Friday, September 20, 2013

The Openest Open Thread Ever



T-Rav said...

Sorry all. I was laid low with an angry stomach today, which completely wrecked the brilliant, insightful stuff I was going to provide for you. I'll get it together soon, I promise.

K said...

Scott Lowther writing at The Unwanted Blog points out that in the US, we have something less than 100 people a year killed in mass murder incidents with subsequent weeks of hysterical news coverage, while an estimated 98,000 people a year die from medical accidents goes nearly unreported.

tryanmax said...

That tears it. We need to ban medicine.

BevfromNYC said...

K - i add to that all the property damage and deaths caused by automobiles?

But should we really be talkin' about ways to die with T-Rav feeling so poorly? ;-)


Patriot said...

What does everyone think of the Dems not attending the Benghazi hearing when the parents of two of the dead Americans were testifying? They attended when the ARB leaders were testifying earlier, but couldn't find the time to listen to the parents for some reason.

I'm sure they will come up with some excuse......Pelosi called an emergency meeting.....the cup ran away with the spoon.....the dog ate my schedule.

At least most Americans won't hear about it.

TJ said...

Patriot, I think it was despicable. But what else can we expect from them?

Anthony said...

Sounds like the Naval Shooter started with his coworkers. Doesn't shock me.

Two years ago there was a guy in my office who developed a drug problem (his behavior really changed after he broke his arm and started taking prescription painkillers) and long story short, wound up being dragged out of our office by cops after screaming (be was angry that we were all conspiring against him, though he keyed on one young woman who had nothing to do with anything) for several minutes at one of the bosses.

A few days before he'd stumbled into a meeting half an hour late, given an impromptu massage to a secretary, then started kicking me under the table, then enthusiastically recommended a brand of chili before taking an impromptu nap. All he'd gotten for that incident was a warning but that was apparently too much for him.

Anthony said...

The Benghazi walkout doesn't shock me. Enough time has passed that the Democrats no longer have to pretend like they care.

Anthony said...

Thirteen people shot in Chicago, including a three year old. No arrests, but police believe its gang related.

I think the problem is too many black parents are not doing their jobs. All that can be done in the short term is jailing or killing the screw-ups that their negligence produces. I'm not arguing that the evil of adults can or should always be blamed on their parents, but when there is this massive pattern...

Its kind of sad that the freest country in the world has the highest incarceration rate in the world but its the best thing for non screw-ups of all colors.

T-Rav said...

I'm gonna put my head in the oven now, thanks you guys. #Jerks

BevfromNYC said...

T-Rav - Okay, whatever makes you feel better, but only if it's an electric oven that is turned off. But, you might feel more comfortable laying in your bed or on the couch covered in a nice warm blanket watching "Parking Wars"! It helped me through pneumonia a few years back. It is possibly the most pointless reality show going, but also completely harmless...well, unless you find illegally parked cars and the Philly cops who ticket/tow them exciting...


Feel better!

tryanmax said...

Seriously, T-Rav, you're gonna go all Sylvia Plath on us?

AndrewPrice said...

You guys are a bunch of downers today! It's Friday... smiles everyone, smiles. :D

As for the Democrats, they are despicable.

BevfromNYC said...

Well, do you want to REALLY be depressed? The same security contractor vetted both Snowden AND Alexis (the DC Navy Yard shooter)...

BevfromNYC said...

Hey! Here's something funny! Oh...wait...never mind, it was depressing too.

Kit said...

Well, this might cheer you up: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comes to the small screen in 4 days!

Tennessee Jed said...

my meager contribution to this is my own vague feeling that liberals in control of the media want to infiltrate, take over, and control two things conservatives like 1) golf and 2) country music

tryanmax said...

Jed, that's a given. Liberals want control of everything. It's like the Rule 34 of politics.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, Not golf!! :P

EricP said...

Turn on World Boogie Is Coming, the new North Mississippi Allstars, to wash away all depression, folks, at least for 60ish minutes. Robert Plant blows a mean harp on the first two tracks, and it gets even better after that.

K said...

Kit: Maybee it's just me, but weren't the "Agents of Shield" depicted in the Avengers films as essentially stand ins for the TSA? I'm not sure I'm up for a show glorifying a freedom screwing authoritarian organization, even if it is fictional and features guys in tights.

Kit said...

How were they the TSA?

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