Thursday, July 21, 2022

Newsflash: Biden Has Covid... and Maybe Cancer

In this darkest day in our nation's history, even worse than January 6, we must tragically announce that President Biden has Covid. He got it from Trump... er, Putin... old data. Regardless, do not panic. This is transitory and it only affects his richer cells.

A large gathering of 40 million leftists is praying for Mr. Biden, that he die and they can run someone else. Stay tuned for more.

Oh, and Biden was lying about having cancer from sniffing oil. His lie was meant for dramatic effect only and should not be taken internally. Nothing to worry about there. The President never had, does not have and never will have Cancer. //wink wink He doesn't have Monkey Pox either. Hunter does, but he doesn't.


ambisinistral said...

You forgot the part about him not having a functioning brain either.

Anonymous said...

T Jed here. Saw a very entertaining video showing how the national t.v. Media covered Trump’s Covid vs. Biden’s

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