Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's Your Problem Now. . .

I warn you up front that this will be an ugly article. But last night's election really brings to light that something has gone drastically wrong in this country and it's time we realized that. It's time we realized that America is indeed two nations, just as John Edwards said. There is productive America and handout America. And it's time we stopped enabling the leeches. They created this problem, let them pay for it now. Here are my thoughts on the election, the future and the country as a whole.

To The Retards: Congratulations. You proved once again last night that one can never go broke underestimating the American public. You, my slow cousins, just re-elected a man who has put the country on the brink of bankruptcy and whose plan to fix that is to (1) spend more money that doesn't exist to create jobs that won't exist, (2) create an unfunded entitlement program that is bigger than the entire national budget, and (3) tax his way to prosperity. Good luck with that, assholes. Good luck because you, his mindless supporters will be the ones hardest hit when the economy tanks and when the government can't afford to pay the benefits you voted for yourselves. Indeed, good luck when gas prices hit $6 a gallon, when your taxes double, when your employer drops your healthcare and you get fined for not buying your own coverage, when your doctor stops taking Medicare or Medicaid, when your welfare check stops adjusting for inflation or shows up as an IOU, and when you lose your job to China because Obama won't stand up to his debt-pimp. Good luck finding a job too with the economy being 23 million jobs short and your idiot Messiah's plan being to hire 100,000 new teachers. Not to mention he'll need to create another 10 million just to keep up with population growth. But don't worry, he'll get even with all those rich bankers for you. . . only, he forgot to tell you, he's their bitch. That's right, he passed regulations that let evil Wall Street wipe out small local banks so that they can make a mint on your stupid ass.

To My Productive Friends: This election was a battle between productive Americans and leeches. The leeches won. But guess what, you still have options. I recommend the following:
(1) Everyone should apply for every government benefit they can. None of these programs are funded and they rely on good people being unwilling to apply for them, i.e. they only work because only a fraction of people who qualify actually take the benefit. It's time that changed. It's time for everyone to demand every penny to which they are entitled. Employers should drop their employee health insurance and shift that cost to the government, just as Obama wants. Take up tax avoidance strategies. Find tax shelters. Apply for subsidies. Reagan broke the Russians by spending them into oblivious, you can do the same to Washington. There is no shame in taking from a thief.

(2) Stop subsiding liberal cesspools. Conservatives need to move their businesses from blue states to red states. Stop buying from blue state companies. Buy instead from red states or foreign companies.

(3) Conservative governors, don't be stupid. Grab every penny you can from Washington. Sign up for Obamacare or you will only end up subsidizing the states that do. Being frugal in a zero-sum game only means you end up paying the bill for others binging.
To Congress: The Democrats are now talking about the Republicans needing to come together to work with Obama to solve the nation's problems. Why should you? Pelosi proved in 2004-2006 that the public would not punish them for standing in the way of everything Bush wanted. To the contrary, they got more seats. Harry Reid and Obama proved in 2010-2012 that they could stand in the way of everything as well, and they too got rewarded. For six years now, the strategy of paralysis combined with character assassination has proven effective. I see no reason why the Republicans in the House and the Senate shouldn't do the same. Let the country fail and let Obama take the blame -- America is strong enough to pick up the pieces in six years. It's time for scorched earth. No more good faith. No more acting for the good of the country over partisanship. If a deal gets done, make sure it benefits red states at the expense of blue states. . . forget shared pain. And never stop the character assassinations. This was Obama's plan and now it needs to be yours.

To The Religious Right: Go away. For several election cycles now, it's been clear that the Religious Right has become an increasingly heavy drag on the party. It is simply impossible to win women and moderates when your party is the party of old white guys who proclaim rape to be the will of God and who want the government to obsess over gays and abortion. Your bullshit will never pass and all it's doing is turning off the people we need to fix the country.

To Conservative Whites: It's time to face the fact that the electorate is changing and we need to embrace Hispanics. If Romney had gotten into office, I think we would have seen a serious change in this regard, but he didn't. So it's up to us. It's time we STOPPED talking about deporting illegal aliens. That will never happen anyway and whining about it only upsets Hispanic voters who don't want to hear us running around talking about deporting their friends and family. Get over it.

