Thursday, October 3, 2013

Health Insurance Exchange Challenge!

I don't know about you, but I am having no luck finding out any information on the basic healthcare exchanges available in my state. The best I have been able to find is an Excel spreadsheet that gives me a list of premiums for each "precious metal" category (platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and catastrophic) The last category, not only is it not a precious metal, but I am not eligible because I am too old...can I say that might be "age-ist"?.

[I will NOT compare this to the Homeland Security Terrorist Threat color chart, I will not compare this to the Homeland Security Terrorist Threat color chart...I will not...]

Anyway, in New York, there is no available information on deductibles, out of pocket expenses, or what each plan may or may not cover. Maybe I am asking too much, but shouldn't this be basic and readily available information? It is a little shocking that it isn't.

Other shocking news is that many people (even those that have long time employer-supplied insurance) do not understand how insurance works. I have had conversations with co-workers who do not understand that the deductible must be paid out-of-pocket before the insurance company will begin to cover medical bill. You do understand that, right? These are intelligent people who have had their insurance supplied by the employer for a very long time. Imagine someone who has never had insurance. It must be really confusing.

But, because we live in enough different regions of the country, by working together we can come up with enough information that we can get a fairly accurate picture of what the exchanges offer and if they will help...anyone.

So here is your challenge if choose to accept it...

Here is the link to Try to find any information you can about the exchanges in your state and share it with the group. Find out what the basic range of premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, if you can and report back. It is your choice whether you create a "log-in". Frankly, I don't suggest it at this point, unless you really want to sign up [no judgment, if you do, btw].

To get the ball rolling, the premiums in New York range from $350 to $900 with no other information readily available without creating a "log-in". Even if I wanted to, the website is so bogged down that it will not allow it.

As an aside, I was talking to a very intelligent medical professional I know this weekend (I have many in my immediate family), and he explained his take on the new insurance mandate. He fully expects that, yes, people will sign up in droves, get their "proof of insurance" cards for tax purposes, and then shortly after just stop paying their premiums...and then the doctors will be stuck with trying to extract payments out of the insurance companies.


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, FYI, here is a link to an article about how the Exchanges are doing. All told, they are doing really poorly at signing people up. Some are signing up a couple hundred, others are around a thousand or two thousand. California is at 4000.


A couple points about the article: First, these numbers are "accounts created" and don't actually mean "sign up." So the numbers are worse than represented in terms of who got insurance. Secondly, forget the ratios the story mentions because nobody hits 8 pages and then leaves. A more realistic number is 2.5 pages. So the ratios are much worse than stated.

Third, a key sign to what is going on is that Obama isn't bragging about how many people got insurance the first day. Fourth, if these are their opening numbers, this is going to get ugly. These numbers don't even come close to covering the uninsurables if extended over a year, much less healthy people.

This is very bad news for Obamacare. :)

AndrewPrice said...

Ok... I went to the Colorado Communist Party site... er, the health thing. I had to give them some personal information to get numbers, so I did.

Apparently, "Mr. Adolph Hitler" who earns $35,000 at my zip code does not get any subsidies... because he's been a bad boy. But if he only earns $24,000 then he gets $92 a month.

They are offering me 10 plans that range from $218 A MONTH (f*ck that) to $258 (f*ck that even more). The deductible is $5,000 on most plans, but one is only $3,000. There are links explaining the plans that don't work. I have no idea what the coverages are or which doctors are in which.

They asked me for feedback and I told them, "Go fuck yourself and die in a fire." Perhaps, I could have phrased that differently, but I did want to be truthful about my feelings.

LL said...

None of this is surprising. And if people hate it now, they're REALLY going to hate it when they have to fork over $5000 plus premiums before they get their "free coverage".

Patriot said...

Bev and LL........That is the funniest/lamest aspect about the fools who sign up for "O'care." They are telling reporters they thought it would be "free" like their "O'phones." First of all, they will not be paying the premiums anyway. If there is a way around a problem, people will find it. Bev's example is perfect. Sign up, get their proof for tax purposes, then just not pay!

