Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Delusional Democrats... Or Liars

There's something I've noticed about corporations and actors. When they get exposed as something bad, their PR people claim the opposite. Get exposed as a low grade moron? Have people do interviews claiming you're the smartest person they know. Leave sh*tty tips? Spread the word how charitable you are. Going to ignore the book you're turning into a film? Send the choir to talk about how all you talk about is being faithful to the book. Wore S&M gear in your last five films? Tell the world you only take "strong women" roles. Does your corporation spew garbage into rivers? Talk about how you cherish the environment. Defrauded millions? Integrity. It's all that matters to you. And so on. Seriously, when someone claims they are something, you can be pretty sure that is the one thing they are not. Enter the Democrats.

The Democrats and their fellow travelers have really elevated this to an art. At times, I actually wonder if they believe the things they say. But then, what they say is such obvious crap they must know it's not true. Here are some recent examples:

Quoth the AP: "For most of his presidency, Joe Biden has ignored or minimized talk about his immediate predecessor, or, as he once called him, 'the former guy.'"

Funny, because I don't think a press conference or interview goes by where Biden or his people don't blame Trump a dozen times, by name. "It's Trump's fault" is a macro that lives on the lips of Democrats, including Biden, and comes out like a tourettes outburst.

How about this? The Democrats aren't getting credit for the infrastructure bill. Why? Quoth Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA): "We were so focused on passing the next thing, we forgot to tell people about it. And that’s a huge mistake."

Funny, because I recall the Dems and the media screaming how transformative this would be for months. For decades now, the Democrats have been about selling their few achievements like they are one step short of reaching the moon. As for passing things? Since when? When Obama could pass anything he wanted, they passed three bills which did nothing good. They use impotent Republican opposition as a shield, teasing their supporters. They don't even know what they would pass if they could. Even now, they are solely focused on theater votes to try to embarrass the Republicans rather than actually passing anything. The most awkward question of late was: "why didn't you codify Roe v. Wade when you had the chance?" Uh...

Or how about this? Did you know the Democrats are too intellectual? Check out this doozy from Florida Democrat Fentrice Driskell on why they can't beat DeSantis. Apparently, Democrats won't "lay the problems of the state at his feet." Quoth: "You don’t have to go into a dissertation. Democrats like to try to explain things. If people ask you why it costs too much on rent, blame it on DeSantis. … We can play that game too."

D.E.L.U.S.I.O.N.A.L. All I ever hear from Democrats is how Republicans are racist or sexist and have caused every evil known to man and opposed every solution. Voters can't have diarrhea without some Democrat blaming it on racist Republicans in some way. And let me tell you, I have NEVER heard a Democrat explain a damn thing. In fact, they can't because their arguments make no sense. They are the party of demonization. Yet, you'll find quotes like this everywhere: "Oh poor us, we always try so hard to be fair, to explain things, to be nice, we need to learn to fight." Good. F*ing. Grief. I would say it is so ludicrous to say that that it seems impossible anyone could believe this... and yet, many of them really seem to believe they're the party of good faith civic discussion and wonky policy. Crazy.

There are other flat out BS thoughts too. I love the idea that the GOP is nuts when it comes to vaccines, but Democrats aren't. The media and Democratic leadership have run with this. Biden even ran for President on it -- stupid Republicans who won't get vaxxed! And now that it's clear the Democrats need to change positions, the media bends the lie: "attitudes on COVID are changing beyond party lines." (real quote). Only, that was never true. There was never a party line. Half the anti-vaxers are on the left, always have been. Most of the ones I know are radical leftists. Did you know, for example, that anti-vaccine behavior was strongest in the black community? And the hippy anti-corporate community? That's as left as you can get. Yet, they don't exist in the Democratic narrative. Ditto on black gun owners... unicorns.

This dovetails with the lie that the GOP is antiscience. Let's see, the idea of stopping a procedure which may or may not take a human life (we really don't know) is anti-science. Opposing the mutilation of kids and the changing of their gender appearance under extreme adult pressure with uncertain effect is anti-science. Opposing draconian fake solutions to a "global" problem that only exists when you lie about the data is anti-science. Yet somehow it's cool to ban research that might show that blacks are different than whites or that women can't do everything men can do (or the reverse) because it might offend. It's fine to oppose safe nuclear energy because it sounds scary or most industry advances because they could be misused. It's fine to ban pesticides which feed people because they sound unnatural. It's fine to refuse solutions like natural gas which solve half a problem because it sounds better to wait for a total solution that doesn't exist or to impose destructive solutions which are more politically popular even though they solve nothing. Allow genetic research? Sure, but not for purposes we don't like. Abortion in all cases, unless you want to choose the sex or orientation of the child. Accept that scientists sometimes need to lie and fake data to support a cause. Sure. All good liberal beliefs, and yet they are the pro-science group?