To My Foreign Friends: The joke's on you, seriously. I've been speaking with several foreigners who were very much rooting for Obama for a variety of reasons. Sadly for you, you are about as misinformed as humans can get. Here are some things you thought would change "from the evil Bush years" which didn't and which won't: Obama won't close Gitmo, he won't stop the war on terror, he won't stop using drones or landmines. He won't rein in America's out of control debt. He won't take the lead on climate change or on saving the Eurozone circle jerk. Oh, and to my Chinese friends, all that paper you are holding marked "Backed By The Good Faith and Credit of the United States" isn't worth the paper it's written on. Sorry, you backed the wrong horse.

Do I sound bitter? Probably, but I'm not. I'm just telling you the truth. In reality, I really don't care about last night because it doesn't affect me. The people who will be hurt are the very people who wanted Obama to win, and it's kind of hard to care about them, since they decided to use the ballot box to steal from the rest of us to support their own worthless lives. But I'm through saving you from your own incompetence. You've created fiscal and economic tsunamis that will now strike. And like I said, it's your problem now.


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T-Rav said...

Patriot, I left him off because I don't listen to Rush a lot to begin with, so I can't judge, and also, I'm just taking it out on all the people who got my hopes up.

tryanmax said...

The New York Times has an interesting GRAPHIC up right now with the caption "Most of the nation shifted to the right in Tuesday's vote, but not far enough to secure a win for Mitt Romney."

I find that very interesting. It basically puts the lie to most of what the Republican punditry has been saying last night and today about the GOP needing to rethink its entire strategy. According to the graphic, the GOP did not lose ground with women and actually gained in the youth vote.

It does show that work needs to be done to woo Hispanic voters to the GOP, or rather, find a way to scare them away from the Dems, which is how they attracted them in the first place.

tryanmax said...

Sorry if I'm dominating, but there's also a bizarro article on The Atlantic advising the GOP to shift to a message of social mobility, legal immigration and deficit reduction. ?????

AndrewPrice said...

Well, tryanmax, you know that the prior message of social mobility, legal immigration and deficit reduction wasn't good enough, so they really should switch to a message of social mobility, legal immigration and deficit reduction.

Kit said...


Wow, so the country moved rightwards a notch from 2008?
Maybe there is hope after all! ;)

So the lessons are:
1) Turnout, Turnout, Turnout. Build a freakin' turnout ground machine ya dumb Republicans!
2) Woo the Hispanic vote. How do we do that?

Heather MacDonald has a somewhat unsettling article on the hispanic vote at the NRO.

I've found a ricochet bit on what Republicans should focus on NOW.

Kit said...

Here is a Ricochet post on what the Republican Agenda will involve in the near future.

BevfromNYC said...

Oh,yeah, and the guy that made the video that cause the deaths of our Ambassador et al. has been sentenced to a year in prison. Well, now that settled, we can all rest easy knowing that he's in prison and we not...yet.

AndrewPrice said...

I've got an interesting story about Evangelicals. Two houses down live a couple who got themselves elected the precinct captain during the primary -- they've held this position in the past two elections as well. They are evangelicals and were Santorum supporters.

When they accepted the position, they took an oath to fulfill their duties which included supporting whoever the nominee was.

Every election before this one, their yard was full of signs for all of the candidates and they went door to door to get out the vote. It suddenly dawned on me today that they had NO signs up once the primary began (they did have Santorum signs at first)... and they never went door to door.

Interesting. I guess their oath didn't mean anything to them.

AndrewPrice said...

Well Bev, Obama did promise to get whoever was responsible, right? I guess that's who he blames.

Individualist said...


Well Said! The only thing you forgot was to sign the document "Who is John Galt?"

El Gordo said...

It is perhaps worth asking ourselves (as skeptical conservatives) if predictions of political, social and economic doom are a kind of masochistic wish fulfillment. You know: We did not want it to happen, but know it MUST happen?

How long will it take until the consequences are truly felt by a wide sprectrum of people, to the point where the problems cannot be denied?