Why the gov't thinks people without money will now pay for something they used to get for free is insanity. This is madness!

Of course, any sentient being knows that unless tens of millions of healthy young people without insurance sign up and begin paying into the insurance pool, then the insurance companies will go broke and 1) be bailed out by the gov't; or 2) get everyone on a single payer system...taxpayer funded (the goal all along as we know.)

I just saw a fascinating video of Dana Bash (I think) of CNN, asking Harry Reid (United Morticians Union chief), that the Repubs are willing to fund critical elements of the gov't...NIH in her example.....and if this could "save just one child from cancer" why wouldn't he go along with that. Perfect example of the types of questions Repubs usually get, with the usual tone-deaf response from Reid. About time the Dems start getting these asinine questions from the press and have to show their blatant hypocrisy for all to see.

Patriot said...

BTW.....New avatar......."Leave Us!"

tryanmax said...

I have an admittedly low tolerance for forms, which probably doesn't make me all that unusual. I'm about four pages into the "learn more" bit of and I'm already overwhelmed. Every question leads to more questions--and no answers. "You may qualify for blah, blah, blah... Contact your state agency for more information." Utterly useless.

tryanmax said...

LOLZ! I hit the "Apply Now" button and this is what I saw:

We have a lot of visitors on the site right now.
Please stay on this page.

We're working to make the experience better, and we don’t want you to lose your place in line. We’ll send you to the login page as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience!

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - Ummm, I thinkin' maybe you were a little harsh with the feedback...they are just government paid computer drones with little to no training or security clearance who will be handling our most sensitive personal information. What could possibly go wrong {{{cough, cough..Snowden...DC Shooter...cough, cough}}}

Actually, now the Feds are claiming a major hacking plot is jamming the system, so no one can sign up. No one (she says snarkily) thought in a country with 300+miilion people they might want to plan for heavy traffic? Classic Government preparedness - the Fed site had 4.7 million visitors...and crashed.

NY website crashed almost immediately with 10million hits. Ithey did not expect the traffic because there are only 1.1 million people in the state without insurance and they only expect 300K will actually sign up.

What is wrong with these people? Did they really NOT understand that people would really curious about how much they could save? I mean, considering for the last three years they have been touting Obamacare as the greatest thing to hit America since...well...EVER?? The constant barrage of infomercials/speeches by the President and his cronies about how this was going to change our lives for the better. How it was going to save every man woman and child thousands of dollars a year and make those mean ol' insurance companies (and Republicans) suck it up.

Are they really THAT stupid? Wait, don't answer that...I think I hear the IRS and NSA knocking at my door.

tryanmax said...

The username is case sensitive. Choose a username that is 6-74 characters long and must contain a lowercase or capital letter, a number, or one of these symbols _.@/-

This is an inaccurate description of what is required. It should read:

The username is case sensitive. Choose a username that is 6-74 characters long. It must contain at least one letter (capital or lowercase) and at least one number or one of these symbols _.@/- You may not choose a username that is formatted like an email address. (No use of the '@' symbol followed by the '.' symbol.)

tryanmax said...

Yes, I did some experimenting as soon as I found my two usual usernames were "invalid." They basically want a username that is harder than most passwords.

tryanmax said...


Create a Marketplace account

Important: Your account couldnt be created at this time. The system is unavailable.

tryanmax said...

Now trying the live chat feature: Please be patient while we're helping other people.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'll apologize when they repeal the law refund the money they wasted and then apologize to me.

BevfromNYC said...

Tryanmax! You made it through the maze (or maize). Watch out for the Minataur and that creepy Centaur with the head of Harry Reid and body of an Ass...

BevfromNYC said...

Patriot - - A) Love the new avatar!
B) the stories are getting funny or pathetic. Even the MSM is amazed at the incompetence. For years they have been saying that the 30million people who don't/can't get insurance would be able to sign up on Day 1, yet they prepared across the country to access the various websites.

BevfromNYC said...

