Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Key Opportunity Missed

One of the frustrating things about being a Republican is that they have no ability to read the room. They're like the Aspergers Party. It's crazy. From obsessing over things no one in America cares about, to missing things everyone cares about, to not having a clue how to communicate because they only talk to each other and in language the public doesn't use, backing the GOP is super frustrating. Right now, there is a killer political issue going on and the GOP is entirely missing it because they are so insular. This issue involves a jogger and it could destroy the Democrats if only the GOP had a clue.

The issue involves a woman named Eliza Fletcher. She went jogging in Memphis at 4:30 am a few weeks back and was kidnapped and killed by a monster named Cleotha Henderson. Henderson has already served 20 years for a prior kidnap and apparently is a suspect in a 2021 kidnapping and murder. He is an animal who needs to be put down. The end.

Why am I talking about this? Because this is a HUGE issue. There are tens and tens of thousands of women talking about this. They are talking about it on running boards, on Facebook, on Tik Tok and everywhere they meet to talk. They are following this issue very closely and they are furious. They are furious that this woman was killed. They are furious that they feel like they could be next. They are furious that the streets of America are not safe for women to be alone. Most of all, they are furious that no one seems to care.

This issue is death for the Democrats. The Democrats are super vulnerable right now over the issue of crime. They have made the nation's big cities into cesspools of violence and rape all in the name of progressive views of equality. They have gotten thousand of people (usually minorities or women) killed. They've ruined neighborhoods by letting drug addicted homeless flood them. They've turned predators free to keep preying (usually on women) under the guise that it's racist to lock them up. They turn them loose from prison under the fantasy they've been reformed. And they've been trying to strip away cops at the very point the world is getting worse. People are genuinely freaked out to a degree I have not seen since the 1970s, and women doubly-so.

This issue has the ability to destroy anyone not seen as tough enough on crime. It is far more visceral than inflation and far more scary for people. You can survive inflation, you can't survive being murdered by some drug addicted homeless creature. This is such a huge issue that progressive prosecutors are being recalled in progressive cities by progressives. How bad is that? Portland has become Escape from New York sans Snake Pliskin. One of the squad almost lost in Communist Minnesota in a Democratic primary because she's pro-thug. And Eliza Fletcher's tragedy is the lightening rod for this issue.

Here's the catch... the GOP hasn't notice.

Why not? I can give you a lot of different answers to this, but I think it doesn't matter. When two separate people in the party have said: "If rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.” (Michigan GOP Rep Robert Regan) and "Rape is like bad weather. If it's inevitable, why not just sit back and enjoy it?" (former GOP candidate for Governor of Texas, Clayton Williams), you kind of get a sense why the GOP doesn't pay attention to women. When the grump response to Fletcher's death in the comments at conservative leaning places is "what was she doing running at 4:30 in the morning anyways", again you realize why the GOP doesn't do well with women. And when grumpers rush online to proudly tell you that Hollyweird and Farcebook need to be shutdown, you can kind of see how these fools might miss a huge national movement in the making. Living under a rock is not nobility, it is ignorance.

Reagan built the biggest conservative consensus America has ever seen by promising Americans American values: lower taxes, lower government interference, more freedom, safer streets, standing up to our enemies. That was Reaganism. Today's GOP has become a party of cranks, election deniers, defenders of criminals, people obsessed with controlling others, people who praise freaks like Putin and just want to see the world burn... people who jerk themselves off with extreme rhetoric but wouldn't know conservatism if Ronald Reagan came back and bit them in the ass.

This is why the Democrats survive despite making the country unsafe for its citizens... because the GOP looks worse by comparison. Consider this when you vote in the primaries. Maybe it's time to stop flirting with freaks and start voting for normal Americans?


Anonymous said...

It is a huge opportunity, but I see the Republicans silent on so much. When out of power, Schumer and Pelosi were constantly holdingpressers. Now granted, Dems have a lock on the vast majority of media, but still, get out there and attack and outline what you will do to change things on the issues. The border, inflation, and crime are the issues which matter, and our leaders need to be hammering them. As much as Trump hurt himself with his ego, he at least was always willing to call out the Dems, and knew how to get his message out. Other Republicans need to learn to do this better


Anonymous said...

The reps are afraid of being accused of racism because the killer is black.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I think they don't even know it's there. The political types I met when I worked in DC (many going on to be high ups with various representatives) were completely out of touch. They just didn't partake in America. Half bragged about not even owning televisions. They spoke like accountants or cultists and simply had no grasp what mattered to people who weren't like them.

That is one thing I will give Trump, he knew what people were talking about. He was a total conman, but he did know what actual Americans were interested in.

Race is always made into an issue, but this one goes well beyond that. This is part of a picture of the unleashing of a rainbow of predators on our cities.

Anonymous said...

Andrew - instead we get Lindsey Graham coming up talking about codifying illegality of abortion instead of pounding Dems for their”inflation reduction act”. The Supreme Court handed the right to life conservatives by rectifying Roe. Now is not the time to be pushing for a national law. Hit the winning issues and explain how you plan to act on them…. Sigh


AndrewPrice said...

Crazy, isn't it Jed? And others want to break the legal system to save Trump from a truly stupid crime (with very troubling motives). Or shatter the electoral system to vent their frustrations. Etc. etc. Every issue except those that matter.

What matters? Inflation. Crime. That will decide this election. That will sway everything from blacks to suburban moms to Hispanics to average white guys.

If you're going to play games, at least play games that divide the left. For student loans, propose paying for it with a 4% permanent tax on university endowments. People will love it. Elite liberals will freak. Propose not allowing men into women's sports -- separate feminists from gays.

Dumping immigrants in liberal enclaves is actually genius, especially with the claim that sanctuary cities should be best at handling them.

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, I get what Graham was doing. He was trying to come up with a rational sounding abortion ban that the GOP could get behind which neutered the crazies but brought out the crazies on the left. The problem is (1) the timing and (2) most GOP people had decided it was best to ignore the issue entirely.

Kyle T. said...

Hey Andrew & Jed, In regards to Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory:

Maybe I’m nuts, however I believe a few Republican politicians (individuals not up for re-election) want the party to lose in November. Not all of them, but some of these politicians are just there to grift off the fear Dems cause. They use this fear to set themselves up as the opposition party as a sort of political career. I assume they believe its easier to get re-elected as the opposition party than risk actually making policy. At most they demand keeping the status quo.

Then again, maybe I’m just reading into their actions. Like you said Andrew, these politicians are completely out of touch with the public.


AndrewPrice said...

Kyle, Actually, I think you are right.

Unfortunately, much of the Right-Wing Industrial Complex, so to speak, is premised on getting rich from fear. These guys try to scare people into becoming irrational so they can milk them for money and ratings. Indeed, the worst thing that could happen to them would be if the GOP swept the Democrats out of power. That kills their sales pitch.

Now we even have politicians doing the same thing. Marjorie Taylor comes to mind, as does Trump. They've learned that they do better fighting Republicans rather than Democrats, so that's what they do, and they do not want the GOP to win because that's the end of the gravy train.

To them, it is more important that a school district in Bumfudge makes a teacher use the wrong pronoun or that some RINO was seen wearing a mask than that Putin invades another country. Because that's what their followers care about.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of extreme and stupid, Stacey Abrams running in Georgia just said that she supports abortion right up to the moment of birth.

That's the kind of thing I think Graham was actually trying to elicit from the left because it makes them look terrible. So I do get what he was trying to do. Do they support any limitation? 15 weeks or not? The answer is no, really.


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