Thursday, January 31, 2013

Caption This: Michelle Ma Belle..

Honestly, I do not think I would have considered making light of our former first ladies while they were living in the White House. But there is something about First Lady Michelle Obama that just begs for it. It's that indefinable "je ne sais quoi" of our Michelle...

I am sure that if we put our heads together, we can define that "it" that makes her so special.

What was our lovely First Lady (with the elbows on the table) thinking sitting there next to the Boehners?


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I have to admit I don't like her, not at all. I think the hypocrisy gets me, and the poor manners.

LL said...

She's ghetto Chicago.

K said...

"Wait a minute, why am I the only one that got served the "healthy school lunch" platter"?

AndrewPrice said...

K, LOL! Good call. That would be great if she had to eat the healthy school lunch. :)

BevfromNYC said...

K - That is perfect!! Did you hear though she is dropping her "Let's Get Movin'" campaign to get kids moving? I actually think it is sad. She really can have a great influence on kids and get them off their butts. But I guess it gets in the way of her vacations...

BevfromNYC said...

I think Mrs. Boehner is afraid or about to hurl,...maybe she got the "Bloomberg" special too! You know, no salt, not fat, not sugar (no taste)! But either way, I bet she she has her napkin in her lap and her elbows NOT on the table!

K said...

Bev: I suspect her efforts at making school food healthy, while banning sugar snacks, has not met with great appreciation at the student level. I don't know that for a fact, of course, but with our news media lack of information on things that might be embarrassing to the first couple is SOP.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, They should start offering Bloomberg Specials in NYC. Of course, no one would eat them, but it would be pretty funny. You order it and they decide what you get.

T-Rav said...

"God, I want a hamburger and a Big Gulp so bad right now...."

BevfromNYC said...

K- You don't have to look very hard to see the "appreciation" level of the students...

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew! You've done it. Brilliant!! You just pinpointed the next new food/restaurant trend in NYC!

"You order it and they decide what you get."

Here's the slogan/jingle!

Get it OUR Way,
Get it our Way!
Get it OUR Way,
Get it our Way!
'Cause we know what's best for youuuuuuu!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Bloomburgers! LOL! Nice. Somehow, I suspect Bloomberg wouldn't get the point?

rlaWTX said...

OH, Bev! Now I don't know where to send my $10.00 - invest in the Commentarama Island or in Bloomburgers!!!!!!!!!

BevfromNYC said...

rlaWTX - Sshhhh, don't tell anyone about this super secret exclusive offer only because we like you so much! Really, don't tell anyone!
But you maybe interested in getting in on the ground floor! Yessiree, for a mere $20 you can invest in both! Be a part the super exclusive few to own a piece of Bloomburgers AND Commentarama Isle. I hear through the grapevine that the first Bloomburgers will open on Commentarama Isle! You could become a mogul!

BTW, I hear that Zimbabwe only has a few hundred dollars in the bank, so maybe we could consider making an offer to buy them out! I know, I know, it's not an island, but it's an idea...

rlaWTX said...

I feel so special, Bev!! Thank you so much for considering for this once in a life time opportunity!!!

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