There are others too. They scream about Trump undermining the election by "not accepting the results" and wail about the GOP hiring teams of lawyers to thwart the will of the people... which is what Al Gore did and every Democrat who lost after him. Remember the "Resistance" to Trump? Not my President. Anyone remember them trying to encourage electors to break their oaths and not vote for Trump in the electoral college? How was that any different than what they are calling treason now? Before they claimed the GOP was nasty to Obama, they were heinous to Bush and Bush and Reagan. All that talk about the Supreme Court ignoring precedent? That's what liberal courts were all about. In fact, the left used to speak of the Constitution as "a living document" that was supposed to bend to the whims of the times just so they could ignore precedent. Suddenly they scream in outrage that the current Supreme Court is overturning their pulled-from-the-asses-of-five-justices precedents?

This dovetails perfectly with the fact the Democrats never accept responsibility for their actions. I used to argue with socialists who claimed "socialism has never been tried." Except it has, over and over, always to the same ending: bankrupt nations and mass murders. The Democrats are the same. Their love-the-criminal-hate-the-cop policies went into effect in the 1960s and crime soared. They tried to blame everything but their policies. Now they do it again and crime does exactly what you expect. Yet, they and the media claim (1) no fair sensationalizing it... it's just some looting and murders, (2) some crimes are down like purse snatching (because women are hiding inside) so we can't really say that "crime" is up, (3) it's the criminals skewing the statistics, (4) it's just Covid (which only happened in woke cities apparently), (5) it's the poor economy (which they also tell us is booming), and (6) it's a nationwide problem so you can't say it's the result of their policies... must just be the times. Except it's only nationwide in the sense of being every woke city nationwide, and only woke cities. When a hundred people lick their own asses and get sick and a thousand others don't and don't get sick, only a fool would claim there's no way to know what went wrong... or a liberal.

That's how the CDC traces the causes of disease. Trace our social problems and you find liberalism is the common denominator. Liberals deny that truth.

Democratic economic policies cause inflation and recession, time and time again. Yet, the left loves to claim that's not true by pointing to some meaningless statistic like income inequality. Conservative policies bring growth and liberals split hairs to deny it's real. All I heard under Reagan was, "yeah, but they're just service jobs," which they weren't. Now Biden isn't even getting those... his "miracle" has been pizza delivery jobs.

Sometimes, you see the truth squirt out. This came from the AP: "President Biden and the Democratic Party have presided over an era of record crime that has been partly responsible large migrations out of progressive-dominated states such as California and New York into redder, Sunbelt states such as Florida and Texas." But the left ignores those moments. Do you know why California shrank? It's not all the assh*les flooding other states, oh no, it's <i>racism</i>. Yup. Trump's census people ignored blacks (I'll talk about that soon).

Liberals lie, or they're delusional. It's the only way they can live with themselves. Their rhetoric says they are the intellectual party that cares about people, supports the working poor, believes in science and freedom and opposes tyranny. Gee that sounds great. But the reality is they are the party of petty tyranny who destroy nonbelievers like a cult attacking heretics, deny science for dogma, bury the poor in inflation, recession and crime, spread hate, and smear their enemies as a matter of course because they long ago ran out of ideas to debate. It's no wonder they flee from their own nests.



ArgentGale said...

No thoughts beyond "Amen," Andrew. That post was a work of art that laid out everything wrong with those psychopaths perfectly.

Anonymous said...

What a great rant. So completely true. And yet I know intelligent people who buy the bullshit. It must be the old meme about “if you repeat a lie often enough….” Lord knows, they get it constantly… But, more to one of your early questions or comments: I often ponder the same thing. Do these people actually believe what they are saying? I’ve come to the conclusion it’s a mixture of both yes and no. I believe the Democrat P.R. People know it is B.S. probably some actors believe their heart is in the right place. Let’s face it, many of them are not the sharpest tool in the shed. Take the “Dixie Chick” or that actress from Tennessee who got her first big role in the original Transformers movie.