Oh, btw, did everyone know that 1 out of 5 Americans do not have access to a computer? How much you want to bet that they are also the same people with insurance and who do not have access to signing up or getting information. Really, who thought up this plan again?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, They'll sign those people up when they send out roving gangs of nerds with tablets... and AR-15s.

As for the 30 million signing up, they actually only expect (are hoping for) seven million this year. As for not having the server capacity... well, they are incompetent.

BevfromNYC said...

OMG! The number to the national call center [1-800-318-2596] translates out to spell 1-800-F#U-CKYO This is NOT a joke. Either they did it on purpose (I highly doubt it) or the phone company did (much more likely!) That is PRICELESS!!!!

Btw, Andrew, I guess they got your message and responded in kind..LOL!

Mountain Man said...

Here is a healthcare cost calculator supplied by Kaiser for various states.

BevfromNYC said...

COMMENT REDO - Oh, btw, did everyone know that 1 out of 5 Americans do not have access to a computer? How much you want to bet that they are also the same people withOUT insurance and who do not have access to signing up or getting information. Really, who thought up this plan again?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Uh.... wow. Well right back at you, Barry.

tryanmax said...

Bev, I'm sure it has something to do with racist Republicans' Republican racism.

TJ said...

I haven't checked out my State's info because 1) I don't feel like giving myself a headache this morning and 2) my family already has a private plan which my boss contributes $250.00 a month toward. My portion is $160.64. Anyway, I got a notice from my insurance company stating that because we got this plan before Obamacare was passed that it is "grandfathered" and as long as we don't make any changes, we are good to go. We also don't get any subsidies since it's a grandfathered plan. My premiums went from $362.00 to $410.00 after Obamacare passed. It will be interesting to see if it goes up any further.

AndrewPrice said...

TJ, That's interest. So even though your plan is grandfathered in and presumably isn't subject to all the new Obamacare requirements, your premiums went up 14%. Nice. Thank you, Obama.

BevfromNYC said...

Mountain Man - that is the same cost calculator that has been up for months and only gives the averages and general national averages. We have passed the time for general info and need specifics - Insurance companies, plans, premiums, deductibles, coverage. I am not sure why all this information is not readily available without having to create a log-in?

Just so you understand how inaccurate the Kaiser information is - they state the average for my income bracket should be $2500 a year in premiums. When the average according to the NY State exchange website shows it to be $7500. That is pretty far off to even be useful.

TJ said...

Yep, that about sums it up. Hopefully we won't ever have to make any changes ;P

AndrewPrice said...

Don't worry TJ, Obama promised that you can keep your plan.

//rolls eyes

AndrewPrice said...

An interesting update...

California lied about the number of hits on the first day. They claimed they got 5 million hits. Today, they admit it was only 645,000. Suddenly, the public doesn't look all that interested, do they?

Moreover, Tuesday's number was only 514,000. I wonder what the number will be in a week?

As an aside, California spent $313-million creating their online enrollment system. How many poor people could that feed I wonder? How many children could that send to school? Interesting.

Writer X said...

Great piece, Bev!

But I have to roll my eyes when I hear doctors who complain (now) about Obamacare. I want to say: where were all of your voices three years ago?? Why weren't you outraged then as Obama paraded your peers around like props?!

tryanmax said...

Breaking news: It's hackers that are slowing down the Obamacare website. Maybe. Probably not. It's probably internet security firms searching for site vulnerabilities so they can sell the government solutions. (Oh, those crazy internet security firms!)

AndrewPrice said...

They should have hired the Boiler Room Elves.

In all seriousness, does anyone think they would have this problem if they had hired a tech firm to do this rather than government flunkies? You don't see blowing up at peak demand moments.

Koshcat said...

$313 million? Wow. This is an example of what irritates me about government. They don't have to worry about recouping their costs. As Reagan said, Government is like a baby.

BevfromNYC said...

Just in case you missed the news, shots were fired outside the Capital building. The shooter has been taken into custody. Capital building is in lockdown.

Tennessee Jed said...

Obamacare is insanity. As Karnac the Magnificent might have said, may the dung from a hundred camels infest their tents for a 1,000 years.

T-Rav said...

