Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Date We're Gonna Make Live In Infamy

Hi all. First, let me say that for some reason, I'm having a hard time posting comments. I'm not ignoring you, I just can't seem to post them.
Secondly, tomorrow is the anniversary of January 6?? What a ridiculous thought. We're going to have an anniversary for the day a couple hundred douchebags vandalized the capital building? Really? Why? Oh yeah, because the Democrats want to pretend this was an attempted coupe and (Heavens) it might have succeeded? Riiiiiight. The United States was going to fall because a couple hundred retards broke into a building? Laughable. At least when they burned the Reichstag, they destroyed the building. All they had to do here was hose off the beer smell. But leave it to the Democrats to exploit anything. Pathetic.  They really should change their name to the Propaganda Party.


Kyle T. said...

I have a bit to say on this subject Andrew.

1/6 is an absolute joke considering all that's happened over the last 2 years with Antifa’s antics during Trumps 2017 inauguration & the BLM riots... Even the guys over at RedLetterMedia were cracking jokes about 1/6 (they are progressive; just not leftoid).
Whats more is the misreporting on officer Brian Sicknick's death; for a good month after the riot the legacy media were spouting off about how he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. It turned out he passed away from an unrelated stroke hours after the riot miles away! Of course all the retractions were buried in the legacy medias articles.

To top it off with a bit of hypocrisy, the left found an officer related shooting of an unarmed civilian they could get behind: Ashli Babbitt. She was shot unarmed on camera by Micheal Byrd. Micheal Byrd’s justification & proclaiming he was heroic in the trial was enough to make me feel sick…
Mind you I think the capital rioters were indeed idiots. However they were *rioters*. Not insurrectionist.

I've only heard of one major assault charge and that was for the hicks who sprayed bear repellent on officers. Those punks deserve an assault charge for that.
But come on, most of these people... stupid for sure, however wandering around the capital building after just walking in is hardly an insurrection.
There was clearly some violent activity. Pushing on barriers, yelling, throwing some stuff, breaking in a window. There was trespassing & general vandalism… and that's about it! Like how in the hell is this considered one of the darkest days in Americas history? Get outta here with that BS Democrats! I mean seriously Democrats just focus on actual issues you jerks.

Anyway Andrew, I hope your response feature is rectified soon. Blogspot has gotten a bit more glitchy over the years huh? Maybe try clearing your data/cookies for the site…that has helped me in the past when I’ve had issues with sites.


Andrew said...

Hi Kyle,

I agree completely. This whole thing pisses me off. First, that anyone would pretend the US could be brought down by a group of rioters is ridiculous. It so obviously plays into being a pretext for whatever they do in response.

Secondly, this group of rioters was a collection of fools. To pretend to quake in fear before them is stupid and pathetic.

Third, that the Democrats would exploit this while turning a completely blind eye to the real violence and murder done by antifa is sickening. They are fine with hate and violence when it suits them.

Fourth, that they are trying to use this to scare people is disgusting and dangerous. It's political fraud. It's honestly the equivalent of Hilter's exploitation of the Reichstag burning.

This totally shows that everything about the left is dishonest and shameless. They disgust me.

AndrewPrice said...

Oh, now it works. lol

Kyle T. said...

Andrew, comparing the legacy media/DNC’s exploitation of 1/6 to the Reichstag burning power grab is an excellent comparison. The whole idea that these hicks could have actually have brought down our democracy on 1/6 is an obvious lie and is self refuting…
Only a few hours after the riots Mike Pence & turtle man Mitch certified the election and the electoral process continued unhindered. The vandalism was so minimal that all the damage was cleaned up within a matter of hours. Some insurrection… truly a threat to our free & fair elections… NOT!

The truth is that the real threat to democracy is this kind of propaganda attempting to hold up 1/6 artificially & hyperbolically as a way to push partisan crap like the “universal voting rights act”; aka federalization of elections. Using the 1/6 event as a way to scare people into voting for bigger government and more control is absolutely playing with fire. The social alienation will just continue to ramp up because of this crap. I personally know many who have gotten on board with the authoritarian left movement… People who not that long ago were very much against authoritarian Bush era politics (Patriot Act for example). I used to consider my self to be a liberal & I’m still fairly open minded. However I’m not so open minded my brains have fallen out! What I mean is I know so many people that have just completely sold out to this authoritarian crap. To me Bush era politics & Obama era politics look almost identical; now with Covid control politics & Biden pushing the 1/6 insurrection narrative… whats the difference? Its just *another* excuse for a power grab by corrupt politicians. However before it was a foreign war… Now the left are declaring avarage Americans as terrorist! It’s just a far more dangerous game to play and it will potentially lead us down a very dark path.
On a more positive note I also know many who see past the Democrats BS… mind you I’m referring to people who are not dyed in the wool Republicans… In the area I live in there are many Hispanic communities that went republican last election that previously were deep blue areas. Honestly I think its for the better. Moderate Republicans (not RINO’s) seem to have some solid policies.

I’m really hoping November 2022 marks a change for the better via the Mid terms going for more moderate representatives. Republican politicians have a lot of problems that I disagree with… however Democrats have gone off the rails and they are genuinely causing more harm than good. The Left are not “progressive”; they are just a hodgepodge of Identity politics with failed Marxist doctrines & weird crony corporate crap… Just the worst of the worst.

So far this morning I’ve already seen several warped media articles on 1/6 trying to build it up as something more than it actually was. Dont let it ruin your day Andrew, honestly I believe a lot of people are seeing through the BS about 1/6.

Hope to see more from you Andrew. Your articles always give me a good perspective on things.


tryanmax said...

"To pretend to quake in fear before them is stupid and pathetic."

I have a slightly different theory. I think that some prominent Democrats really were afraid, and when they found out that it was silly to feel afraid, they felt foolish, and now they have to make someone pay for making them feel like they ought to.

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