You know the counterarguments: business will adapt, they still try to make a profit, people have to work and consume, there is a lot of room to increase taxes and after all Europe could take decades of similar policies before they hit a wall. Germany had permanent high unemployment since the 1970s and they are still a going concern. Sweden recovered from the brink and life is not bad there.

Personally, I believe it will be far worse. One thing American libs never understand is that the same politicians who promise them "Sweden" ensure that it will be a disaster. Sweden is a small, ethnically homogenous country. They are less ideological about killing their golden goose. The level of liberal corruption (starting with the voting process) and union thuggery which we see in the US would NEVER be tolerated there. They are in many ways less socialist than we are, not least in health care and education. They have smaller deficits now. Their press may be left wing but they would not cover for crimes and incompetence in the way US media do now. Public administration is therefore relatively efficient and leaner. Whereas Americans are terribly at bureaucracy.

What I´m trying to say is, we have much farther to fall than we imagine. More Spain than Sweden. But how long can it take? Will Obama still be around?

Individualist said...


I have to differ with you on a small point. I don't think the media's lack of involvement is the main reason the Dems can't win the house. I say this based on the fact that I was looking at the Ohio and Florida Precinct maps last night and not just the total state number.

Take a look at the country maps by precint and you will notice that most of the states are red with tiny pockets of blue. The progs are concentrated in the Urban areas because they are on welfare. When you translate this map to the Congressional Precints what you end up with is a lot more red precints than blue despite the fact that the numbers may be equal.

Even California to a certain extent is this way. Much of the state was Red. It was the LA and San Franscisco areas that concentrate blue. I think it is important to understand this as we can hopefully use it to our advantage.

Individualist said...


Emmanuel Goldstein .... I wonder will they have him pull out some tortured apology for their showcase as well..... That disgusts me. I saw the movie on You Tube. Offensive to Muslims yes,,,, a crime NO!

K said...

Best after action report I've seen on the election from NRO's Michael Walsh:

Kit said...

El Gordo,

I fear you may be right?
If so, how long do you think it will take?

K said...

Individualist: You're right - the low income areas likely end up in the same district and don't change from election to election. But this can be effected by who's doing the gerrymandering this decade which may also account for less congressional turnover for Republicans due to state house wins in 2010. Unfortunately in California, the blue areas tend to be high density and have more representatives than the red areas.

AndrewPrice said...

Kit, That article on Hispanics is true in some regards and utter crap in others. It is true that the way conservatives have viewed Hispanics was just simply wrong. They cannot be won on family values. So that is true and anyone who looked at the statistics rather than the wishful stories has known that for decades.

But here's the thing, the whole focus of the article is wrong. It still assumes we need to win Hispanics as a group. You can't do that. You need to (1) drop the policies that turn them all off and (2) start going after the parts of them you can in.

That means, outreach from every Congressional office to help them with immigration issues, stop complaining about Hispanics in racial terms, and start working with people like Hispanic businessmen to win their votes and Hispanic mothers to win their votes on school issues.

This can be done... it just needs to be done.

AndrewPrice said...

El Gordo, My article for tomorrow talks about how bad things really are... and they are bad. Even if Obama knew what he was doing, things will be very difficult. But it gets worse in that Obama doesn't know what he's doing.

Kit said...

JohnFNWayne at threedonia has his take on the election

Anonymous said...

Andrew -

Any thoughts on conservative outreach to "urban" voters? By that, I mean city-dwellers. I've read a few articles on the subject, including this one

I know some folks frown on cities (as opposed to rural areas or suburbs) but I guess I'm a fan. :-)

(Apologies if this has been covered already.)

Koshcat said...

Let's look at this another way. We have finally put to rest the idea of "moderate" republicans and other namby pamby bs. Bush had a huge opportunity to put things into place early in his presidency, that could have fixed things. He should have blown up the taliban, declared victory and left. He should not have gone into Iraq without physical evidence of WMD. When it was clear that Fannie Mae was in trouble, he shouldn't have been allowed to be shouted down as a racists. Reagan would have gone to the people with a clear speech.