Well, I went to the health care website, and now I feel dirty for being in contact with it. Are you happy now, Bev? Are you?

Anyway, Missouri said "screw you" to having its own state "marketplace" (God, I want to throw up using that term here), so I'd have to go through the national database. If I was going to do it at all, that is.

BevfromNYC said...

Hey, 10J, I hear that the Tennessee insurance exchanges are offering free smartphones with unlimited text and data plans if you sign up.

T-Rav said...

Huh. I heard all they were offering was free camel manure.

BevfromNYC said...

T-Rav -No, the "free" camel manure is part of the actual health insurance coverage, however there is co-pay.

Btw, I am sorry you had to get involved. Haven't you taught your kitties to do these kind of assignments yet?

BevfromNYC said...

Writer X - Thanks! In the doctors' defense, they did try. They spoke out against the AMA which actively lobbied FOR Obamacare which is why only 1/4 of US doctors are members. Since doctors can't really strike, I am not sure exactly what more they can do. There is a new trend in private practice toward "concierge" medicine where a patient pays a yearly fee, pays out of pocket and has access a doctor 24/7/365. There is an upfront list fees charged and in most cases the fees are much lower than through insurance.

Anyway, you will begin to see more and more doctors go this route or drop Medicaid and/or Medicare patients.

Koshcat said...

I am not an AMA member and find the organization supporting to many positions that would hurt rather than help me. There were two reasons AMA supported ACA. One, they were promised that there was going to be a permanent fix to the sustainable growth formula used to determine physician reimbursement. It is totally flawed and every year calculates to give physicians a 25% (or more) cut and every year congress passes a bill to temporarily fix it. It got removed after AMA endorsement and finding out it would cost an additional $250 billion to the $1 trillion ACA price tag. Second, everybody, especially Medicare, using a coding system called ICD-9 (soon to come out with ICD-10). Any guesses on who owns and profits from everyone using ICD-9?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! There's a copay on the manure. Arg.

I'm all in favor of the concierge medicine. I think that's the future.

BTW, has anyone seen any information about a waiting period on Obamacare? If it's too short, then it would be a great thing to use when you get sick... and then drop it again.

tryanmax said...

Bev, I am curious to see how this story plays out. I have a feeling it is very different from initial reports. Here's what I've gleaned so far.

- A woman driving a black sedan (Lexus?) rammed a barricade near the White House.
- Following the incident, the vehicle was chased by authorities. Witnesses say at least 20 police cars pursued.
- Authorities boxed the suspect's vehicle in, forcing her to exit.
- Some outlets report the suspect came out shooting, though none run any supporting statements from witnesses or authorities.
- Authorities shot the suspect dead.
- Witnesses report anywhere from 3 to 5 shots fired. Some report shots before the suspect vehicle was halted.
- The WH sergeant-at-arms reported a suspect taken into custody. (?)
- A baby or small child was removed from the suspect's vehicle.
- No weapons were found in the suspect's vehicle. (?)
- No identification was found on or with the suspect.
- The vehicle was leased out-of-state. (CT?)
- Authorities have already ruled out terrorism.
- While the details are unclear, it sounds like the "barricade" struck was a vehicle barricade and not a permanent one.

One wonders whether the incident was a simple mishap followed by a panic and a woman dead. Can we say "War on Women"?

tryanmax said...

Correction, the incident began when the suspect hit a post on the east side of the Treasury Building which, I suppose is right next to the White House, but not exactly what people conjure when they hear "security barrier near the White House." Sorry if I smell sensationalism.

Koshcat said...

She probably had poorly controlled diabetes and couldn't get a doctor to see her. Her child was with her because the government funded day-care was closed. She went into a diabetic near coma, became confused, crashed her car, ran because she doesn't have car insurance because McDonalds will only employ her for 29 hours per week, got confused, stopped by police, still disoriented from the diabetic near coma and the new concussion, ran to a black police officer yelling "Obama!", and shot dead.

Of course all of this is the fault of evil republicans for shutting down the government and opposing Obamacare and all of his ideas to stimulate the economy.

tryanmax said...