Others, like Hillary definitely know what they say is bullshit, but she can phase thing in such a vague way as to not get called on a specific lie. In the end, everything Democrats say about Republicans actuall describes themselves.

Anonymous said...

Jed again….. this gets off the main point of the article, but I was thinking about .democrats trying to codify A right to abortion. If I understand the latest ruling, the thrust was, it was a “made up” right not protected by the Consitution. However, I also got the sense, as such, the issue belonged to the states. My question is, would a federal law be ruled unconstitutional saying it is up to individual states? Even if it is not, it puts the issue potentially on a see saw depending on who controls the Congress and White House. As a hypothetical exercise, it would seem the only real solution, either way, is to amend the Constitution either granting the right (at least in the first trimester, or, conversely, declaring a fetus a “life” and banning all laws to end it.

Kyle T. said...

Great article Andrew. I think the majority of Liberals have been playing mental gymnastics to justify the last 10 years of pure woke decline. There was a time when People had legitimate reasons to vote for Democrats. That time has ended for the foreseeable future.

Sorry for not responding sooner. I tested positive for Covid & I felt like crap this last week. I’ve gotten past the crappy feeling though… I’ve experienced worse illnesses in the past personally. I will admit the headaches were excruciating for about 2 days or so. Plus I had some major muscle aches. But overall not world ending or anything. Just took the Jimmy out of me lol.

Anyway, have you all seen the absurd ways the Biden admin & media are trying to redefine what constitutes an economic recession?! They think they can word play past reality, and just say it isn't so.
Problem is we all have to live with the economic downturn, and no amount of fiddling with words will change that you damn democrat idiots.
I really am fed up, I have had to dip into my savings the last month just to pay for groceries. Combine that with Covid and some jackass drivers out on the roads… man something has got to give. I just feel like I’m getting run through the wringer! I suppose we are all going through similar difficulties.


Anonymous said...

Kyle - sorry to hear that. Hope you are continuing to get better

Anonymous said...

By the way Kyle, I agree. There was a definite place for Democrats in a Democracy. At its purest, capitalism’s weakness is that eventually concentrates wealth in fewer and fewer hands. It works best when there is a competitive environment of smaller businesses. But of course, too much government throttles incentive and limits freedom while encouraging free riders. It is a balancing act. But cable news and politicians find away to whip up their bases by casting each other in the role of villains.


Kyle T. said...

Spot on Jed, I agree completely. It really is a balancing act. Both Big Government & Big Business have nearly identical problems. They bring out the worst in humanity’s corrupt nature.

IMO as far as human corruption is concerned, ultimately I think it wont matter what system humanity puts in place… there will always be corruption. I just think a free market system is much better at displacing humanity’s corrupt tendencies. As long as we can keep monopolies from forming, a free market is not a bad system in comparison to top down socialist systems.

Thanks for wishing me well!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kyle, I hope you're feeling better! I'm sorry to hear you're sick!

The mental gymnastics are stunning. What's creepy too is that I've spoke with liberals who genuinely seem incapable of understanding the obvious contradictions in their thinking and the obvious falsehoods. Seemingly normal people who just don't get it. And when you corner them to the point there is no answer that doesn't admit the contradiction... they just shut down and stare at you like their brains just shut off. It's creepy.

I honestly never thought things like that were possible when I was younger, but as I've gotten older, I've seen enough to realize that a great many humans simply are defective.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, Villains are easy. You see it in films too, where the writing has really gone to crap. Most of the best older films actually had no villains. It was man against nature or man against himself or just some people doing their thing. But as you get closer to the modern era, the idea of a film not having a villain has become unthinkable because villains are the easy way to manipulate audiences. Same in politics.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Daniel.

Thanks Jed. I think a lot of them are so malleable mentally that they genuinely believe the impossible and the contradictory because they trust the liars telling them these lies. The smarter ones (like Hillary) know it's all lies.

AndrewPrice said...

Kyle, That was me above -- the anon comment. I hope you are feeling better.

Kyle T. said...

Thanks for wishing me well Andrew, its been a crazy last few weeks. Heck it's been a crazy last few years lol.


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