Choosing McCain was awful. What ever you thought of Palin, we shouldn't have allowed her to be destroyed but she really wasn't ready for national politics.

Romney was the absolute best of the available candidates. He wasn't crazy. He was intelligent. He didn't screw young women (or boys) behind his wife's back. But, he wasn't inspiring and his candidacy wasn't inspiring. He should have stood up and given a speech about how different he was from Bush. Whether we like it or not, he was running against both Obama and the ghost of Bush. Doesn't matter if it this is fair.

The Tea Party has been great and awful. It got the idea of an economic armageddon on the table, but many of these groups have pushed crummy candidates. They often have been pushed because they were "outsiders" but many were outsiders because they were crazy.

Koshcat said...

Didn't mean for it to show up twice.

Let us not accept any more crap from these idiots. If the "religous right" and I'm talking about the nutheads who think it is ok to shoot abortionists want their own party-don't let the door slap you in the ass.

If the moderates (McCains) want us to just get along with the democrats, give them paperwork to switch parties. You are with us or against us. Yes, very juvinile but this is the game the democrats have been playing for years. Rush always points this out and points out whenever we have tried to work with them, they always turn around and screw us over.

You want to negotiate, fine. Life is a yardstick with 0 on the right and 36 the far left. No more starting at 16-20 and ending at 28. You will be luck to get to 12. You think our ideas sounded crazy before, just wait. We may still lose at first, but we will be the first to say while people are rioting in the street: we told you so.

It's a new age in America and I am inspired. Let it burn so we can rise up and truly make it a better place.

Anonymous said...

Kosh -

I took care of the duplicate comment. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, Same principle. You start with congressional offices and they need to hire people who spend their time in the neighborhoods, speaking the language and doing the kinds of favors people want (called "client services"). Then you see out people who should fit into the part -- mothers, small businessmen, etc., and you win them over a few at a time and hope they bring more.

It's a 365 day project that needs to become part of the game plan.

AndrewPrice said...

Koshcat, I agree entirely! Well said.

Kit said...

Andrew, the author of the link on hispanics linked, she is pretty smart. Her stuff on stop-and-frisk and policing in New York is nearly alway Golden.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

My past view, that America is still basically conservative(ish) or center right is wrong.
Most of those Americans that did vote are, clearly, center left at best.

This hurts me deeply, because it's a betrayal of the ideals of our Founding Fathers:
Life, liberty and personal property/pursuit of happiness (free market).

The very things I joined the Navy to protect.
The very ideal of self evident truths.
A betrayal of our Constitution and Bill of Rights and rule of law.

While our troops are fighting, and dying to preserve our liberties and protect our lives the majority of voters (who bothered to vote) chose to stab her protectors in the back, and embrace fascism and socialism.

Driven by their greed and envy, the left and "independents" have chosen class warfare, on their fellow citizens and have given the green light to steal and destroy their fellow Americans.

And for what? To satisfy their own selfish desires. So selfish they are willing to place their own children and grandchildren (as well as ours) under a crushing debt, hyperinflation, high unemployment, little or no benefits, and a liberty killing bureaucracy!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

They happily give up their own rights in exchange for promises of a utopia (quite the opposite, actually) that will never be fulfilled and drag their fellow Americans down with them.

The selfish bastards who decided not to vote or vote for unelectable candidates like Gary Johnson have, in effect helped the party of envy to hurt their fellow Americans, including themselves.

It breaks my heart to know that most of the voters who bothered to vote and those who didn't vote to prove some "point" have taken their liberties for granted and spit on the sacrifice of their fellow Americans who gave our blood, sweat and lives to protect those rights they have taken for granted.

Aye. That cuts the deepest.
But I'll never quit tryin' to keep the dream of liberty alive for those who are willing to embrace it, rather than the slavery offered up as "progress" by the left.

Hi guys. Great post and comments.
We are now officially the remnant. The resistance. Outlaws who love liberty so much we're willin' to die for it rather than willingly bow our heads to tyranny.

And yes, let's brace for the crash that's coming.

T-Rav said...