I saw video of the child being removed from the car: a 2 - 3 year old black female.

tryanmax said...

CNN has video. The police do show professional restraint in that they don't fire until after the suspect is ramming police cars with her vehicle. The video begins with the suspect already surrounded and doesn't reveal how the incident began.

tryanmax said...

Aha, finally a sensible story is getting reported. It seems the woman drove into a security checkpoint and didn't want to be checked. Now the biggest question is why?

Tennessee Jed said...

Bev - they are offering something like that. Reminds me of the airplane mini-bar bottles of booze that are used to get urban Democrats to sign over their voting rights.

AndrewPrice said...

LOL! Koshcat wins this round!

Koshcat said...

She was obviously a Tea Party Racist Terrorist and the major media will speculate on that even when proven otherwise.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, "she didn't want to be checked" so she pushed her way through... sounds like everyone in DC.

Does anyone know where Maxine Waters is right now? :-P

AndrewPrice said...

Koshcat, Totally. All killers are Tea Party racists until proven otherwise... twice... with 100% accuracy. And even then, they just switch to speculating about how it could have been a Tea Party racist.

AndrewPrice said...

So now they say it was a crazy woman (dental hygienist) and she didn't fire any shots.

Anthony said...

The woman died. Good riddance. At least this particular nutjob didn't take anyone with her.

Anthony said...

I was listening to Mark Levin and he offered the theory that the shutdown is a smokescreen and that guys like Paul Ryan are crafting immigration legislation (without border security measures) designed to please Obama. The immigration reform will be bundled with the legislation that ends the shutdown so that nobody notices.

tryanmax said...

I'm seeing "mental illness" in a lot of headlines, but no supporting information in the stories. The most I could find is that she received a head injury in a fall sometime in the last two years and that she "tended to go against the grain." God help us all if that constitutes mental illness.

I think if it weren't for the media hoping that this was somehow related to the government shutdown, the headlines we'd be seeing would be "Unarmed black mother gunned down by DC cops in front of child." This is only to say that the reporting on this story continues to be lousy.

Am I odd for being fascinated that Al, Jesse, and Touré have not as much as tweeted on the subject?

AndrewPrice said...

Anthony, Drudge started that last week...

It is a dark time for the Genuine Conservatives.
Although the Rubio has been destroyed,
RINO troops have driven the Genuine Conservatives
from the GOP leadership.

Evading the dreaded RINO MSM,
a group of freedom fighters led by Senor Cruz
has established a new secret base
on the remote ice world of Talk Radioland.

The evil lord Boehner/Obama,
obsessed with destroying young
Cruz and the Genuine Conservatives,
has dispatched thousands of secret RINOs
into the far reaches of space
under the distraction of the phony
shutdown the Genuine Conservatives
initially wanted but now claim they didn't....

These are evil times, my friend. ;-P

tryanmax said...

LOL! I can almost hear John Williams.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I have no idea what you're talking about! LOL! ;-)

Critch said...

I tried to get into the ACA website but it kept freezing my computer...

AndrewPrice said...

Critch, That's because they knew you weren't a supporter! ;-)

tryanmax said...

Awesome headline: "Jimmy Kimmel proves that many Americans don’t understand there’s no difference between Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act"

AndrewPrice said...

What's funny is that I have a poll which shows that both support for AND opposition to the program grows when they call it Obamacare instead of the ACA.

Individualist said...

Just A question

When they make you fill out the questionnaire asking all those important medical questions like how many sex partners do you have, what are their names, when do you have sex, do you smoke afterward... I assume that is why it is relevant as well as the myriad other questions on the form that are even more important like what is your political affiliation etc. etc.

Can you write in the margins of each question:

"I refuse to answer this question on advice of m7y attorney on the grounds that I might incriminate myself"

Just wondering.....

BevfromNYC said...

Indi - You are braver than I am. I didn't want to answer any questions. After searching for about an hour, I finally found other info for NY like deductibles, plans, insurance companies, etc. But I would have to sign up for a "log in" to get the premiums matched with plans.

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