA in the middle of the crisis - after declaring Canada their home, whined about not being able to have a welcome party with celebrities, and got caught doing their public relations "good deed" (delivering 20 meals to the poor) in a Porsche... the next day they made sure to use a Cadillac instead because they are creatures of publicity. Idris Elba got slammed for proclaiming that we need to stay home one day a year from now on to remember how terrible we've had it and suggesting he almost died when he only had a minor case with no symptoms. Other celebrities are posting pictures of themselves living in their massive mansions, lounging by pools, and enjoying incredible luxury as they post messages like "we're all in this together." Hardly. But these things are nothing compared to the douchebaggery that has since overtaken theirs.

2. Did you know airlines haven't lowered their prices a penny? They've decided to cut services and live on subsidies.

3. The first corporate monster I discovered was Sea World. Sea World has a huge PR problem. People think that what they do is cruel... pictures of employees standing on dolphins will do that to you. Now they laid off 90% of their workforce while giving their executives $6.8 million in bonuses "for their extraordinary contributions amid the COVID pandemic." What did they do to earn these? They laid off their employees. Two of these execs had only been there a week. Seems despicable. But then...

4. Then came Disney. Disney laid off 100,000 employees. It did that to save an estimated $500 million. Here's the thing, it's about to pay a $1.5 billion dividend. It also took out $20 billion in financing. So rather than pay its employees, it decided to hand out its cash to investors. And then it took on enough debt that it could pay its employees for 40 months, but it still fired them. Adding insult to injury, it tried to dump them on the taxpayer, telling them to seek public benefits. Florida should impose a tax on theme parks to get that money back.

5. But corporate America was just warming up. It turns out that the fund set aside to help small business protect their employees and stay alive during this period was raided by massive restaurant and luxury hotel chains. The Ritz Carlton. The Marriott in Beverly Hills. Burger King. Ruth's Chris steak house. Potbelly Sandwich. Taco Cabana. These are publicly traded billion dollar businesses with locations all over the country. What in the world made them think it was right to apply for money from a fund set aside for small businesses? Even worse, many of these found ways to double or triple the maximum amount allowed.

The Treasury claimed that 25% of the actual loans went to small businesses. Think about that though. That means that 75% of the loans went to big businesses. Insane. Eight luxury hotel companies alone took $140 million of the $350 million fund. Shake Shack took the money despite raising $150 million in a recent stock offering. One real estate investment trust (Ashford Inc.) obtained 56 separate loans, treating each location they owed as a separate small business. The vast majority of small businesses got nothing because the fund ran out of money.

Fortunately, they are being destroyed in the media and some are slowly giving it back. But the fact it never dawned on them that this was basically fraud, even if they found a way to qualify tells you something about the modern corporate mentality. They should be prosecuted and their businesses boycotted.

6. Hollywood has been no better. Not only have they been remarkably lacking in charity, unlike groups like the NFL, but they have been brutal to underlings. Film studios and talent agencies laid off all their workers. Even big name (leftist) actors have been laying off their assistants. Think about that. An actor worth hundreds of millions isn't willing to keep someone making $30k a year on staff for even a couple months during this?

7. The media. We've talked about the media a lot. Fear mongering through deceptive headlines, deceptive reporting. Negligence. Reporting that is so inept that it should be actionable. Rumor mongering. Spreading hate. Spreading ignorance. Herd-mentality shaming. Spreading propaganda. These people are despicable human beings.

8. Finally, we come to the most depressing set of douchebags: The protestors. There is no evidence, polling or anecdotal, that suggests the public has had too much quarantine. Polls suggest 80% support. In fact, most polls say people worry about ending it. There has been ZERO civil disobedience either -- the most reliable evidence of the public's mood. Advertisers, another reliable weather vane, show a strong embrace of it across political and generational lines. Why? Foremost, people are genuinely concerned about their own safety, the safety of older family members, and even the safety of the people working in stores. This is reflected in the huge percentage of people staying home, and the huge percentage wearing masks when they go out. This is reflected in the public banding together in massive charity events too. The new heroes of America are the nurse and the grocery store clerk. You see this everywhere.

Moreover, people understand that in times of crisis, some sacrifice is needed... yet, this has hardly been a sacrifice. Indeed, the quarantine is not oppressive. With a few minor exceptions, you can do what you always did. You can still go to most stores. You can buy fast food. You can buy guns. You can buy booze and weed. You can buy most anything, in fact. And what you can't buy locally, you can get online. Your bank is open. Your doctor is open. Electricity, phone and television all still work. In most states, you can go to the parks. Most governors have, by and large, been very good at letting out enough additional freedoms to keep people content as issues arise. Florida and Texas opened their beaches again. Colorado opened liquor stores when people freaked out.

The only people who are struggling are those who lost jobs... but let's put them aside for a moment.

So, are you sensing a theme? Of course, you are. But the douchebags aren't.

No. They have decided to throw a tantrum. They want their freedom back and they want it now! Forget that they never lost it. Forget that they don't even know what it is. Seriously, are they upset they can only go through the drivethru at McDonalds? "Going into the lobby is my God given right!" What this is, is all some wet dream by pretend tough guys about fighting tyranny which just doesn't exist. Then it gets worse. These losers show up at rallies carrying assault rifles and acting like some special forces wannabes. The wet dream continues. And they mix happily with conspiracy nuts: there is NO virus! ... the government made THE virus to TAKE our freedoms! ... vaccines are poiSON!! ... it's SPREAD by 5G!!! So you have people demanding the end of a quarantine the public sees as vital to keeping their families alive for no particular reason except some jerk-off fantasy about nebulous freedoms, they mix this tantrum with anti-science and anti-medicine, and they show up armed. You could not turn off the public more if you tried. These people are the right's version of the freaks who showed up in assless leather chaps with leashes around their necks at gay rights rallies.

And then came the coup de gras. Three nurses went out and tried to block the protestors, in uniform. Nurses are the new heroes, remember? And the douchebags raced into the trap. Rather than engaging the nurse respectfully and stating their cause clearly and compellingly, they tried to shout them down and intimidate them. Congratulations, you just made yourselves into the new Westboro Baptist Church, protesting military funerals, you assholes.

These idiots reinforced all the negative stereotypes the media uses against the right and set back the cause of reopening the country by weeks. They have turned what should be a natural process of the public deciding it was ready into a political issue supported by people the public despises.

Do you want to know what would have worked? There are people who really did lose their jobs. They legitimately have lost their freedoms. Imagine ten hairdressers, who actually are shutdown, go to a public park and start doing free haircuts as a protest. They are joined by 10 bartenders serving free drinks or a group of dentists with signs pointing out that their clients teeth will need root canals if they can't do preventative care. These people hold up signs saying, "We can operate safely!" and "Can't support my family!" That's a cause people understand. It is sympathetic. It is thought provoking, not revulsion creating. It is nonpartisan. It addresses the public's concerns about safety. It doesn't threaten anyone. And it plays on genuine issues of freedom... not some nebulous wet dream about fighting pretend tyranny.

This is again why the right is viewed with such contempt in this country even though most people share the right's views.

All told, the people on this list are a small number of people and most have a pretty negative history to begin with. So don't feel like this is common, but they are out there and they deserve to be called out.