Kosh, on that note, you know what the GOP should be doing right now? Taking the Dick Lugar people in Indiana who refused to support Mourdock and purging them from the party. Those people aggravated a bad situation, and need to be evicted from every post they hold in the organization.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I think we need a post mortem to find out who didn't vote where and then rethink who our friends are... and what priorities we should follow because of that.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I know exactly what you are talking about.

Jen said...

T-Rav, I hear you on that one!

Tam said...

Ben, thank you and sorry.

Koshcat, yep. Burn. Let's get on with it.

tryanmax said...

The main issues I have with that article on the Hispanic vote are

1) it suggest that the GOP can win Hispanics if it simply becomes a mimic of the Democrat party. Not only does that miss the point, it won't work anyway.

2) it leans on objectively false leftist pap about Republicans not representing the average person. To wit, the very article cites that 29% of Hispanics think that way, which is approximately the same percentage of white voters who think that way.

The bottom line is that the GOP needs to 1) stay focused on conservative principles that we know have broad appeal if they can only be messaged properly and 2) treat Hispanic voters like white voters because--I can't believe I have to say this--we're all the same under our skin.

T-Rav said...

Andrew and Jen, yep. The party's establishment wing needs to be crushed entirely. If we're going to have this much of a minority in the Senate, clean house. Start with Murkowski and whichever one of the Maine twins is still in office there and work our way down. Strip them of their privileges if they won't fall in line, do whatever you have to, but make sure they get the message.

tryanmax said...

On a completely different note: I know this doesn't work for everyone here, but for my part, I feel like if times are going to get tough, best they get tough now. I'm young enough to have time for picking up the pieces and my kids are small enough that they'd never notice a turn for the worse.

Tam said...

Not a completely different note, Tryanmax. I think Koshcat is ready for the blaze, I know I am.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, If things are going to go wrong (and I think they will -- see the next article) then it's best that they happen as soon as possible and under Obama's watch. That is the only way his people will give up on him and the people in the middle will give up on the idea that they can benefit from Obama's plundering.

Jen said...

I checked the results for my state rep, and the guy I met that was running for the first time, won. He went door to door, and he was at my place twice. I almost forgot--I need to email him "congrats".

T-Rav, at least I know my state went red this time, and was the only Great Lakes state that did. With the exception of Donnelly, it looks like everything else went GOP.

Like so many of you here, I'm getting tired of being productive. Let them starve.

Individualist said...


It is a matter of concentration. In the precints in the blue areas the concentration of urban poor is very high. To support this look at how much the Miami Dade and Broward County vote went for OBama more than two to one. In the subburbs there are a majority of center right voters but there are also center left as well. Thus Romney wins all the outlying precints but by a 60/40 or 55/45 ratio.

When it comes to a congressional election 55/45 or 80/20 you still just woin one seat. If your voters were spread out over the area you'd have a shot at a greater number of seats. The GOP is spread out the DNC is concentrated. Thus although Obama wins the popular vote in Florida the GOP winds the majority of house races.

darski said...

I think you need to *think* about this whole Hispanic thingy. There is not a Mexican alive who has ever known real -aka honest- government.

Do you really want to try to appeal to a population who gets all bent out of shape because you are not nice to criminals and the lawless?

Forget race and only appeal to good people.

rlaWTX said...

I'm behind the curve because I was at school all day yesterday, so my only comments are:
[1] great conversation!

[2] Kit - AWESOME Angel quote!!!!!!

AndrewPrice said...

darski, I think Republicans needs to appeal to the Hispanics who fit their ideology and that would be the non-criminals -- businessmen, mothers with children, people looking to become solidly middle class. A broad-based appeal that ignored things like criminal behavior or a desire to end up on welfare would not be in our interests. However, one thing we will need to overlook is the immigration thing.

darski said...

As Bush would say (paraphrased) "you will abandon Honest principles in order to save Honest principles" Y'all have fun with that.

It is most definitely time for a 3rd party as the Repubs are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time... Party ops that is.

I fully agree that I don't have a dog in this fight. As a Canuck it is soooooooo none of my business. I just know what it is like to live in a country after God takes you off His speed dial. I'll keep praying for youse guys.

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